Dominatrix System

Chapter 59

The mission tonight was ended early. The Cloaks were chucked into a random spot to rot. Cassandra pulled out the spare ones and we left. The Bloodshed tonight wasn't as much as we anticipated but proper progress was done. My body was in so much pain as we moved across the city. My smile stayed on my face but I also wanted to frown. The fight was fantastic and I enjoyed it. The thrill was fantastic matching that red-skinned adventurer.

Carl and Cassandra led the way as I limped a bit in my step keeping up. I swallowed blood down. I am hurt bad and I catch up and grab a potion from Cassandra's pack. I chugged it down feeling it slip down my throat.

The healing is slow but I know it should cover myself. This will be weeks of healing though and the next few days the slums are going to erupt. The gangs are all going to be on edge while the gang consolidates. The Rats and informants plus power players need to be slaughtered.

We finally made it across the city back to the apartment. Stacy and Freya were their worries. My little kitty wasn't awake only sleeping soundly in her cage. I was annoyed at this for no good reason but I suppressed the irrational anger. I laid on the bed and felt around my rib. It was probably broken or just fractured since I was using energy at that time. The thing was it fucking hurt. I laid back on the bed where I fell asleep almost instantly as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning sucked even more than the night. Everything on my torso was sore. I stripped from my clothes noting that the bed sheets needed washing from grim. Freya or Stacy would take care of it and I made it to the washing area. The Bathroom in this place wasn't fantastic but the shower worked and that's all I cared about.

The water fell on my shoulders and I looked at myself. I noticed large bruises on my body and the Potion was slowly working. I groan as I washed with soap groaning in pain as I went. I heard voices in the main room and noticed my tigers with bloodstained mouths needed baths. No one noticed them except those who knew to pay attention. You could easily look at them and not notice.

I should have used them in my fight with the red-skinned man but I wanted to test myself. I learned that fucking shields really fucking hurt. The blunt interment was harder to dodge for me than a sword.

I dressed in a robe with no plans to leave the apartment today. I fed my cute little tigers and washed them pampering them. I took my time while everyone was starting to get up and start their tasks. Stacy and Freya were working on the business and Hiring still with initial products becoming available. Cassandra and Carl were now headed out to start gathering everybody in the gangs to start consolidating the gang. It was going to be a process. I will let Cassandra do her work and come to check on her later in the week. I looked at Kitty and glowered thinking of a training regime to get her to understand where she stands now. She no longer was free from gags again.

I grabbed some food for her and myself. I put hers in a bowl and set it on the ground beside me before I opened the cage. She very reluctantly crawled over on all fours watching me very carefully. I ignored her while I was thinking about how I wanted to proceed. I let her eat uninterrupted while deep in thought.

A small cute burp comes from down below as some bread is in my mouth thoughtlessly chewing and I spare her a look. She seemed to be gathering herself to her situation but wasn't broken in the way I wished. This was though my fault. I had gotten distracted again I got mad at myself but her comments yesterday need to be addressed. First, though I need to instill that I will punish her harshly. I will not just let her get away with those comments unpunished.

I decided then and there that I would start some punishment. I finished my food my mood becoming extremely happy with the thoughts of punishing my little Kitty.

I salivated on the thoughts of her screams.

Her Begging.

Her Tears.

Her Pain.

The thoughts of what I was going to do brightened my mood. Should I start with humiliation play? Pain? Some light Whipping? My excitement was growing as I quickly finished my food. I looked down with a smile as she ate her food below me. She was untied at the moment.

I couldn't decide what to do first now. The punishment she needed was harsh swift and memorable. What should I do? I was watching her body as she froze under my gaze while eating. I watched her as she started to eat again. I could see the tense muscles on her. She wanted to react to any movement from me but I did nothing.

The Muscles relaxed and she finished food. Her tongue lashed out at everything left on her face. She then used her hand to wipe everything else off her face. I decided whatever I do I needed time and to start now.

"Follow me, Kitty we are going to the shower to clean you up," I walked away as I stated that and I heard her behind me. The Shower was quick and I did not pamper her at all. She seemed to be used to my pampering and yelped a couple of times as I roughly cleaned her. I was not any nicer as I dried her off but now she was clean.

I took her to the Training room to start. I wanted to make an outside dungeon but I also needed a more controlled area. 'Outside things will be done later' I thought to myself as I stood by the door as she reluctantly followed me in. The Dread on her face was perfect. The Cat cries were missing in everything. She didn't acknowledge me when I entered. I had so many things I could pick on her for and the thoughts of what to come were making me smile.

