Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 94

The collapse of the Bretton Woods system means that the US dollar no longer maintains an exchange rate in equal proportion to gold, and has become a credit currency.

In other words, Americans can print as much money as they want, and they are no longer restricted by gold reserves.

Of course, Americans are not without restraint in printing money. At least today in 1992, the United States is still a powerful and self-disciplined country.

But with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Americans had no competitors, and their power began to expand rapidly.

The Americans really lost their shackles and became the sole hegemon in the world.

Coupled with the fact that the Americans lead the information age, the super hegemony of the United States will last for more than 20 years.

The U.S. dollar, a credit currency, also became the only choice for international transactions during this period.

Once everyone settles in the same currency, trade between countries becomes convenient and fast.

Capital has also begun to invest around the world, going to places where it can make money, which in turn has promoted the development of many countries around the world.

That big eastern country also benefited from this process.

However, it will take a lot of time before she joins the WTO to take off, so she is still struggling now.

She has a vast territory, but it is far from being seen by Westerners, and no one knows how high that country will take off in the future.

Therefore, when Cassandra and the agents of the goblins went to that big eastern country with tens of millions of pounds, they would definitely receive the warmest hospitality.

The most important thing is that she borders Russia, which is enough to become the first base for capital flow in Cassandra's hands.

"Let our capital go where it should go and do what it should do, and it will continue to grow and give us feedback."

After explaining the basic knowledge to the goblins, Cassandra began to talk about her specific plan.

"After the agent arrived in that big eastern country, he immediately started to purchase light industrial products and storage-resistant food production lines, and purchased these civilian supplies in large quantities."

That big country at that time was in a painful period of transformation.

On the one hand, ordinary people are still using tickets to buy supplies, and on the other hand, many companies have produced a large number of products that cannot be sold.

The increase in industrial production capacity has not translated into profits, because it is difficult to sell externally or internally.

At this time, for Cassandra, the biggest opportunity came.

On the one hand, there are things that cannot be sold, and on the other hand, there is an extreme lack of supplies.

The emergence of Cassandra can instantly solve the problems of the two countries and earn profits as a middleman.

Commonly known as Daoye.

But Cassandra doesn't intend to just make money.

"In addition to hiring professionals from Eastern European countries, our light industrial products can not only be exchanged for money, but also for all valuable things."

"From resources to blueprints, to ready-made machinery and equipment, even talents are needed."

"If the big eastern countries need it, they can trade with them in exchange for more supplies or gold, gems, etc."

"If they don't need it, find a way to move it out."

At that time, the person who was the loser was like a crucian carp crossing the river.

The richest man in that big country has done a mind-boggling trade of exchanging canned food for airplanes.

It's just that their size and ability are too weak, and they can only be regarded as a fraction of the predator Cassandra at best.

So Cassandra will naturally have more negotiating room, and at the same time she also believes that the pound is enough to bring some convenience and preferential treatment to her business.

After all, what Cassandra squeezed was not ordinary people in that country, but a way out for the common people in the cold big country next door.

After Cassandra finished all this, she looked at the seven goblin executives sitting in front of her.

They looked like the seven dwarfs, with their eyes wide open and bewildered.

Not to mention Lucius and Horace by Cassandra's side.

Apart from smiling, the two of them no longer knew where to place their brains.

Fortunately, Cassandra did not expect the seven goblins to understand all of them in the first place.

She has already bought a tape recorder and recorded her own words just now, so that the fairies can understand them repeatedly.

The goblins have a background in finance, and it's only a matter of time before they understand what Cassandra said.

Instead, the most important question is how to choose an agent.

"Hey, I have a list here, you can write it down."

"You can try to do that."

Go to Hangzhou to find a man surnamed Ma; go to Shenzhen to find a man surnamed Ma; go to Beijing to find a man surnamed Li; go to Wuhan to find a man surnamed Lei; go to Suqian to find a man surnamed Liu; go to Chengdu to find a man A man surnamed Ding; go to Guangdong to find a man surnamed Shi; go to Hong Kong to find a man surnamed Liu...

