Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Meeting.

The moment we set out from the mansion. We saw a horde of people that were witnessing our travel to the castle. They were bystanders that had probably caught onto the news that an Elder Dragon was here but I would soon be proved wrong.

As we arrived in front of the huge Gates of the Diacis Castle, a crowd of thousands of people was there, cheering and raining flowers over our carriage and escorts. There were many types of people in the crowd, people who were overjoyed over my arrival, the ones who were paranoid that a disaster is going to befall and the ones that bore ill intent.

Not that they could harm me. But I don’t really get who told Youlias to make it this official. I guess it must have been Albart since he’s serious about matters like these but to think that they would announce it even to the public.

Anikia is tense and a bit on edge. Probably because she’s a demon and every single soul is biased against them. Lucy… She’s fine. She’s being educated in etiquettes and everything of sorts so she has chunks of confidence. Look, she’s waving at the public from the window.

I take a peek out of the window and all of a sudden, the cheering got a lot more intense. Are they really that happy seeing me? I flinched on instinct and thought that I should wave at them too, just like Lucy.

But that was a mistake, as I came into the view and waved my hand, chaos followed. The people began shouting at the top of their lungs to cheer and get attention. The most hilarious thing was what happened with couples, that the younger men collapsed. And then their women would look at them with fiery eyes.

This might be an overreaction to me but I think that this is the norm here. The knights had to hold back the crowd just so that they don’t end up swallowing our carriages. Carriages, yes. Willis had prepared tons of gifts. Not to show any form of favor but to show respect to The King. Normally, the king would be the one serving the Elder Dragon but it’s the opposite today since our relationship isn’t that stiff.

We pass through the barrier of knights and the huge gates open with a loud creak. Our carriages went inside and the gates closed behind us.

We step down from the carriages and make our way to the throne room. Anikia is especially restless as I think she might be thinking about her tiny cute horns. But she could easily go by as a Beastman. I think…


“You don’t have to be so much on edge. I’m with you, isn’t that true?”

I tried to alleviate some stress and see that it somewhat worked. Her shoulders became much more relaxed than before and her expression grew a bit more confident.


“So Caryl, You will stand in as the representative of Weskins in Albart’s stead?”

Since Albart was in the Demons Realm, he couldn’t be present here. I do think that he would’ve wanted to be here but my job was much more important than him coming with me. I’m sure Caryl will handle everything just fine with me.


“Yes, Honestly, I’m not a fan of being the center of attention in a bunch of men but this must be done. This was a big decision for us and it will impact Diacis as a kingdom.”

She stated that they must clarify themselves in front of the King and the Nobility officially.

We walked through the same walkway toward the throne room and arrived in front of the greatly ornate door that we once had stepped through before.

The same man that announced our arrival last time announces our arrival once again. Our names were called with our affiliations.


“Great Velkra, The Celestial Elder Dragon, and Her Subordinate, Caryl Wania Weskin, have arrived!”


The man ends his announcement and the throne room opens with a loud noise that indicated it was locked up until now.

The moment the gate opened, it was then I saw that the Whole Nobility was there. Forget the Family heads, they brought their whole families. Am I an attraction or something?


[Nope. But you are an anomaly for them.]

But this much? People are fascinated by Elder Dragons this much? Isn’t it too extreme?

[Look. Being the strongest is the dream of every being of any race. Strong people are revered as well as envied. Those who surpass others lie in another realm. That is why Elder Dragons, who have transcended the bounds of race, are thought of as deities. You don’t even know about people who worship them. This much is pretty normal.]


I don’t know what to say now.


We stepped through the gates and started to walk toward the King. There was nobility on both sides, watching us with… Happiness, envy, and… fascination? There was some hostility too, here and there.

We stopped in front of the throne and waited. That was when Youlias stood up from his throne and started to descend the stairs.

Once he had walked down, he took a knee on the floor.


“It is a great honor to be graced by your attendance, Great Velkra.”