The new room was much cleaner than the one in the Inn. The only one that stood better so far was the one that I had back in the Kingdom. The Saint Andrews cross stood in the center as one of my favorites for Stacy and Freya. I smiled thinking about it. The rack off to the corner was a fun one as well. The chains linked into the rafters of the ceiling were hanging menacingly. I special ordered an Iron maiden even looking at it in the far corner it stood imposing for enemies I just wished to torture to death. There was so much for me to use. The walls had training whip, floggers, Riding crops.

It was my Dungeon.

My playroom.

It was time to play with a disobedient toy.

The collar around Kitty's neck was grabbed and she was dragged behind me. The choking noise behind me told me I was straggling her as I forced her to move with speed. I was fed up with her reluctance. "You fucking think you can delay with moving slow? What a Bad kitty!" I said aloud thoughtlessly. It expressed my thoughts telling her I meant business. The door closed behind us and she was in my playroom now and her nervousness reached a new peak.

I locked the door with my key which I then put in my inventory while she was looking around the new room. I started to shackle her arms and legs. She tried to struggle she even tried to stand up to fight me at one point. A swift punch to the stomach with the right amount of pressure took the wind out of her without lasting injuries. She coughed on the floor as I locked the shackles in place and used the chains. I felt like in this Empire I had used these more often than I had in the Kingdom.

I could reflect back on that but I couldn't give a fuck. The chains tightened as I hoisted her arms into the air. For the first time in weeks, she was upright instead of on all four limbs. The realization for her was swift but promptly left as I latched the chains so that her feet barely touched the ground.

I put a bite gag into her mouth after removing the previous ring gag. I smiled at her as she looked at me with fear.

"Now kitty," I say lightly as she looked at me with fear again, "I heard you the other day," I slowly continued as I walked around her naked body, "You think your name isn't Kitty was one of the things you said," I stopped behind her and slowly dragged my sharp claws softly down. Her body automatically tried to move away but could not. I slowly continued to tear her as I talked.

"Today your not here for my entertainment. Even though I love screams, I love begging. You heard it. You've seen it. You might not love it as I do but to me it is music," I looked into her eyes, "It's Exquisite!"

Using a single claw I teased her neck from behind. "You though," I paused briefly, "HAVE FUCKING PISSED ME OFF!" I shouted suddenly letting hidden frustration out.

"One Fucking week. I Have been busy for one week and you think your hot shit!? You think I care you used to have a name?! You think maybe someone will come here and Save you?! What is it, Kitty? What makes you think you are anything but my cat now?" I started to ask questions but the gag remained in her mouth.

"It does not matter what you think Kitty. But you know what matters?" I pause looking deep into her eyes from below using a hand to make sure she was staring back. "What I think." I let go of her head and walked over to the wall. I looked at my installments in full vision of her. She could see me deciding which to choose. So many things to pick between she saw. All devices meant to torture, not pleasure. I grabbed a simple nine tails flogger with sharp tips on the end. I grabbed the Cream I stored here for this type of abuse. I started to liberally lather her entire body.

She shied away from the cream knowing this is what I use before I start dishing out servings of pain. Her eyes were wide open while I put it on even between her toes. All skin was lathered up in the cream ready to stop all scarring and aid in the healing process. It also moisturized the skin helping it take less damage.

I stepped away checking to see if I have missed a spot. I placed a hand under her breast lifting it as If inspecting it while she looked down watching me while she hung on the hooks toes barely on the ground. My other hand with the flogger moved while she couldn't see it. It cut brutally into her other breast. Small amounts of skin were dug out from her. The Scream muffled by the gag. I pulled no stops as the other breast was followed up by instantly. The scream continued as I hit her inner thigh.




The screams didn't stop as I moved to her other thigh.



Without warning the flogger hit her stomach. Tears rolled down her face as a Third then hit that thigh. Blood slowly started to coat her white skin. She desperately used her toes to run away. I smiled as her back was now to me and the nine-tails bit into her ass.

Up her back it went. More and more skin ripped off. Blood trickling down Scream's muffled by a gag trying to beat the previous ones. The harmony of groans joined in as she desperately tried to gain oxygen between screams.

The Nine-Tails landed.



And Again.

Blood hit my face and I dropped the flogger. The Screams had stopped her throat cracked amidst the punishment. The Read marred skin was showing all over as she tried to run from me. I took out the healing agent. I started to let her heal with the cream and took out her gag, She was exhausted and I poured a healing potion into her mouth.

I forced her to swallow and she coughed. I took out a stamina potion and forced her to swallow that as well. She coughed some more before you could see the energy boost from the Alchemy potion. Her eyes widened as she looked at me full of fear. The previous injuries were only surface deep and healed rapidly.

I didn't even wait long before the wounds were closed and I smiled at her.

"Ready for another round?"

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