Delayed Transfer

Chapter 413


The night came and summer was full on upon them. Nobody noticed it. One moment, the environment was cool and comfortable enough and the heat of the summer was just a hint on the horizon but suddenly that night they noticed that the temperature remained the same as it was during the day.

Milena told Mark that soon the days would be sultry and humid and even when night arrived, the temperature would only lower a little.

“It doesn’t matter since our RV is fully air-conditioned,” Mark told Milena.

“Normally the people would just silently suffer through the summer heat but the circus is now rich. That meant that every carriage should be able to afford a rune that would control the temperature so that meant that every carriage would be air-conditioned as well.” Milena said.

Mark then thought of the fact that he was still mostly relying on the technology that he brought from Earth instead of adapting to magic. He couldn’t fault himself though since his Replication ability was truly overpowered. It allowed him to enjoy the benefits of technology without worrying about fuel or even gadget erosion and degradation since he could just replicate a new one each time.

Even the RVs that they were using were still as brand new as the day he bought them from Earth. The laptops, the projector, the speakers, the cables, they were still brand new since each time Hamil or anyone for that matter noticed that there were some sort of issues with the equipment, Mark immediately replaced them with a new one.

During dinner, Mark told everyone that he would need to go back to his wizardry duties, meaning that during their travel, he would be gone after breakfast and would return around five or six in the evening. Everyone accepted it calmly even the kids since he would just be gone for a few hours and they would hardly notice it since the children would receive tutoring from Rendira during the morning so they wouldn’t notice his presence and after lunch they would play with their toys or watch a movie or an anime.

“Mark, can we go to the lake for a vacation?” Aaron suddenly asked.

“Sure! But it will need to wait for a week or two, is that okay?”

“That’s fine as long as we can bring our friends.”

The reason why he didn’t agree to bring the kids to the Desert Oasis on the twenty-first floor was he wanted to check the safe floor on the forty-first floor and maybe go there for vacation. He hadn’t had the chance to check it out yet but knew that the forty-first floor would be unique since the dungeons that he had conquered before that was in an alien planet setting.

The next day arrived and during breakfast, Rendira joined them and after that, the kids’ tutoring session began. Mark said his goodbyes, went to his bedroom, and went directly to the forty-first floor.

When he arrived on the safe floor, Mark was correct in his assumption that the safe floor would be a unique one.

He arrived in a lake beside a forest. Just like the eleventh floor, the temperature was perfect, cool, and comfortable with a refreshing breeze in the air. The main difference was that the forest and the lake were obviously set on an alien planet.

The forest consisted of trees with foliage of dark colors like blue, purple, red, and even black and all shades of color in between. The trunks of the trees were silver and looked like they were glowing. Based on the shadow of the objects, the time in this safe zone was just like the eleventh floor which was coming into twilight.

The ground in the forest was a combination of blue and purple and the whole forest truly gave a feeling of being an alien planet due to the bizarre coloring and the trees themselves which were unrecognizable. Still, the weird thing was, it also gave the feeling of welcome as if the alien were some friendly being who was inviting him to join him in his home. The glowing silver tree trunks gave the forest a mystical feeling as well but it also provided a feeling of comfort.

The clouds in the sky were purple and the sky itself was pink. It made everything seem surreal as if he were in a happy drug-induced hallucination.

Mark walked towards the lake and he saw the waters there were golden like wine. It was so clear that he could see everything inside the lake and it was filled with alien plants and fishes but all of them were non-threatening. The fishes were just like in the Oasis Paradise on the twenty-first floor, glittering like jewels under the lake. Watching the fishes swim under the lake was like watching the most beautiful aquarium. It calmed and relaxed his mind and he began contemplating different things, some important, some frivolous. The sand at the bottom of the lake was also glowing a little like powdered amethyst.

Mark didn’t notice that he fell asleep on the banks of the alien lake. When he woke up, he didn’t know where he was at first but when he saw the golden shimmering lake, he remembered that he was on the forty-first floor contemplating the beauty of the alien forest, sky, and lake. When he checked the time, he was surprised to see that it was already one in the afternoon. He actually slept for several hours but then again, he felt invigorated.

Mark felt that he had shed all the stress that he had accumulated in his body which, to be honest, was very few. He decided then that he would not dive into the dungeon that day since it was already late and would continue relaxing beside the golden lake. He brought out a lounge chair and his tablet and continued reading one of his favorite web novels which was titled “Demons Beside You” and spent the rest of the day just reading.

After a while, his tablet rang an alarm which he set up earlier and it told him that it was already five in the afternoon. Before he left to go home, Mark contemplated if he would share the location immediately with his family but he decided that he would build a house first. A simple one-story house with three bedrooms. It would be easy for him since he did have a powerful Telekinesis spell and he could replicate all the materials that he would need.

Before building one though, he would complete his dungeon first since he didn’t know what would happen after Mark completed the dungeon.

Mark then returned to the RV and when he exited his bedroom, he saw that the whole circus was already camped for the night.

When the kids saw him, they ran toward him and hugged him then they began babbling about all the things they did when he was away. Even Liriel was beginning to babble as well stuttering several words.

After that, Milena called them for dinner and while they were eating, the kids continued talking about their day like what they learned from their teacher, the episode of the anime they had seen, what toys they played, and more. Mark then provided ice cream for dessert then the twins and Liriel ran outside to play with their friends followed by Norleen.

Mark went outside as well and retrieved Milena’s RV from his inventory, put it beside his, and then he returned to his RV to wait for the children to come home.

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