Dice In The Darkness: Cthulhu Calls

Chapter 353: Reality and the Game

Liu Xing furrowed his brows as the strange sound triggered some unpleasant memories. His household registration was in the County Town of his hometown. Since there was a nationally renowned high school in County Town, Liu Xing had returned there to attend high school. He lived alone in a seven-story building facing the street.

Liu Xing resided on the fifth floor, and due to its location by the street, he would hear various sounds every night before going to sleep. However, what puzzled him the most was a particular occurrence around ten-thirty every night: a "clacking" sound resembling high heels tapping on the pavement.

At first, Liu Xing didn’t pay much attention to it, but he soon noticed something odd. The duration of this sound was unusually long, persisting for two or three minutes each time. This was far from normal since, at a regular walking pace, such a sound should disappear within twenty seconds at most.

Perplexed, Liu Xing began to listen attentively from the second day onwards. He realized that the strange sound’s onset and disappearance were abrupt, with no warning signs or changes in volume. More importantly, Liu Xing believed his ability to locate sounds was decent, and he was sure this peculiar sound consistently originated from the same spot.

At this point, Liu Xing started to doubt whether the strange noise was actually the sound of high heels. Despite his efforts, he couldn’t think of anything else that matched this distinctive sound. However, the fact that it appeared to be stationary, abruptly starting and stopping, made Liu Xing feel a chill down his spine, associating it with something supernatural.

Seeing is believing.

Though Liu Xing was indeed somewhat afraid and anxious, when the strange sound resurfaced, he mustered the courage to walk up to the window. He peered toward the presumed source of the sound, but all he saw was a decorative tree, nothing else.

People continued bustling along the street, seemingly oblivious to the strange noise. They looked at their phones or chatted with friends as they passed by the tree.

From then on, Liu Xing no longer paid attention to where the strange sound came from or tried to investigate what or who could produce such an eerie sound. Fearful and worried about the possibility of encountering something indescribable, Liu Xing backed down.

After graduating from high school, Liu Xing returned to Rongcheng for college and only visited his hometown during the Lunar New Year or Qingming Festival. He rarely stayed in the old house in County Town. Occasionally, during those nights, he didn’t hear the strange sound anymore (as the author described it, just like in the story, Liu Xing frequently heard the strange sound during his high school years, and despite trying to find its source, he came up empty-handed. He even asked his fellow students in the same building, but they claimed they had never heard such a sound).

Recalling this long-buried memory, Liu Xing’s expression changed. Could he have truly encountered a supernatural event back then?

As Liu Xing was lost in his thoughts, Ling Ishikawa patted his shoulder and said, "Leader, there’s something odd about this sound. It seems like the noise of high heels on a hard surface. And if I recall correctly, the female tour guide was wearing high heels."

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow, just as Ling Ishikawa had mentioned. Liu Xing also remembered that the female tour guide was indeed wearing high heels.

Could it be that the female tour guide had returned?

Liu Xing immediately dismissed this idea because the strange sound was even clearer than the rain and seemed highly abnormal. Moreover, as far as Liu Xing could remember, there was only muddy ground between the tour bus and Hu Cang’s house, without any genuinely hard surfaces.

Liu Xing shook his head and told Ling Ishikawa, "No, it can’t be the female tour guide coming to find us. This sound is just too obvious, and it seems to be coming from the same spot rhythmically. So, it’s unlikely that the tour guide is just pacing in one place. Plus, why wouldn’t she speak?"

After Liu Xing’s reminder, Ling Ishikawa realized the same and furrowed his brow, saying, "You’re right. But should we call Zhang Jingxu to join us in investigating the source of this sound?"

Clearly, investigating the source of the sound would involve a sanity points check, and it might also trigger a side quest. Thus, Liu Xing hesitated about whether or not to investigate.

Regarding sanity points checks, Liu Xing wasn’t particularly worried, as his character card had seen plenty of action and experiences. Unless he encountered some mythical creature he had never seen before, there shouldn’t be a sanity points check. However, Liu Xing had to consider Ling Ishikawa’s sanity points since he was just an ordinary person without the immunity to sanity points checks that Liu Xing possessed.

So, Liu Xing decided to ask for Ling Ishikawa’s opinion. "I don’t mind, but Ling Ishikawa, are you sure you want to investigate the source of this strange sound? I suspect it might involve some kind of mythical creature, and you shouldn’t forget what happened to Miyako Goudong."

Ling Ishikawa furrowed his brow, clearly understanding Liu Xing’s point.

Before Ling Ishikawa could respond, Zhang Jingxu entered the room and said, "Have you all heard that strange sound? We should gather with Li Dian and Wan Chongshan now."

Liu Xing thought for a moment and nodded, "Yes, it’s better for everyone to be together at the moment to avoid any accidents."

Therefore, Liu Xing, Ling Ishikawa, and Zhang Jingxu went to Li Dian and Wan Chongshan’s room. Li Dian and Wan Chongshan didn’t seem surprised by their arrival.

Li Dian pointed outside the window and said something to Zhang Jingxu, which Liu Xing didn’t need translation for, understanding that the strange sound was coming from outside the window, as it was quite clear at this point.

"Li Dian said the strange sound appeared suddenly without warning, startling both of them. Moreover, the strange sound continues to occur once per second until now," Zhang Jingxu translated.

Liu Xing then noticed that Wan Chongshan had a stopwatch function running on his phone, explaining how Li Dian could provide such precise information.

However, this wasn’t good news either, as it implied that the strange sound couldn’t be man-made.

