Dominatrix System

Chapter 58

The Night rolled on our movements picking up and we avoided more people. The blood on our clothes made us stand out. We moved in the alleyways now staying away from sight. The next destination we were at the last border gang of the docks area. This was the one I was questioning tonight. The leader was an ex-adventurer no one knows his rank though he only liked to brag that he was once an adventurer.

The Gang he controlled was so small that it wasn't worth getting in a fight over. This though was a strategic location to us now cutting off all other gang's access to the docks. After this gang, we would move into the next phase of taking over the docks. The blitz maneuver had cut most ties out since we were making a power play. By the end of the night though we were expecting more resistance or some power move by another shaker in the gangs.

What we also have taken over tonight needed consolidation after tonight with rats needed to be cleaned up. Every time an organization takes over with force you get a lot of dumbasses that want to pay homage to what was. What they were before was a losing proposition that barely kept crumbs in their mouth. I almost spat in disgust at these dumbfucks. Rats will end up in the sewers or under a dock.

I paused in thought and had remembered I had a better place for them. The Necromancers wanted those bodies. I wasn't sure what they could do with them but that did not matter at this point.

We were finally reaching our destination taking a bit more time then we thought. The moon was starting to fly high in the sky timing us. By the Time it set I wanted a large territory covering almost a third of the east side and the entirety of the Docks.

We walked up to a small nondescript house and Cassandra knocked in a pattern. The door opened and the eyes couldn't see us with the shadow of the building in the dark. The man stepped out to be greeted with my knife into his throat. I made a move entering into the gang hideout with Carl and Cassandra behind me. We moved quickly and found the trap door in the floor the informant told us about. Our bloodstained clothes gave us away when we entered to find a crowded in a large space.

This was the only place this gang controlled. The underground fighting arena of the Eastside. This was a great hiding spot for it with an invite-only to enter. This still made it vulnerable to us. A guard by the hatch reacted the fastest and Carl greeted him with claws to his throat.

The Fighters notice an odd reaction from the crowd leaving their bloodlust from beating each other senseless or to death. They looked up in time to see Cassandra.

"This Gang is now in the Territory of the Bloody Candies. Surrender or die!" She shouted out. What came next was pandemonium. One person started to run but Carl's claws swiped his head clean off. A knife entered into another as more people started to run from us. The place had no other exit though and a crowd eventually packed away from us leaving space for the 'guards' to attack. This turned into a quick bout with Carl killing six or seven barely twenty-year-olds. Finally, after blood started to puddle on the floors slowly making its way to the center of the Large space a man showed up.

I felt the mana radiate off of him. He was a large red-skinned man with scars all over. This man screamed veteran to me and I was starting to bounce on my heels. The smile under my cloak hidden from sight was supremely happy. After a night of mindless slaughter a challenge. It was terrible for my plans. I was itching for a fight though after the massacres tonight.

"Little Toy!" The man yelled out and the crowd stopped it sobbing, "You come in here with two fighters and say you own MY PLACE!" His words echoed in the space backed by mana fluctuations. I sent a message to Cassandra and she understood immediately what I intended.

"Well, Bet it then!" She yelled out, "This is our territory but you have the right to fight for it!" She continued still cutting him off. "You say this is your place then Fine! One of my fighters versus you! You win you take over our gang, We win you become our subordinate!" She put the terms up and shock showed on his face only to cover it up quickly. He looked annoyed.

This was the best for both sides. He could keep his pride and not fight two strong opponents but he staked it all on something we could turn our backs too if we lost. He would gain an unknown organization if he won. The stakes were worthless. The only thing that mattered is we said we would one versus one without trying to kill the other in the end. Again this was arbitrary as his loyalty would always be questioned too even if he did submit.

He thought it over for mere seconds though probably not coming up with half the problems I would have noticed in these 'Gambling Terms' I smiled ready to fight. I wanted Carl to keep his distance and watch the Crowd so no one left. This didn't need to be known until we were in the docks area. The news was already spreading around the city that a new player was on the East side of the city.

