Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 92

"But she has gold there."

"Damn it, we'll never let go of the gold in our hands!"

"She can bring us more gold!"

As the first person to contact Cassandra, Bogrod is now speaking generously: "Let's forget about the noble honor for a while, how about trying to expand our treasury first?"

In front of Jin Jin, the goblin lowered his head again.

Bogrod led the team to the outside of the Malfoy manor in a carriage, and visited the daughter of the Malfoy family, Cassandra Malfoy, with the most formal etiquette.

But even so, Cassandra still made the goblins wait for a full two hours.

After Cassandra had eaten her own lunch, she chose to meet the fairies in the garden.

Bogorod's stomach was full of anger, and he felt that he was belittled and insulted.

But for the sake of gold... oh my Raignac, what's all that?

In the garden, decorations of pure gold can be seen everywhere.

There are grasses of pure gold, and flowers of pure gold.

Even the tables and chairs are plated with a layer of gold, the whole looks like a resplendent paradise!

Bogorod walked on the stone slab dotted with gold, feeling dizzy all over, as if his body had lost gravity.

Cassandra looked at Bogrod's performance and smiled gracefully.

Although her elegance doesn't quite match with the local tyrants' golden outfits around her, she has a special attraction to the fairies like Bogorod.

Because Cassandra also wears a big gold chain.

Of course, it is studded with gemstones.

Otherwise, Cassandra Malfoy will be renamed Cassandra Big Sister.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Bogrod."

Cassandra signaled Bogorod to sit down, and Bogorod recovered a little after he sat down, but he still felt his butt was hot.

This was the first time he sat on a gilded stone chair.

"Thank you for the Christmas presents, I love them."

Although Cassandra and the goblins were secretly fighting each other, after the real meeting, Cassandra did not appear too arrogant.

This made Bogorod feel a little more comfortable.

"Good afternoon, Miss Malfoy."

"We came today to discuss cooperation with you. Just like we traded that diamond, I think we still have a lot to cooperate with."

"Like?" Cassandra asked knowingly.

Bogrod rubbed his hands: "For example, if you give us a suggestion, we can earn some income in that big country."

"After the matter is completed, we will split the bill."

Hearing this, Cassandra's eyes widened in astonishment.

He said in an unbelievable tone: "Why is it only [-]%?"

Bogorod suddenly felt a little refreshed. When he and Cassandra were diamonds before, Cassandra shouted [-]%.

"Thirty percent, no more, for the sake of our friendship and cooperation!"

Bogorod raised three fingers.

Seeing this, Cassandra nodded helplessly, okay: "I can barely take [-]%, after all, we will cooperate in the future."

When Bogorod heard this, he immediately jumped up.

"Seventy percent is ours!"

092 2/5 Sincere cooperation, aiming at the East

Bogrod felt that he had overestimated the greed of this young girl as much as possible.

But the other party's behavior of going [-]% at once was far beyond his imagination.

"If you don't do anything, just talk about it, [-]% will be taken away!"

"You who were half a year ago are only [-]%!"

"What gave you courage!"

Seeing that Cassandra was speechless, Bogorod felt that he had won, and sat down to stare at Cassandra again.

Cassandra took a long breath: "Actually, I have a way to make you [-]% of the profit, do you want to hear it?"

Bogorod's eyes lit up.

[-]% profit?

Could it be that Cassandra has already conceded defeat and is not going to compete with them and just earn a hard-earned money?

"Then I'll listen to it for free."

Bogorod pretended to be indifferent, but he had already concentrated all his energy.

Then he heard Cassandra say, "Go back to your Gringotts, do it yourself, and ten percent of the proceeds will be yours."

"Is it a good way?"

After finishing speaking, Cassandra tapped on the table lightly: "Dobby, see off the guests."

Dobby immediately appeared beside the goblin, his fingers raised slightly.

Although he said politely, "Please get out of here, goblin."

But looking at his appearance, if the goblins don't leave, he doesn't intend to invite them.

"It's unbelievable!"

"You actually want to drive us away!"

"How many years has it been since the goblin visited the wizard for the first time, you are humiliating us!"

Cassandra took a sip of honey water, smiled and looked at Bogorod in front of her: "You come to visit me, and I've offered you a good way to make a [-]% profit, aren't you satisfied?"

"Or do you think that I can exchange my thoughts with some Galleons?"

"If ideas are worthless, I will tell the entire wizarding world about the profit methods of your goblins. What do you think will happen?"

These words made the anger on Bogrod's face disappear in an instant, and he sat down quietly, as if the fierce words just now had never happened at all.

Cassandra's words hit the weakness of the entire Gringotts.

The goblins thought they were enslaving the wizarding world, and they did.

It's just that their enslavement stays at the economic level, making wizards who know nothing about Muggles willing to live on a lower material level.

Monopolizing the financial industry of the entire British wizarding world, charging management fees to all wizards who save money, they can take the wealth of the wizarding world as their own in the form of a percentage every year.

In addition, they have the right to mint coins and can control the circulation of money in the entire wizarding world, which allows them to reap the value created by wizards as they like.

There are not many wizards who can understand this whole system, and occasionally two of them are bought by them and become a member of this system.

The appearance of Cassandra now would have only added one more accomplice to Gringotts.

But Cassandra's ambition seems to be more than just willing to receive a monthly sponsorship fee from Gringotts.

That diamond is the portrayal of Cassandra completely exceeding Gringotts' expectations.

"Why didn't you speak?"

"Think [-]% of the income is acceptable?"

Bogrod was silent for a while before he said: "[-]% is the limit we can accept, provided your method is effective."

"There is also its own magic school and magic forces over there. Coupled with the covetous eyes of the surrounding countries, it is difficult for our power to infiltrate."

"You need to give a way to seek skin from the tiger, otherwise we will abandon the plan."

Cassandra put down the honey water, so she has a bit of negotiating momentum!

"I also accept [-]%, but how much do you plan to pay?"

"Beforehand, in case of loss, I will not be responsible."

These words made Bogrod furious again: "Will you lose money?"

Cassandra tilted her head and looked at Bogorod, as if she felt that she was looking at a mentally retarded person.

This is an investment. Isn't it a matter of course that you may lose money?

But looking at Bogorod's frantic look, it seems that he really isn't pretending.

"We goblins will never do business that loses money."

"Even if it's just a possibility!"

"No one can take gold from us!"

Cassandra chuckled and covered her mouth.

Only then did she understand that it wasn't that the goblins were too stupid, but that they were used to lying down and making money.

"Are you questioning the logic of our goblins?"

Cassandra waved her hand and said, "You goblins are used to being bank bosses, and it is indeed unlikely that you will lose money."

"But don't tell me you don't know, most investments are risky."

"Goblins don't accept risks!" Bogorod rejected reality confidently.

This was a bit out of Cassandra's expectation, she never imagined that the negotiations with Gringotts would get stuck in this kind of place.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing difficult to understand.

Goblins make wizard money so easily, though they aspire to more.

But let them take the courage to fight for their lives and go to the Muggle world to fight, it seems that there is not much hope.

This is actually the reason why the goblins came to the door today.

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