Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Getting ready and Albart’s sudden report.

After we finished our meals, we began to prepare for the meeting at the palace. I told them that we didn’t need to get dressed and everything to go and meet Youlias because he wouldn’t mind anyway.

Instead, I was slightly scolded by both Willis and Caryl that one must get ready before going for an official meeting with an important figure as it always impacts your figure. She said it makes you look distinguished and well-mannered as your clothing and etiquette reflect what kind of a person you are.

So that’s why I was somewhat dragged to this luxurious and huge bath in the mansion. I’ve been here before, once. Caryl is here with me as well as Lucy and Anikia. Twixie just took one so she isn’t here right now, she’s being pampered by Juna.

I noticed that Caryl had become quite plumpy than before. I’m sure the due date is very close. She had started to show symptoms too. She looked at her belly and stroked it pretty softly.

I wonder if it’s hard to carry a child in there. I mean… it must be heavy right? Mothers are awesome.

[You are one too. To some extent.]

But am I like others? I’m not related to Anikia by blood. I’m sure it isn’t the same.

[Hasn’t she acknowledged you already? I mean she is happy with you being her mother. Even if you aren’t related by blood, your love can’t be lesser than her mother’s.]

I suppose I’m just being too conscious about it. I see that she’s happy and everything. We’ll get closer as we spend days together. It’s been mere days.

[That’s one point, but you have other things to think about right now.]

Yeah. I’ve sent Albart to tally the needs in the Demon Realm, I just have to wait as he completes his survey and sends us some response.

Other than that, I needed to think about how I was going to tell everything to Youlias. He’s sure to be shocked out of his skin. The preconceptions and assumptions about Demons were about to be proven wrong. I wondered how everything would turn out in the future.

I hadn’t been this busy ever before in my “Known” life. I don’t know about anything before I lost my memory but I hadn’t been this occupied as I am now.

I haven’t had a breather to think leisurely in like days but it feels like years to me. It’s like I’ve been here for years.


“What’s wrong, Great Velkra? You seem quite spaced out.”

Caryl snapped me out of my thoughts. I guess I was too engrossed.


“Nothing really. Was just thinking how things have been since I’ve gotten here.”


Her expression changed from a worried one to a delighted one.

“Oh, it’s been exciting, really. We had such boring lives before you. It’s just very interesting and … what should I say? Colorful? It’s much more vibrant nowadays.”


“I’m happy to hear that. It’s been overwhelming too. I came here after dying in my world. I still remember the pain. Then I got reincarnated as a dragon and one of the most powerful beings at that. I met your daughter and Felia. You guys became my people. Then Anikia became my daughter. It’s been a handful. Like a sugar rush.”


I think Caryl might not have understood my term “Sugar-rush”.

“What is a ‘Sugar-rush’, if I may ask?” she said.


“Sugar-rush? It’s when you eat too much candy or take too much sugar. You feel overwhelmed by it.”


She puts a finger on her lip,

“Ahh, I see what you’re saying. That does happen often when I eat too many sweets.”


“Me too! I suddenly start feeling lazy and tired!”

I hear an interjection from my left. It was Lucy who was sitting pretty closely on the other side where Anikia sat. Anikia was sitting just beside me.

She’s growing up quite fast I should say. I can see that she’s developing some features here and there. I think she might take after me in regard to a figure. Lucy? Hmm… Not that much. I think she needs more time.

But to think I would be comparing a woman’s growth to my own figure. I’ve traveled too far from being a man now. It doesn’t even bother me anymore. I’ve gotten pretty used to this body and its problems.


“Mom? Have you gotten a reply from Mister Albart?” Anikia slid into the conversation with an important topic.


“Hmm? Not yet. He’ll do it as soon as she finishes calculating. Don’t worry--“


[Great Velkra? Can you hear me? Am I getting through? Great Twixie?]

“Oh. Speak of the devil. Ha-ha”


I can hear you.

[Oh! It’s working. Thank you Great Twixie. Great Velkra, we have arrived at the castle.]

That was really quick, wasn’t it?

[We did not waste time and traveled with haste. The situation has gotten quite dire here. We shouldn’t be thinking about supplies right now. The castle used for shelter is about to collapse. I should say a big portion of it is already gone.]



“What’s wrong, Mom?”


Everyone looked at me with eyes of great worry. I shouldn’t be blurting out noises.


“No, No. It’s nothing, Albart has just contacted me. I was just surprised to hear from him in such a short time.”


“Is everyone okay?? No one is hurt, right?!”

She’s freaking out over my reaction. Seems like it wasn’t that convincing after all.


“Come on. It’s fine Anikia. He’s about to help them right now. I’ll tell you everything after he completes his early report. Okay?”


Her expression calmed down a bit and she settled down at my remark. If I told her everything now, she wouldn’t let me talk with him and some information will get ignored.



So, back to what we were talking about.