The Red skinned man agreed finally, "Fine little toy I will Fight your fighter. Last man standing wins Ready your weapons we will do a cage match in the arena here!" The man pulled a shield that I hadn't noticed due to it being small and round. The Sword was long roughly four feet with a single edge. It was blunt on both sides like a triangle. This was a sword meant to fight other sword fighters. I heard Carl growl but I stepped forward stopping him. My blood was pumping ready for a good fight.

Neither side no longer talked and we entered where the bloodstains from the previous fighters were. The cage closed after we both entered and his mana roared as he let out a shout. This spiked his mana increasing the intensity. I circulated my Energy and pulled out my whips to his surprise. There was no gong or bell to ring as he charged at me shield up. My bladed whip joined my leather one. I used Energy to increase the speed and heard the cries of the air as it lunged toward the red-skinned man.

His shield prioritized the bladed whip and I took first blood with a lash hitting his upper arm. I no longer could stand in the spot as he was upon me. The cage was small and the man towered over me. My whip now recovered went towards the top of the cage wrapping slightly then abandoned as I slid away along the floor.

His sword lunged towards me and I jumped fingers hooking onto the cage. The shield covered my vision and I yelped as it smashed my face sending me off the cage topping onto the floor. The recovery was swift as I rolled back onto my feet as his odd sword smashed the place my head had been. I spat blood at his face towards his eye and his head moved to dodge. My bladed whip was sent towards his legs hoping to cut an Achilles heel. He made a miniature jump dodging my whip as I sent a knife towards him launched by my energy. It cut into a bicep unfortunately missing the artery.

The shield was once again in my face as his wide steps brought him there. I lowered my body making him miss. I then laid flat onto the ground where the weird sword barely missed me again. This time though I latched onto his arm while he was recovering his shield arm. My body wrapped around his arm but his decision making was swift as I let go dropping back to the ground as the arm smashed quickly into the cage.

His roar sounded again as I backpedaled away from him grabbing my leather whip in the chaos. My whip was swift and it lashed his sword arm again around the same spot. The red-skinned man did not even flinch and his mana soared. I felt something akin to dread as he stood there in a defensive stance for a second before his mana filled charge unleashed. His speed backed with whatever type of mana he used to hit me square in the gut and the sword was coming in behind his charge. Instinct took over and I spat out the blood from the fresh injury into his face without a second thought.

The Blood hit his eye blinding him. The sword was still on target up until my hand touched the ground. My Energy spiked pushing me out of the way as he cut my arm with the weird sword. The Man never even tried to get his vision back blinking rapidly while sending his shield arm directly into my stomach again.

More blood was coughed up as he had hit my stomach three times and some serious damage had to have been done. I felt it and I was having trouble breathing. The man charged at me again and I sent two knives at him. One with energy the other with my strength. The man used a shield to block the energy one but the other went past his defenses and into his mouth.

I couldn't believe it as it drove into the back of his throat and a weird snarl or roar came out the red-skinned man. His charge continued and I dove out of the way. A sword tried to follow me as he stumbled and fell to the floor. He got up recovering but and his vision was back with blood lust. This was a walking dead man. I was scared and my instincts cried out to run but I couldn't. My leather whip was dropped somewhere my balded whip was still in my hand and I think I had about two knives left.

I didn't have time to think anymore and decided to focus on dodging out the man's death throes. His shield feinted me juking me out with a mana fueled sword that missed due to my flexibility. The control on my body saved me again when that shield slammed me again. I flew across the cage as I felt a rib break and I gritted my teeth. As I flew my bladed whip lashed out wrapping around his foot.

I had a bloody smile as the momentum from his hit tightened the whip and severed his foot down to the bone. A weird scream came out of his mouth as I slammed into the cage. My cloak in tatters. My instinct sparked again and as I fell to the floor I used all my energy I had to push myself up. I flew hitting the top of the cage. My eyes caught the sight of a sword embedded into the floor where my heart was milliseconds before. Finally, the red-skinned man with a look of resentment fell to the floor Mana no longer fluctuating.

I stood up and looked at Carl.

"The rest of the plan is canceled tonight I am too injured. Kill everyone here no exceptions!" I ordered and the screams began. Not long later we left with a pond of blood left in the arena, Leaving to nurse our wounds.

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