Delayed Transfer

Chapter 415

The enemies in the dungeon floor levels 46 and 47 were these bizarre void monsters. They were just like the monsters in levels 42 to 45, goblins, kobolds, gnolls, orcs, and trolls but they were made of some sort of shadowy void materials. Nevertheless, Mark didn’t have any problem defeating them almost instantaneously.

It was understandable since Mark was 100 levels above the monsters. If he couldn’t overpower the monsters in his dungeon, he should just bury himself in books and animes and not explore dungeons anymore.

Yoda the void dragon alone was such a fierce and powerful summon that he almost didn’t have to use any other spells. Mark only cast spells to hasten the time he spent diving into the dungeon.

The monsters in the said levels were very powerful though and he knew that compared to the same level in the dungeons of the world they should be more powerful.

The fact that the void goblins, kobolds, gnolls, orcs, and trolls could cast spells should have made his dive difficult but the only thing that he did was watch Yoda kill the monsters as he watched and snipe those far away monsters.

Once he conquered the dungeon floor levels 43 to 47, three more levels and he would be done with his dungeon. He wondered what would happen then. Mark was now level 165 and his unused stats were now 80 points and unused skill points were now 105 points. He didn’t assign the stats and skill points yet since he knew that the massive number would require him to concentrate fully on looking at his system and he would do it at a later time, probably once he completed the whole 50 levels.

Unfortunately, he found out that when he reached level 150, he didn’t receive any new spells, and more than likely, new spells would now only appear every 100 levels. That meant that he would need to wait until he was level 200 before he could find out what the next spells were.

He wasn’t afraid that Mark would need the stats and skill points while dungeon diving since his level, stats, and skills were way over-leveled compared to his dungeon.

Mark decided to rest for a day before tackling the rest of his dungeon. When he joined his family during dinner, the twins haphazardly told him that the circus was attacked by a bunch of wolf monsters but the monsters were easily killed by the people from the circus.

“The wolves were color blue and they shoot magic at us!” Isaac said.

“The elven sisters, Lorendo, and Norunta cast some force field spell to stop the wolves' magic just like when spaceships cast shields to block the lasers of enemy ships!” Aaron added.

“Then some other people like Sunetta, Moreno, and Inez cast their spells against the wolves and the other warriors ran towards the wolves and chopped them all to pieces!” Isaac continued describing the fight that recently occurred.

Liriel added her contribution to the storytelling by providing audio special effects using her mouth and the funny sounds coming out of a cute girl made it much funnier so Mark was laughing during the storytelling.

Milena then told everyone that dinner was ready. While they were eating Mark discussed with the others the reason why the circus was attacked.

“Yoda flying overhead was a huge deterrent. Before the dragon, it was normal for the circus to be attacked by monsters and bandits while we were traveling but when you allowed Yoda to fly overhead the attackers disappeared,” Milena said.

“True but If our people weren’t attacked at all, we’d become weak sooner or later so I think the attacks are a good way for us to receive combat experience,” Nedertu commented.

“That’s the same thing that Hamil had said when I asked him if I could get the dragon back since I need Yoda in my research.”

Mark had never shared with anyone that he had a dungeon. No one needed to know anyway and if anyone wanted to dive into a dungeon, there were a lot of places that they could go to. Even Narcone had three dungeons inside their city.

Mark spent the next day idling about with the children. They played console games and watched the television. During the children’s nap, he spent time reading web novels. When they camped during the night, Mark told everyone that he would need to go to his realm again to do some wizardly research and everyone just nodded.

Early the next day Mark went directly to his dungeon even before the circus left the campsite. He immediately battled the monsters in the dungeon level 48 which had the same enemies that he had found on level 47 with added flying monsters. They were still made out of Void material and they could cast powerful spells but Yoda was like a cat amongst mice. The enemies could cast spells but so did the void dragon. Not only that, Mark helped the dragon by casting powerful single-target spells.

After he killed all of the enemies in the dungeon level 48, Mark proceeded to go to the next level which was the 49th floor of his dungeon. It had the same monsters so in no time at all, he also conquered the floor. When he checked the time, it was only two in the afternoon so he decided then to complete his 50-level dungeon since he couldn’t wait to check what would happen next.

When Mark entered the 50th level of his dungeon, it was a huge round stone plaza that was floating in the void and he could see a huge being made of void sitting on a throne at the far end.

Mark cast his buff spell on himself including the space tower so he could have the maximum defense, then he summoned Yoda the void dragon, and all his other golems. He then identified what the last enemy was and the system told him that it was called a Void Monarch.

The moment he cast Identify, the Void Monarch noticed him. Mark immediately commanded all of his summons to attack the monster and the first thing the monster did was to summon its own minions. By a quick count, the Void Monarch summoned around 40 monsters and they were a combination of the monsters from dungeon level 46 to 49 which were void goblin, void kobold, void gnoll, void troll, and void vampire bats.

Mark commanded Yoda to concentrate on attacking the boss and the plant golems to attack the boss’s minions. He assisted his golems in killing off the minions and every time one of his plant golems died, he would just summon them again. The moment one of the golems was killed. He saw that the Void Monarch wanted to attack him but Yoda was relentless and the Void Dragon was powerful enough that the boss monsters couldn’t get away from the dragon.

His first plan was to kill all of the minions first then all of his summon would concentrate on attacking the boss but the problem was, the moment the minions were less than 10, the boss, even though it was busy with Yoda, would just summon his minions again.

So Mark decided to concentrate on the Void Monarch boss instead of trying to kill off the boss’s minions. He would just let the plant golems stop the minions from reaching him.

Mark concentrated on casting his offensive spells towards the Void Monarch and with his teamwork with Yoda, they finally killed off the Void Monarch after 30 minutes.

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