Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 93

If they dared to go to Longtan and Tiger's Lair, they would be in Russia by now, not in Malfoy Manor.

"Let me think about it……"

Originally, Cassandra's plan was to let her come up with the plan and then be the hands-off shopkeeper.

The goblins are responsible for working hard to make money according to the plan, and in the end Cassandra gets a [-]-[-]% profit, no matter how much it is, it will save Cassandra from thinking about money in the future.

But now it seems that the goblins refuse any risky investment, so the investment can only be made by Cassandra herself.

"It's okay if you don't want to invest, I will do it by myself."

"Just like the previous diamond auction, you are responsible for the action, and then share [-]% of the proceeds."

"Why is it [-]% again, just now [-]%!"

Seeing that Bogrod was planning to make a noise, Cassandra narrowed her eyes slightly, and the flow of magic power around her began to freeze faintly.

"Stop rambling, [-]% is the limit I can accept."

"During this process, you goblins don't need to take personal risks, and you also need to bear the losses after failure."

"All you have to show is actions, and a few of your relationships in the Muggle world."

"If this is not enough, then please go back."

This time Bogorod didn't dare to make noise.

Because he felt another level of danger from Cassandra.

Is this powerful magical power really what an 11-year-old little witch should have?

Compared with the risk of Cassandra revealing the secrets of Gringotts, the strength displayed by the 11-year-old little witch in front of him made Bogorod even more frightened.

In a few years, when Cassandra becomes an adult, what kind of strength will she possess?

The wizarding world, after all, is the wizard with the strongest magic power and the highest appeal.

In fact, Cassandra has not fully understood this point.

But the goblin in front of her knew the horror of Voldemort when he was raging, and the powerlessness of the goblin when facing the Death Eaters.

"Thirty percent, thirty percent is the limit we can accept."

"Although you say there is no risk, who can be sure about the future?"

Cassandra herself didn't care much about the [-]% gain, but she cared more about the goblin's attitude and credibility.

So she said: "I can give you [-]%, but I want all your executives to sign an unbreakable spell with me."

"You must strictly follow my plan, and you are not allowed to betray me halfway."

"In contrast, I will honor my previous commitments and take all risks."

Hearing the unbreakable curse, Bogorod became a little hesitant.

Even if the goblin signs the spell, it will die if it is violated.

"We need to discuss it."


For several days after this meeting, Gringotts did not contact Cassandra again.

As if they had declined to work with Cassandra.

But Cassandra was in no hurry.

Because the changes brought about by the disintegration of the Soviet Union did not happen instantly.

In fact, when the Soviet Union just disintegrated, the Russians even felt that the reform was successful.

The wages of public employees have been increased by 90%, the pension for retirees has been increased to 900 rubles per month, and family allowances and unemployment benefits have also increased accordingly.

The long shopping lines are gone, and the shelves are full of products.

Russians who are used to long queues are suddenly not used to it.

It's a pity that this is just a bubble of prosperity. When the bubble is shattered, the real suffering will start to sweep.

Four months after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, consumer goods in Russia soared 65 times.

After half a year, the products in the industrial production link soared 14 times.

The entire country fell into an environment of sluggish consumption desire, which in turn suppressed supply, and finally caused the entire market to fall into an endless loop.

But this is still only the beginning of the disaster, and a bigger disaster is yet to come.

Cassandra doesn't want to earn on someone else's disaster, if she can.

But when she thought that Cassandra should have a more conscience than those oligarchs and multinational capitalists, she felt at ease.

Gringotts has not been idle for the past few days, nor did it intend to use silence to suppress Cassandra.

Instead, the entire Gringotts fell into an unprecedented discussion.

Will it be risky to do it or not.

What will Gringotts gain and what will it give?

Goblins have a hard time agreeing.

What finally moved the fairies was the receipt of the money from the diamond auction.

After deducting taxes, the goblins got more than 900 million pounds, and they could buy 370 kilograms of gold in total.

When the gold was placed on the round table, the goblins finally agreed at this moment.

It's done!

Who told the goblins not to let go of the gold in their hands even if they died?

"I promise that I will formulate a plan and hand it over to the goblins for execution."

"I will pay the goblins who do the work, bear all the money costs in the process of implementing the plan, and do my best to make the plan feasible and reliable."

"If the plan is suspended or fails, the goblins can withdraw from the plan without any responsibility."

"Thirty percent of the net proceeds will be distributed to Gringotts Wizarding Bank."

Under the witness of Lucius and Horace, Cassandra and Bogorod signed an unbreakable spell in the living room of Malfoy Manor.

They didn't really want Cassandra to cast the spell, but Cassandra insisted.

In Cassandra's view, extending the tentacles of power to Britain is a necessary process.

"I promise to urge all Gringotts members to fully implement Miss Cassandra Malfoy's plan."

"Never act unless there is a risk of life or property damage."

"And promise not to let any intelligent creature know the weight of Miss Cassandra Malfoy in this plan in any form."

The content of the unbreakable curse is even more complicated and specific, and Cassandra even signed a contract with all seven goblin executives of Gringotts.

So far, the two sides have shown each other's sincerity as much as possible.

It is not that the unbreakable curse is signed, the cooperation between the two parties is impeccable, and there is no loophole to exploit.

But in Cassandra's view, the goblins have already compromised to the bottom line, and it is impossible to invest more.

Unless Cassandra has a better way, or a better partner can replace it, the goblins are now the best power Cassandra can use.

"Can we see your plans now, Miss Malfoy?"

It was another executive, Nagnack, who was not very optimistic about Cassandra.

However, with the attitude of no loss anyway, he still agreed to the plan.

"I'd love to know how you managed to grab wealth from Russian oligarchs, gangsters, and the military when Europe and the United States are surrounded by wolves."

As he spoke, he also took out a map and placed it on the long table.

The two characters of the Soviet Union above are still very imposing, but unfortunately they no longer exist.

Everyone looked at Cassandra, expecting Cassandra to give a way to break the situation.

And Cassandra, amidst everyone's astonished expressions, tapped a magic wand on a certain eastern country.

"My answer is here."

"This is impossible!"

Nagnok screamed: "We have no communication with that country, and their native magic power is also very strong!"

"Are you going to let Gringotts start a war against the magical forces of a big country? You are completely crazy!"

Cassandra covered her ears and waited for Nagnak to finish screaming before saying, "Now I want to correct you, goblins."

Cassandra's tone was very unfriendly, but the goblins calmed down and listened carefully.

The cooperative relationship between the two parties makes it unnecessary for the two parties to continue to argue.

"It's true that you are goblins, and we are also from the wizarding world."

"But now, we want to use the funds in our hands, our judgment on the world situation, and our expectation of future world changes to create a Muggle enterprise in the Muggle world."

"Everything follows the Muggle process, except that magic may be used to provide some convenience in the middle, other than that, magic and magic forces do not participate."

"Forget your race, and forget your magic."

Cassandra took out a stack of pounds and slapped them on the table: "Our identity now is the capital holding pounds."

"And capital, regardless of race, does not distinguish between wizards and Muggles!"

93 3/5 Philosopher's Stone and Obscurity

Cassandra's concept was ahead of its time.

Especially the people who listened to her lectures were goblins and wizards.

It’s okay for goblins to bully wizards with their financial means, but for top financial students in the Muggle world, what they use is only entry-level theoretical knowledge.

It is still 1991, although tomorrow will be 1992.

The world at this time is still adjusting to the aftermath of the collapse of the Bretton Woods system.

The Bretton Woods system is the gold standard system, and the US dollar can be exchanged for gold in the United States according to the prescribed ratio.

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