Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 352: Mysterious Sounds

"Speaking of Side Quests, based on the current situation, I estimate that there will be at least five or more Side Quests within this module. To successfully clear this module, we’ll need to complete at least three to four Side Quests. However, the most crucial decision now is whether we choose to cooperate as a team and pursue the same mission or go our separate ways to complete the Side Quests we individually desire," Wan Chongshan pondered, stroking his chin.

Liu Xing contemplated for a moment before responding, "I agree with your idea, Wan Chongshan. I also believe we need to complete at least four Side Quests to smoothly clear this module. However, considering the typical nature of the Cthulhu RPG Game, some Side Quests might restrict the number of players or allocate ’Truth’ points based on a player’s performance within that Side Quest. It’s unlikely that we’ll have the opportunity to complete the same Side Quests together, as it would render the ’Truth’ point system in this module meaningless."

As Liu Xing’s steadfast ally, Ling Ishikawa immediately chimed in, "Exactly, the ’Truth’ point system in this module is clearly designed to encourage us to achieve module clearance individually through different Side Quests. So, I believe that the ’Truth’ points offered by all Side Quests in this module will either be exactly 500 points, enough for all of us to clear it, or they will be more abundant, like 600 or 700 points. However, we still need to consider the worst-case scenario – that the total ’Truth’ points provided by all Side Quests in this module don’t add up to more than 500 points, meaning that all five of us cannot clear the module together."

Ling Ishikawa’s words left everyone momentarily speechless. After all, Ling Ishikawa’s argument was quite sound, and everyone was now pondering the last possibility mentioned.

If the Side Quests in this module couldn’t provide 500 ’Truth’ points, at least one player would undoubtedly face elimination and lose the chance to advance to the Hound of Tindalos area.

People often worry more about inequality than scarcity, and no one wanted to see their other teammates successfully clear the module while they were left facing elimination.

"Well, it might be time to use that item," KP (Keeper) Snow Wind, Li Dian said, taking out a small white card the size of a business card from his pocket. "KP, I’d like to use the Question Card. Could you please tell us how many ’Truth’ points the Side Quests in this module can provide to players?"

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow, surprised that Li Dian had a Question Card.

The Question Card was a special item available in the Shop, priced at 500 points. Its effect allowed players to ask questions to the KP during the Private Room phase. However, the questions couldn’t involve core module data, such as how to clear it or the identity of the module’s boss.

While browsing the Shop, Liu Xing had seen the Question Card but thought it had a poor cost-to-benefit ratio, as it was a one-time use item with severe limitations. So, he had sarcastically remarked, "Only foolish people with too much money would buy such an item."

Liu Xing didn’t expect to encounter one of those "foolish" people so soon.

Seeing the peculiar looks from Liu Xing and the others, Li Dian could only smile wryly and say, "I know you all might think I’m foolish for buying a Question Card, but I want to clarify that I got tricked into it. In the previous modules, one of my teammates faced some difficulties, and I wanted to help, but it came at a cost. To assist that teammate, I had to give up a valuable item worth 500 points as a reward. However, what I didn’t expect was that the item my teammate mentioned would turn out to be a Question Card. If I had known, I wouldn’t have helped him."

At this point, KP Snow Wind spoke up, "Alright, Player Li Dian, your Question Card is now in effect. The answer to your question is that the Side Quests in this module will provide a total of 650 points. As an additional piece of information, some Side Quests will limit the number of players, and players can earn more than 100 ’Truth’ points."

Hearing KP Snow Wind’s response, Liu Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were some restrictions, 650 ’Truth’ points should be enough for all players to successfully clear the module.

"Phew, it seems we were overthinking things," Ling Ishikawa chuckled.

Zhang Jingxu looked at Ling Ishikawa in exasperation, then couldn’t resist teasing, "It was you who made us overthink in the first place. We hadn’t even considered this possibility until you mentioned it. You had me thinking about how to deal with you just now."

Although Zhang Jingxu’s teasing wasn’t entirely serious, Liu Xing understood that if KP Snow Wind had answered with "not enough ’Truth’ points," everyone present, including himself, would have started contemplating alliances and how to eliminate others.

However, even in that scenario, Liu Xing felt confident. After all, Yin En was undoubtedly his most steadfast ally, and the possibility of "Ling Ishikawa" betraying "Watanabe Ryuusei" was extremely low. Zhang Jingxu would probably choose to stand with Liu Xing and Yin En, as their teamwork had been established from the beginning of this module. Besides, they had already completed a module together, which had fostered some mutual trust.

Therefore, no matter how things played out, Liu Xing believed that he had the advantage in terms of both numbers and professions.

However, it seemed unnecessary to engage in such intrigue now, as there should be enough ’Truth’ points.

"Now that we have sufficient ’Truth’ points, and to ensure better cooperation among us and avoid unnecessary disputes, we should establish some rules. What do you all think?" Liu Xing suggested.

Rules were necessary for a fair and orderly gameplay.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and a discussion on rules quickly ensued.

In no time, two rules were established:

First, if a Side Quest limited the number of players who could participate, the first player to discover the Side Quest would have the priority to decide whether to take it. For any remaining spots, if there was a time constraint, the players present would decide who took them; if there was no time constraint, the remaining players would discuss and decide.

Secondly, players should try to plan their accepted Side Quests in a way that keeps their "Truth" points at around 100, avoiding overflowing "Truth" points that could affect other players.

At this point, there were only five minutes left until the end of the Private Room time.