[I suppose Princess Anikia won’t be happy about this. Some people got hurt when it collapsed but there aren’t any deaths. Some minor injuries. Seems like Carmine and Felia handled the situation pretty well. I’m surprised that nobody died.]

It’s good that nobody died. What’s the extent of injuries?

[Just some broken bones and bruises. About 20 Demons were injured. None were women and children. These men were helping in evacuation. Felia felt the castle crumbling in advance and gave orders.]

I see… so everything is good.

[No one has died but they don’t have a roof over their heads now. They cannot go back there as the entrance was closed off due to the collapse.]

Where are they now? Are they out in the open?

[Felia took several with her as she departed. They deployed the five tents but most of them are occupied by Women and children along with elders. Um, should I be calling them elders? They’re like… so stern and manly now. How should I explain? I think it might be the evolution from the blessing.]


Tents, huh? Old people turned into stern men? Ah… Too much info.

[The men who got injured were the ones who were under partial evolution. And…]


[You would normally be crushed under these weights but they survived being under weights of tens of boulders, even more they only broke some bones.]


[Aside from that, we need shelter much more than supplies. The excess mana can be dangerous as well. The adults might be able to bear it but there are kids here too.]

We were about to go and meet Youlias. In the meantime, see if further help is needed. I’ll contact you once I meet with Youlias.

[Understood. There isn’t much I can do here but I would suggest some food to be sent.]

Okay. I’ll do something about it.

[Good luck, Great Velkra]

You as well.




At my sigh, Caryl took the opportunity to ask me what I came to know.

“What did Albart say, Great Velkra.”


I got to tell Anikia about this.

“So, Anikia, I need you to listen calmly first.”



She hit me with a “yes” that seemed like a question.


“The castle collapsed. But--”



“What?! I need to go there, now! I must—”


Anikia jumped out of the water and started running out of the bath. I leap in front of her and grab her by her shoulders. We’re naked you know?


“I thought I told you to listen calmly. What good would it do if you freak out every time?”


At my line, she looked up at me with teary eyes.

“I haven’t told you everything, have I? You just have to listen.”


I walked her back into the bath water and we sat down again.

“No one is gravely injured. Only some broken bones and bruises.”




“You think I would lie to you? They are your people before they are mine. I understand your concern, my daughter. That is why I’m telling you, no one was hurt but now they don’t have a shelter.”


“If they don’t have a shelter, then the fact about the mana excess, is they need some help.”

Interjected Caryl with a reasonable point to worry about.


“That is why we need to hurry and settle everything with Youlias.”


“Then we must hurry. Let’s go girls. We must get dressed.”

Caryl hurried the girls out of the bath and we trotted to the dressing room along with our maids. Twixie wouldn’t agree to be dressed so she just jumped back into solitude in my soul.


[I just don’t like to be dressed.]

But you were so happy when you were being pampered By Juna, weren’t you?


Really? Ah, whatever. I need to get ready too.


Half an hour went by just drying up and changing into our bathrobes. Then we chose what to wear. I honestly have no idea about female fashion so I let them pick for me. Lucy and Anikia wore dresses with the same designs. But Anikia went with black and Lucy went with white. Now they have matching dresses in black and white.


I told them to set me up with something that wasn’t as fluffy as last time. So they came out with a black and white dress. It wasn’t as fluffy as before but it sure complimented my ideal figure. A white dress with black embroidery. The embroidery wasn’t light either. It was magnificent. They also gave me a black cape.

And let me tell you something. It was damn cool when I wore that. I looked like some general from an action movie. I started sporting my partial transformation in front of the mirror. I brought out my claws and posed in front. I loved it.


Caryl wore a dress that went easy along with her condition. She surely can’t wear something that’s tight around the belly part.


“Oh, you look lovely great Velkra.”

Caryl began to shower me with praise. Lucy and Anikia looked, even more, cuter being in contrasting dresses.


“You all look amazing too. let’s go, shall we?”

I compliment them and urge them to hurry.


We met Vejetar and Willis on the way. Vejetar wants to go too. Willis is staying behind for housekeeping.


“Oh yeah, can you go and get that merchant for me?”

I said as I was walking outside the mansion.

“Why not? It’s dark now but I think he won’t be sleeping after a shock like this. I needn’t go and get him in person, right?”

He puts his hand on my head and starts patting me. I’ll let him do that for now.

“Just get him there when we start the talk with Youlias.”

“Okay, I’ll just tell Tetia to bring him here.”

“Who’s that?”

“A Greater Dragon I know.”

“I see,”


Lucius had the carriage waiting and has sent a messenger in advance to the castle, so they’ll be ready before I arrive. I think I might have to walk in the Throne chamber and make my attendance known to the nobles as well, since this is an official meeting and all.


“Here you go, Great Velkra.”

Lucius presents his hand for me to hold as I climb the carriage.


“Help Caryl get on first.”

He thinks he made a mistake and helps Caryl get on. Then I get on along with Lucy and Anikia.


“To the Castle, we go.”

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