Delayed Transfer

Chapter 412

The next day everyone in the circus was busy preparing to leave. The circus leaders like Hamil, Lorend, Dozon, and the others went out to Narcone to announce to the people and officials there that the warp gate would be closed in the foreseeable future and would only be open once they had reached a major city which according to their schedule would be after four weeks.

Milena and the others were also busy dismantling the structures they erected near the warp gate that served as stalls and stores. The good thing about the piles of wood that resulted in the dismantling was that the villagers could use it for repairs or even firewood come winter.

Mark and the children just waited inside the RV since they had nothing to do but wait for the circus to be done cleaning up and then Nedertu and Connor would just drive the RV. He did went outside briefly to store all the computers, the servers, and the generator that was used for the three gaming tent cafes.

Regarding Mark’s desire to learn from the mages of Narcone about finding a way back to Earth, he decided to search for the answer in the next city instead because of what happened with that noble and official who teamed up to try to steal the movies from the circus made him not trust the city anymore.

He knew that it was unfair of him to blame the whole city for the actions of a couple of people but sometimes feelings were illogical and unfair.

Mark then visited the Drovan Town’s orphanage one last time and asked Mary if they encountered any issues. He felt relieved when Mary reassured him that they didn’t encounter any problems at all. Before he left, he made sure that the warehouse was filled to the brim and he even made sure to add a lot more things until no one could hardly move inside without bumping into anything.

Around ten in the morning, the circus leaders returned from Narcone and Mark dispelled the warp gate that was standing outside the Drovan Town. Dozon told Mark that a lot of people felt anguished at the announcement that the circus wouldn’t be available for at least four weeks especially the players of the computer game in the gaming café.

After everything was completed, the circus began traveling the road again in high spirits. The circus earned a huge amount of wealth from their stay in Narcone and by extension, Drovan Town.

“We earned a lot of coins! We have to create an account with the wizard merchant guild in Melona so we can store part of our wealth,” Milena said while Nedertu was driving the RV.

Their movement was slow due to the circus movement being slow and Mark had to admit to himself that if he was the one driving, he would bored out of his mind. At least now, Nedertu could switch with Connor, Milena, Lisa, and Norleen.

“Is Melona the next city that we’re going to?” Mark asked.

“Yes but since it’s three weeks away in straight travel, we will probably arrive there in four weeks since we will need to stop on some of the towns and villages in the way for at least a day or two.”

The journey this time had one big difference. Yoda couldn’t be seen by anyone anymore since as per his talk with Hamil, they decided not to include Yoda Roller Coaster as one of the attractions in the circus. A lot of the circus people were disappointed since Yoda was a huge draw and earned the circus a lot of coins but the gaming café was a good replacement since it not only earned a lot, it earned mana stones. Also, the circus leaders admitted that because of Yoda, almost everyone in the circus was beginning to become complacent and according to the warriors in the group, that was a dangerous thing since it would make them weak in the long run and a weak circus wouldn’t survive for very long.

The circus not using Yoda was also a good thing for Mark since now he could use the dragon in battle while he was dungeon driving and would make his dive a lot easier since the dragon was truly overpowered but to be honest, Mark himself was overpowered compared to his dungeon since his dungeon was for level fifty people and below.

Mark planned to complete his dungeon while traveling but he would start diving probably after a couple of days of rest first.

During their first day of travel, the circus stopped early, around five in the afternoon since everyone was exhausted and wanted to rest. It was the same with Mark and his group. Even the children were a bit listless but knew that after a few days' rest, everyone would be back to their lively selves.

The next day arrived and the circus left their campsite early. Nedertu informed him last night that the next village that they would arrive at was a small one which they would reach the day after tomorrow and they would only stay there for a day since it was truly tiny. According to Nedertu, they would only set up a few acts in that village like the play by Linuel’s group, The acrobat brother’s act, the circus zoo, and some of the others. Hamil told them that they wouldn’t set up the theater that would show the movies in any of the villages and towns that they would pass through since they were small and wouldn’t earn them many coins.

During their travel, Hamil, Lorendo, and Dozon joined Mark in his RV to talk.

“Don’t you want to go back to Argent to add the city to your warp gate network? I bet with Yoda, you would be able to reach the city in no time,” Dozon asked Mark.

“That city is a bit complicated for me since Natasha and I had an understanding, which was premature I admit, that after we left, our relationship was terminated. She had a lot of responsibility as a noble and captain of the guards there and being with me wasn’t part of their family’s plan for her and I didn’t want to come between her and her family. Natasha is a dutiful noble lady and it would tear her apart if she had to separate herself from her family and her duty because of me.”

Mark thought that if this was Earth and Natasha had the upbringing of women from Earth, he wouldn’t care about her family’s plan for her but this was a different world and Natasha’s duty as a noble was as heavy as a mountain.

“Are we going to keep showing the Star Wars films in the cities that we would go to? There are other movie franchises you know like the Harry Potter films or the Lord of The Rings films,” Mark asked.

“I know about Harry Potter since I’ve seen some of the movies and they could replace the Star Wars Films once we get tired of them but what is Lord of the Rings?” Lorendo asked.

Mark brought out a laptop and showed the trailers for the Lord of the Rings and he saw that Hamil and the others got excited watching the trailers.

“Those movies are excellent but a lot of our resources are tied up in the Star Wars film franchise and we already have plans to create Star Wars acts and attractions. A lot of our people are also beginning to create Star Wars theme decorations to increase the quality so we’ll probably stick with Star Wars for now and will only switch once we’re truly tired of it,” Hamil said.

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