Dominatrix System

Chapter 57

Kitty thinks she can talk without me knowing. That was not good for her training. No, I need to train her properly. I had delayed with all the paperwork and the starting of the business. The thing is though all training failures fall on me no one else. Her mistakes were my own and that pissed me off. I had trained her once and I knew that wasn't enough. I had to make time though to further my other plans. I had been pampering her in my off time, I had enjoyed that. The Carrot without the Stick though will only lead to trouble and it had been brewing while I wasn't looking.

She seemed scared as I glowered at her. She knew something was going to come but I also had things going on and couldn't even with all my frustration. I will have to speed up the one part of my plan then thoroughly take time to train her for about a week or so. This would be without a break as it seems she needs the mistress's personal attention. I kneeled near her while she was in the cage and smiled menacingly.

"Kitty, You have landed yourself in a little bit of trouble. I have been busy but do not worry. I will be less busy soon. I will have some time soon to place special attention on you for an extended period of time, Just for you." My smile was not warm and her cute face started to pale when she realized that I was not kidding in any way.

"Mistress, please-!" She then realized something as she spoke to me. Her face was a great interpretation of a ghost as my smile turned to a frown and I looked at her.

"Well, I will address this latter kitty but I have been way to lenient on you." I left the room to pick up a ring gag and brought it back. I opened the cage and secured it on her. "You are lucky little kitty I do not have time at the moment for you. I will address this later."

I got up after locking her back in and left. After a week of investigating and gathering intelligence, I had set up a night of a different type of fun. Tonight was a night of bloodshed. I originally came up to the apartment room to gather and equip myself. I fully equipped myself and made sure nothing was loose. The night was falling and I needed to be ready. This wasn't the first time I was doing this type of night. It was though the first time I planned to take over so much with so little. I needed to use Carl as well to make sure many knew who was the new leader in town.

Cassandra had found the hideouts with the Necromancer's help. They wanted a larger network and to take over the mass burial site. The graveyard was on another part of the east side. This though would give us a steady income of protection money. The mass burial site was where anyone without paying was, well buried. The area around it was a slum hot spot with many gangs bordering it. This also made work so the area mostly consisted of laborers working for coppers a day digging. The number of bodies in this area was weird but that wasn't the point of taking it over. The Necromancers promised Skeleton labors or zombie laborers. If I purchased a mine nearby I would work with them to make easy money. This though would require a much larger workforce.

I was also surprised no one using this style and expect I am missing something on the reason why no one else does this. I put it to the back of my mind and moved. I left and Cassandra looked at me.

"Mistress, The stage is set for tonight. I will be your boss and we will take a large portion of the Eastside. The rest will be up to me for the foreseeable future." I nodded and left with her and Carl who started to open up more since his punishment. He still looked a little haunted by the experience but he sure wasn't going to piss me off again. The Light punishment haunted him, he didn't want the severe punishment.

The Streets were busy with the dusk sky as we moved to our first objective with cloaks hiding our features. Our movement was swift but not attention-drawing. On the side of the city, our apartment was the west side. I would have preferred the south side but it did not matter. We entered into the territory of rival gangs not even stopping. Our territory was deep on the east side bordering the docks.

We finally reached our destination. It was a small tavern with some locals in it. We entered slamming the door behind us. With the resounding echo of the door slamming everyone turned to us. I leaned against the door checking the corners. I sensed out with my energy not noticing any higher-ranked beings.

"Everyone listen up!" Cassandra started off yelling into the group tavern, "This is now part of the Bloody Candies," A stir went through the crowd, and people were getting angry, "It does not matter what you think our gang is taking over. Anyone who objects may stand up to attack us and we will kill you." She finished but some were already were running through to attack us. This was the first step.

I just pulled out my bladed whip and sent it towards my first victims. I leashed him and I retracted it slitting their throat and the first blood of the night spilled. My smile under my cloak was vicious as others neared Cassandra. She just stood still as a fist neared her face. Carl just sent his claws into the person's stomach and rent through. The guts spilled onto the ground with a grotesque spell. The person dropped to the ground trying to gather them. The others still attacked mindlessly as individuals ignoring their surroundings.