After considering the situation, Liu Xing decided to take a closer look. "Staying here won’t yield results. However, to avoid any accidents, I’ll go up and investigate the situation first. If anything unusual happens to me, make sure to pull me back."

Zhang Jingxu frowned but nodded, "Liu Xing, is this not too risky? However, since you’re suggesting it, I assume you’re prepared?"

Liu Xing nodded and smiled, "It’s not so much preparation as speculation. Besides, I’ve always been quite fearless. Even if this strange sound is produced by some mythical creature, I won’t run away like Miyako Goudong did."

Zhang Jingxu understood Liu Xing’s statement very clearly: "I’m not afraid of sanity points checks, so let me go first."

He sighed and said, "Alright, if that’s the case, we’ll leave it to you, Ryuusei. Please inform us if anything happens."

With that said, Zhang Jingxu translated their conversation to Li Dian and Wan Chongshan.

Li Dian and Wan Chongshan both looked at Liu Xing with surprise, while Liu Xing walked up to the window without hesitation.

When Liu Xing reached the window, he noticed that the strange sound was coming from below.

Before he could look down, he noticed that someone was sitting in the driver’s seat of the tour bus, and that person was turning to look at him!

Liu Xing instinctively looked closer and realized that the person was the driver, but what was more unsettling was that the driver’s eyes had disappeared, leaving empty sockets!

However, for Liu Xing, this scene didn’t elicit much of a reaction. After all, he had seen countless grotesque and indescribable mythical creatures, and this low-grade horror movie-level "special effect" was hardly worth mentioning.

As for "Watanabe Ryuusei," he felt even less pressure, as the Ritual Ceremony of the Worshipers of the Yellow Sect had featured far more terrifying and eerie sights than the driver’s appearance.

Therefore, KP Snow Wind didn’t bother with a sanity points check this time.

However, Liu Xing noticed that he seemed to have entered a scripted sequence again. He couldn’t move his neck, and his vision was fixed on the driver’s face.

After ten seconds of staring at each other, the driver silently mouthed, "Get on the bus."

At this point, Liu Xing finally regained control of his body.

Furrowing his brow, Liu Xing said to the others behind him, "Don’t come over yet; both the driver and the tour guide are suspicious!"

Indeed, since the driver was in the bus, the strange sound coming from below must have been the tour guide.

Liu Xing took a deep breath and then looked down, spotting the tour guide’s face.

Yes, it was her face. At this moment, the tour guide was standing on the wall of the building at a ninety-degree angle to the ground, wearing a eerie smile.

What’s more, Liu Xing noticed that the tour guide had only one leg left and was continuously hopping. When the high heel of her last remaining leg touched the wall, it produced the strange sound.

Clack, clack, clack!

Seeing this bizarre scene, Liu Xing couldn’t help but take two steps back.

"What’s wrong, Ryuusei?" Zhang Jingxu asked nervously as he saw Liu Xing suddenly step back.

Liu Xing shook his head and turned to say, "It’s nothing; I was just startled for a moment. But now, please be mentally prepared, and I’ll explain the situation with the driver and the tour guide."

Ling Ishikawa and the others exchanged puzzled looks but nodded one after another, indicating they were mentally prepared.

Liu Xing then proceeded to explain the situation with the driver and the tour guide, including the silent "Get on the bus."

The group was in shock.

"What? How could the driver and tour guide turn into such horrifying figures? Ryuusei, are you sure you didn’t hallucinate?" Zhang Jingxu translated Wan Chongshan’s words.

Liu Xing nodded seriously, "I didn’t hallucinate. Everything I said is true. If you don’t believe me, you can go and see for yourselves now. However, be prepared for the consequences."

Ling Ishikawa and the others naturally didn’t want to go and verify it in person. They trusted Liu Xing and saw no reason for him to lie. Besides, seeing it would likely cost them sanity points, and in their current situation, they couldn’t gain any Cthulhu Mythos knowledge points.

So, this was an unappealing task that no one wanted to undertake.

As for getting on the bus, that was out of the question.

At this point, KP Snow Wind chuckled and said, "It seems that none of you want to get on the bus, so now each player will automatically receive a second Side Quest: discover why the driver and tour guide have transformed into this state. Completing this Side Quest will earn you 200 points and 10 ’Truth’ points."

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow, surprised that even this turned out to be a Side Quest, although the rewards seemed a bit meager.

But a small gain is still a gain.

At this moment, the strange sound outside the window disappeared, and then they heard the sound of the bus starting.

Everyone looked at Liu Xing, silently asking for his opinion. Liu Xing understood their intent and walked up to the window.

There, he witnessed the bus plunging into the Panlong River without hesitation.

Liu Xing relayed this information to the others.

"Alright, let’s go to sleep for now. We can discuss the driver and tour guide tomorrow," Zhang Jingxu said in both languages.

Liu Xing nodded. It was indeed not the time to discuss the driver and tour guide now.

So, Liu Xing and Ling Ishikawa returned to their room.

Although Liu Xing hadn’t undergone a sanity points check this time, he had undoubtedly lost some sanity points. The eerie events he had experienced back then were remarkably similar to the current module’s storyline. Fortunately, he hadn’t looked down, or he might have ended up in a mental hospital by now.

Liu Xing sighed and prepared to sleep.

However, at that moment, KP Snow Wind spoke up, "Before going to sleep, each player, please roll for luck to determine whether you will encounter an unexpected event tonight."

Liu Xing rolled: 76/70. Failure.

Liu Xing raised an eyebrow; it seemed that he wouldn’t get a good night’s sleep tonight.

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