Liu Xing pondered for a moment and asked, "What are your thoughts on Hu Cang? Personally, I think there’s something suspicious about him, and he probably knows something about that Black Flood Dragon."

Zhang Jingxu nodded thoughtfully and replied, "I share the same sentiment. I believe Hu Cang is likely the most important NPC in this module. He should have a Side Quest related to him and possibly other Side Quests as well. So, I think it’s necessary for us to establish a good relationship with him. Besides, unless something unexpected happens, we seem to be stuck in this Panlong Town for now, so we might have to spend some time at Hu Cang’s place."

However, Li Dian, who had interacted with Hu Cang the most, shook his head and said with some frustration, "To be honest, this Hu Cang is quite uncooperative. Regardless of what I ask him, he acts indifferent and as if it’s none of his concern. If it weren’t for his youthful appearance, I’d think he’s a seventy or eighty-year-old man."

"This kind of NPC with such a personality can be quite troublesome. Talking to him might not yield useful information easily, but it’s clear that there’s valuable information to uncover from him," Wan Chongshan said, expressing his frustration.

Liu Xing shrugged and said with a smile, "Well, the task of communicating with Hu Cang is on you guys. My character card and Ling Ishikawa’s character card don’t share a common language with him, so we’re somewhat powerless in this regard."

Upon hearing Liu Xing’s words, Zhang Jingxu decisively said to Li Dian, "Li Dian, since you’ve been communicating with Hu Cang the most, the mission of extracting information from Hu Cang is yours."

Facing Zhang Jingxu’s assignment, Li Dian could only nod helplessly and said, "Alright, I’ll take responsibility for this mission. However, I have one condition: if there’s a suitable Side Quest, I should have priority in choosing it. After all, I’ll be dealing with this taciturn Hu Cang, and I won’t have the time or energy to trigger other Side Quests."

Everyone nodded in agreement as Li Dian’s request seemed quite reasonable.

At this point, Liu Xing suddenly remembered something: the driver and the female guide were still missing.

Furrowing his brows, Liu Xing voiced his concern, "By the way, there’s still one issue we haven’t addressed. Where did the driver and the female guide go? Even though I suspect something might have happened to them, it’s been almost an hour, and we still don’t know their whereabouts."

Wan Chongshan pondered for a moment and replied, "I was sitting at the front of the bus at that time. I saw the driver and the female guide walking towards the front, but as you all know, the heavy rain reduced visibility significantly. Soon, both the driver and the female guide disappeared."

Li Dian nodded in agreement and added, "That’s right. I also paid attention to the movements of the driver and the female guide. Like Wan Chongshan said, they disappeared within a few steps. But unless something unexpected happened, by the time we encounter them again, they might already be deceased."

Just then, KP Snow Wind chimed in with a smile, "Alright, the Private Room time has ended. Players, please return to your role-playing state."

Liu Xing and his companions exchanged glances and then simultaneously began eating their meals.

After a while, Hu Cang came down with several flashlights, spoke a few words, and then distributed the flashlights to Liu Xing and his group. Afterwards, Hu Cang returned to his room.

"Hu Cang said we should carry flashlights to make it easier for us to navigate at night, especially since the third floor, where we’ll be staying tonight, doesn’t have electric lights. There’s only one restroom on the far left. Hu Cang has gone back to his room to rest," Zhang Jingxu translated.

Ling Ishikawa raised an eyebrow, somewhat surprised, and commented, "Hu Cang is quite trusting, isn’t he? Is he not afraid we might cause trouble?"

Liu Xing looked at Ling Ishikawa with a helpless expression and said, "Hu Cang is placing his trust in us. Why do you twist it into him being a fool? Be careful with your thoughts, Ling Ishikawa."

After finishing their meals, Liu Xing’s group went straight to the third floor.

However, Liu Xing couldn’t help but notice that the flashlights Hu Cang provided were quite old-fashioned, requiring two size AA batteries to operate. In Liu Xing’s memory, he had used such flashlights as a child, but by middle school, they had become mostly obsolete.

The third floor had three rooms in total. The largest one faced the street and had a clear view of the bus in the rain.

The rain had lessened somewhat by now, and Liu Xing and his group could see inside the bus. However, it was still empty.

"Mr. Zhang Jingxu, please inform Li Dian and Wan Chongshan about room assignments. Just let them know that as long as I and Ling Ishikawa are together in the same room, it’s fine," Liu Xing instructed Zhang Jingxu.

Zhang Jingxu nodded and went to discuss how to allocate the rooms with Li Dian and Wan Chongshan.

Soon, the room assignment results were announced. Li Dian and Wan Chongshan would share the largest room, mainly to observe the bus’s situation due to their "concern" about the driver and the female guide. Liu Xing and Ling Ishikawa, due to "language barriers," would stay in the second-largest room. Zhang Jingxu, who was single, got the smallest room.

Upon entering their room, Liu Xing noticed it was sparsely furnished, containing only a bed, a cabinet, and a wooden table. However, it was clean and well-organized, so Liu Xing was satisfied with the accommodation for the next few days.

Liu Xing approached the window and realized that it overlooked the Panlong River. More importantly, there was a faint, massive serpentine figure in the river.

Without a doubt, that had to be the Black Flood Dragon. However, it seemed lifeless at the moment, not moving at all in the Panlong River.

Suddenly, Liu Xing heard a peculiar sound—like someone wearing high heels walking on concrete. It was distinct, with each tap of the heel clearly audible.

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