He gave me a stiff and standardized greeting and waited for my reply. The nobility gasped when they saw him kneeling. I don’t think all of them were present here when I first came here.


“Stand, Youlias.”

I gestured to him with my hand and he looked up and gave me a faint smile. This guy hates doing this. Not kneeling in front of me but dealing with nobility. I can feel it in his eyes.


“I brought you some gifts, Youlias. Care to have them?”

I asked him if he wanted the gifts I had and he immediately flinched and ordered the attendants to receive them.


“Then, as you must have received the letter, I must discuss some matters with you. It may involve your Kingdom as a whole thus I require the Noble Family Heads to be present as well.”


I quoted the message that had been sent hand-written by Albart to the castle beforehand. The spur of chatter went through the Nobility and their faces grew paler as every second passed.


“I justly received your message and have summoned The Nobility here urgently. May we be allowed to walk to the Conference room?”


Youlias confirmed that he had received the letter safely and asked if we could take this meeting to a Conference Room of some sort.


“We may, But before that, I must say that Albart is currently busy with a pressing issue. That is why Caryl will be representing the Family Head in his stead.”


I informed the King and The Nobility that Albart was away doing a mission that I ordered him about. The nobles look at each other with suspicious eyes. Why did they do that? Dunno.


“Let us move to the Conference room then. Souma, you can come as my personal guard.”


Youlias urged us to move to the throne room. And we walked with Youlias in front. I was behind him with Caryl and the girls while Lucius and the squad were watching the rear guard.

Why watch the Rear guard? You don’t know when someone dangerous might pop out. They can’t do anything to me but that’s not definite for Caryl and the girls. Moreover, Caryl needs special care.


We walked through another hallway that I probably hadn’t seen before. Upon arriving at the main door leading to the room, we stood there.

The door opened and we walked through it. What I saw then was fascinating and exciting at that. There was an oval table in the center with chairs around it. The table itself was so ornate that one could easily mistake it for gold if it wasn’t touched. A white and black design was carved in its center and boundary. The chairs looked so comfy to sit in that I actually wanted to casually jump in one of them.


We walked to our respective seats, assigned by name. my seat was on the other end of the table and Youlias sat on the other end. Vejetar wasn’t here-


“Hey! I’m here! I got late! Sorry, Velkra!”


Uh. Speak of the Devil.


The door to the Conference room slammed open, enough that you might think that it’d fall off. From it came running Vejetar.


“What took you so long? You should be a bit more careful…”

I tried to inquire what happened but all I sensed was the confused gazes of Nobility.

If I remember correctly, they haven’t met him, have they?


“This is My brother. Vejetar.”

I gave a short introduction but that seemed a bit too short for him.


“I am The Elder Dragon of Wind. You need not stand up, I am here to observe and accompany my sister. That is all.


He stopped all of them in the middle of the Nobility getting up to greet him. Then he gestured for some seats to be brought out for the girls and himself. Caryl sat in a seat close to me.


Has he been here before? I think the Attendants recognize him…


“So? why are you late?”

I asked him again but his face grew confused and embarrassed.

“I forgot how to use the Zephyria Edelstein.”


If I’m right, isn’t that the stone that he gave to that merchant?

“What does that have to do anything with this?”

While we talked, The Nobility and Youlias quietly listened to us attentively.


“You see, that stone can be used to resonate with the Wind element. So I can manipulate the stone to send out some Mana Waves that only a dragon can sense… But I forgot how to. I was going to use that to contact Tetia… Then I finally remembered it.”


Ah. So, he forgets things too. it was good to see his clumsy side for once.


“Now then, shall we begin?”

I started the meeting by breaking the silence.


“First, Let me state this, The Weskin family has sworn to serve me and has in fact, been blessed by none other than me.”

The nobles looked at each other and then they directed their gazes on Caryl.


“That is the truth. My husband, Along with our family, discussed and contemplated on taking the said step in a great deal. It is an outcome of respect and reverence along with the wish of servitude. Such reverence came as Great Velkra saved my, our daughter, Carmine Salia Weskin.”