Although it is said that history shapes people, people also have times to guide history.

These people may have embarked on different life trajectories due to historical changes, and they no longer have the style of a certain world line.

But even one or two talents are enough to become the best agent of Cassandra.

After all, Cassandra doesn't need them to create anything, and she will keep the world development in the next 20 years in her mind.

Of course, it's better to create something new.

"In short, that's about it."

"I will write more details on the parchment and leave it to you in a few days."

"Are there any questions now?"

The goblins subconsciously shook their heads, but the next seven little goblins raised their hands in unison.

More than doubt?

It's all questions!

[Faction reputation update]

Because of Cassandra's rest, the system that only publishes daily tasks recently showed its face again.

[The reputation of the fairy group in the British wizarding world has been upgraded to respect. 】

[They will obey your orders within certain limits, but please remember that goblins are a race that does not care about human feelings, they only care about gold and life and death. 】

[Helping them earn gold can slowly increase your reputation among their groups. 】

Has the attribute of prestige finally changed its effect?

Cassandra's prestige in the wizarding world and pure-blood families is different, but in the past six months, this attribute has not changed, making Cassandra almost forget them.

But now it seems that Cassandra's actions are indeed changing the entire wizarding world.

It's just that the only ones who notice this now are the goblins.

This is not in vain for Cassandra's efforts.

For ten days, the goblins discussed the details of the whole plan with Cassandra.

From being ignorant and ignorant at the beginning, they become a little bit knowledgeable.

Some goblins, with the mentality of going to death, started to go to that big eastern country together with a few Muggles who cooperated with them.

Among them is Bogorod, whom Cassandra is most familiar with.

After bidding farewell to the goblins, Cassandra can finally start learning her second-year knowledge.

Looking at the knowledge of wizards in the second grade, Cassandra always had a feeling of emptiness in her heart.

It was as if she was still berating Fang Qiu the day before, directing a decisive financial battle thousands of miles away.

The next day, I had to honestly turn into a primary school student and do my homework.

However, considering that all this is magical knowledge and extraordinary power that cannot be exchanged for wealth, it can trigger a series of miracles.

Cassandra immediately gave all her attention to this.

After all, the tens of millions of pounds in hand did not change Cassandra's life.

The Malfoy family is not short of money, and the material supply has reached the limit of the wizarding world.

Unless Cassandra returns to the Muggle world, but she is only 11 years old now... oh no, she is 12 years old now, and it is still impossible to experience many novel things.

Compared with the first grade, there is not much qualitative change in the magic knowledge of the second grade.

Those subjects that require memorization are just new memorization of things that may never be used.

That is to say, the spells and potions class, because a lot of recipes have been added, so that Cassandra has a full sense of freshness and learning motivation.

As for the metamorphosis class, more courses are added to transform living things into dead things, that is, to turn small animals into certain objects.

It is worth mentioning that Cassandra's transformation method is still destructive to small animals, and there is no possibility of transformation back.

And Cassandra's Transfiguration can already turn small animals into targets.

This also means that Cassandra's Transfiguration has reached level 3.

Except for Polymorph, the rest of Kassandra's enchantments are basically level 2 water pings.

That is to say, from level 1, you can barely use it, and from level 2, you can use it as you like.

It also includes the illusion spell.

Level 2 illusion spell, as long as Cassandra does not move after casting, it can basically be completely hidden in the background color.

But moving will still be found.

The practice of spells takes time, and this can only be done slowly.

Time passed day by day in the boring but novel learning process.

Fast forward to the end of April.

Horace announced again that Cassandra was ready to graduate from Year 2.

Then I happily gave Cassandra a January vacation.

Although Horace was only teaching Cassandra, he felt more and more pressure.

I can only continue to make excuses to give Cassandra a vacation, and then find a way to recharge myself.

Cassandra, who was free, happened to be able to study something she wanted to study.

For example silently.

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