Delayed Transfer

Chapter 416

The chest that appeared after the destruction of the Void Monarch looked very magnificent and when he opened it, it contained four items, two were mythical orange items and two were rare blue items. When he picked up the blue items first they immediately disappeared and the energy went inside him.

That meant that the two rare items were stats and skill points. The two mythical items were sadly a sword and a shield so Mark let them remain unidentified and stored them in his inventory. He would check them out later since there was an announcement from his system.

“Congratulations on completing the 50-floor beginner dungeon that was assigned to you. The dungeon will disappear but the 11th, 21st, 31st, and 41st-floor safe zone will remain. The boss rooms would also remain but now they will only spawn the boss monsters every seven days. Finally, you will be granted a special coordinate for your warp gate network and that coordinate can be any point in the universe and dimension that you have been to and you can reassign that special coordinate any time you want.”

The first thing that came into Mark’s mind wasn’t the relief that his safe zones wouldn’t disappear or the fact that even though he could not grind for levels and items anymore, he could still farm items from the boss rooms once a week. It was the fact that he could return to Earth and meet his friends again.

The bond that Mark formed with them was tight and it felt like they were family. He thought it would be a while before he could see them again. He thought it would take decades or even hundreds of years and then he would have to be a master of time magic before he could safely return to Earth at a time when everyone was still young and alive.

It hadn’t been even a year and Mark would meet his friends again. He missed them so and teared up a bit at the fact that he could go back to them and invite them to this new world where they could have the grandest adventures. There was this tiny regret though that he couldn’t invite his parents to come to this wonderful new world but there was this small intrusive thought that with magic anything was possible but immediately made sure to put it at the very back of his mind.

Honestly, he wasn’t thinking about necromancy or something like that but maybe time travel? But again he put it back at the back of his mind since he didn’t want to delve into something that could turn into an obsession.

Mark didn’t immediately open a warp gate to go back to Earth since he wanted to invite his friends once the circus was set up in a huge city so he would wait until they arrived at the next large city. He would set up the movie theater tent and the computer gaming tents and Yoda the roller coaster then he would go back to Earth and invite his friends.

With his friend’s help, they could even set up some grander things like a true internet that’s connected to Earth or maybe they could go directly to adventuring inside a dungeon.

Mark couldn’t wait to introduce the twins, Liriel, and his friends from the circus to Sam and the others.

He exited the boss's room and went to his villa on the 11th floor to take a shower. Mark could start building the house that he was planning to build on the alien planet on the 41st floor and also a rest house on the onsen located on the 31st floor since he now knew that the safe zones would not disappear.

After taking a shower, he saw that it was only four in the afternoon so Mark decided to take a nap in the master bedroom in the villa since he needed to rest his mind because it was stressed due to clearing out the two dungeon floors and boss room as well as receiving the huge announcement from the system.

When he woke up from the alarm from his phone, Mark went home to the RV and he saw the children playing with their toys. When the three kids saw him, they all ran to him and hugged him then they babbled about what they had done for that day. At that moment Mark couldn’t deny anymore that he wasn’t treating the kids as his siblings but his sons and daughter. He kept insisting that they should treat him as their older brother and maybe because he was averse to being a father since he was only in his mid-twenties but he loved the kids so and would do anything for them.

Mark knew that the kids would leave him someday. The twins would join a magic academy and more than likely after the academy they would go on their adventure and Liriel would be the same. He would also do the same anyway since he was young. But for now, they were a family and soon his other family from Earth would join them and he couldn’t wait.

After dinner, the kids ran off outside the RV to play and Mark went out to look for Hamil. He found the circus leader in his cart together with his wife Halinda and his two kids, Toby, and Deo.

“Mark, can’t we play the Star Wars Online Game while we’re traveling? I miss my Jedi Knight!” Toby asked.

“I’m sorry Toby but no. We need to set up the servers before we can play it and we couldn’t do that on the road,” Mark answered the teenager.

“You don’t need to worry too much, we’ll reach Melona in three weeks,” Halinda told her eldest son.

Suddenly Deo ran off when he saw the twins and their other friends in the distance. Without saying anything, the kid just ran off to join his friends and his parents just shook their heads.

“Hamil, I need to talk to you,” Mark told the circus leader.

“Do you want to go someplace else?”

“No. Here’s fine. Halinda and Toby can listen if they want. I found the coordinates to my home dimension. I’m actually not from this planet but from another planet entirely and my home planet is geared toward technology instead of magic.”

Mark told Hamil and his family directly since he had learned a long time ago that travelers from other dimensions weren’t that rare on this planet.

“I actually suspected since it’s evident on the things that you had been bringing out,” Hamil said.

“Are you from the Star Wars Universe?!” Toby asked wide-eyed.

“No. Remember some of the video clips of a place where there were cars and modern buildings? That was where I was from and right now we’re big on making games and movies and shows,” Mark laughed while answering the teenager.

“Are you planning on going home?” Hamil asked and Halinda looked at her husband while Toby continued staring at Mark with eyes wide.

“No. The circus is my home now. The reason I’m telling you is I have friends in my home dimension that I consider my family. Can I invite them here in the circus?”

Hamil, Halinda, and Toby smiled when they heard Mark say that the circus was his home.

“Of course, you can let your family stay in the circus as long as they want,” Hamil said.

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