In the end, six attackers ended up on the floor while we remained still. This scared the rest into submission. We then entered deeper into the tavern to find the leader. He was a big man with bulging muscles. This man though was not an idiot.

"Ma'am I care not I will bow my head to you. Your strength proceeds ours I am Gale and I will submit with no fighting. Please take care of us in the future." He spoke quickly but clearly. Cassandra nodded her head taking off the hood showing her face.

"This is who you will listen to in the future, I will find you soon and we will discuss some things. Gather your men and make them listen, That is all." Cassandra finished and we all exited with the remaining crowd making room. Cassandra's hood was back up and we went down the street. Neither fast nor slow but with even movement. We were ahead of schedule so far since we err' ed on the side of caution.

The next gang hideout was a brothel with a female leader. I felt the mana fluctuations as we entered and I was ready for combat instantly. The sounds of bodies meeting in pleasure were what we heard as we entered. This establishment was much more used then our own. The receptionist was not an idiot as the blood on our clothes sent her calling for the leader. What came out was a Mouse-kin woman with sharp eyes. I felt strong mana waves off of her and I was ready for an attack. This was one of the gangs we needed to take over but were ready for a large fallout.

"Ma'am This Brothel is now part of the Bloody Candies, Submit or die," Cassandra commanded and the Mouse-kins eyes narrowed as she looked at us. Her eyes fell upon me and the eyes widened. She thought about it and a minute rolled by.

"Fine I will submit, I am not scared of you but your back up." She said through gritted teeth. This woman wasn't happy with submitting. I sent a mana message to her quickly after.

"You will not regret it Mouse-kin we will talk later." I simply sent her and the hate receded a little as she looked towards me.

"Good now tell your subordinates about this and we will talk at a later time. The night is still young." With that, we left the brothel with the first place that blood did not soak the floors.

The Next couple of Gangs did not submit easily as we made our way through the territories bordering the Docks. The rooms in various hideouts and businesses were coated in blood. We moved with practiced movements through the night arriving at a guard shack. This was the 'Gang' that would provide the most trouble. The Guards here were all corrupt and forced businesses to pay protection. That was what a government was for.

We entered into the Guard shack and Cassandra was again the one who spoke. I felt out with my mana and my eyes narrowed. All the guards had various degrees of Mana on them. I was ready for the battle that I knew would happen.

"This is now the Bloody Candies territory and you will Cease all acts upon it," Cassandra Commanded changing slightly for the first time tonight. The blood on our cloaks showed we had been on a slaughter. This did not scare the corrupted guards. All of them got up in unison with practiced movements and My whip struck the closest as he stood up. The tip of my whip slit his throat and his hands moved to a cloth to rip some off and cover it. He placed pressure and dropped to the floor trying to survive as tears entered his eyes.

The other guards were more careful and were not correctly equipped. Their types of mana though moved through their bodies. Some entered into blades as they moved together to gang on us. Carl Moved forward to meet them. He used his type of Mana extending it into his claws. The Leather the first Guard had become paper as his claws took a chunk of flesh with it. The man moved though to decrease the damage and stayed in the fight for survival. About ten guards left and I tossed a dagger after my leather whip catching a guard off guard as he dodged my whip to end up with a dagger in the throat. I loved attacking the jugular but guards around seemed to wise up to my movements.

Carl was attacking taking the most attention as I covered his sides. Cassandra stood by the door with a cold look on her face. The Large dining area the fight broke out in was now covered in blood as we fought. My whips would come out punishing those who were slightly slow or showed an opening. Two guards got around Carl's hulking form and attacked. Out of nowhere for them, Two tigers pounced on them taking large chunks of the body with them. Two more entered into the void of death as my cuties finished with them and moved back looking for an opportunity. The other guards were supremely surprised at the new additions and fear was evident. My Bladed whip lashed out cutting out the eye of one of the surprised ones. The fight degraded as Carl would open the guards for my Tigers to strike. Death was fierce and we finished the last of the guards.

The Guards room had blood covering the floor with their bodies left carelessly. I took out a knife and changed the wounds that I caused to look different. After the 'Cleaning' The scene we left and moved on. The schedule was now barely on time along with my new respect to Guards.

The night was a bloody one indeed and the night is not even half over.

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