The Nobles looked shocked. That goes the same for the King.


“But I do not know of such a matter. Would you please explain in detail?”

Youlias spoke to Caryl so softly that it wouldn’t seem like he was talking to a noble, but someone superior to him.


“Carmine was traveling, during which the incident took place. Their Carriages were near Alfera Forest when a group of bandits attacked. They were Bandits in name but they are suspected to be hired mercenaries. Great Velkra was coincidently near thus she saved her and everyone else from death. A lovely and valuable Maid of ours was nearly stabbed to death.”


Carmine gave a short version of the story. All of the nobles along with the King looked quite bothered by the revelation but only one of them was quiet and calm. It’s been bugging me from the start but this guy seems fishy.


“That is why,”

I interjected into her story and started to speak.


“I want you to look into this and present me with the culprit. I suspect the Nobility.”

We’ll see why I said this. It’ll startle him enough.


A spur goes through the people and everyone starts inquiring about one another. But sure enough, the same guy was quiet and calm. On the outside at least. I can sense emotion through my [World Perception[, so I knew what he actually felt. He’s shivering on the inside.



Youlias shouted in a stern voice and released his aura. You could actually see it with the naked eye. An aura of gold. Exuding intellect and worth.


The nobles shivered in their seats and settled down quietly. And yeah, a sweat finally broke out on that person’s forehead. You could say his whole head is his forehead. Because he’s bald.


“Would you be please elaborate, Great Velkra?”


Hmm… What should I say?


“Can I ask something?”



“Your highness does not need permission from someone like me, Great Velkra.”



“You, State your name.”


I looked at the guy and asked for his name. The guy stood up with shaky legs. He placed a hand on his chest and bowed down,


“My name is Vazr De Valius. My humble domain lies on the number third in the ranking.”

This guy was trying so hard not to fall back into his seat,


“You can ask him, Youlias.”


At that, Youlias’ Aura went to near full throttle and it actually rendered everyone immobile. Not that we are affected by it. But still. The man shivered in his shoes and kept his gaze down all the time.


“Was it you? Answer me.”

Youlias asked a simple question. And he confessed.


“I have disgraced Your Highness and this Kingdom…”

He said as he hung his head down in shame. He wouldn’t have confessed this easily if I wasn’t here. The pressure of having an Elder dragon point him out was the thing that broke his spirit.


“Weren’t you the one who sent a marriage proposal for Carmine? It was with your son if I remember correctly?”

Caryl stated the probable cause for the attempt of murder.

“She rejected it saying that the boy was… unacceptable.”


“That is correct.”

The guy confirmed the cause.


“Knights! Take this man to the cells! I’ll give my verdict after this meeting!”


The Knights stormed into the conference room and apprehended the culprit. Then they dragged him out of the room and the door closed behind them.


“Now that that is out of the way, we must continue.”

I turned everyone’s attention to the meeting and straightened them up.


“This was kept under covers--?”


As I began to speak, I notice something weird. Something out of place, that shouldn’t be here. I looked around the room to detect the source of such a strange feeling.


“Is something the matter, Great Velkra?”


Something’s here. Wait. This is the same mana. The one Hero had. It’s not identical but they resemble. Where is it? There?


 I looked at the source of that mana and see that a Knight on duty was acting and flinching weirdly.

Youlias looks at the Knight and immediately understands that something was up.


“Check on him, Souma.”

He ordered Souma to close in and take a look but before that,



I called out to him but the Knight wasn’t in his last position before. I look at Youlias and see that the Knight had gotten too close to him. He moved at such speed that Souma’s eyes couldn’t see him in motion.


The knight left behind a shockwave and closed the distance in milliseconds. Youlias reacts but the knight seems to be faster. Youlias reaches for his sword in slow motion but,





Author's Note;

So there it is. A compensation. Not really much to say, everything's the same. leave a comment after reading.

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