Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 391: the plan

With all the other factions completely wiped out, Yunan started building trading posts in every 10th level, creating tasks and quests as well as providing information, the system provided tips and advice as well as maps and monster weaknesses to all who arrived at the rest floor, other than providing all possible needs an adventurer could ask for, the trade posts also made training centres where adventurers could practice and spar, as well as teach each other class specific information.

With the adventurers free from the grip of factions in Tartarus, they also started ignoring those on the outside, especially with the protection afforded with the help of both the guild and trading post faction, they could simply find the guild and report who ever tried to pressure them, it wouldn't take long for the aggressor to be shown the pain of going against adventurers.

The world of Burkan was in a mess as well, the faith generation was reaching unprecedented heights, the population of believers increased by the day, and something strange took place, the number of people who worship a single god decreased drastically, while the belief in multiple deities spread wider.

That wasn't all, the usual noble cast system was changing to a meritocracy, led by the example of the Twilight Pearl, ever since the presence of the Awakened was accepted, merits became the most important criteria to judge people as well as allow them to advance in their chosen careers.

Many nobles and landowners were slowly losing their grip on their positions, especially after they lost their adventurers, even the slave adventurers were slowly buying their freedom, this forced them to let go of their pride and actively work to keep their lifestyles, the most successful ones may have gotten to keep their status stable, the unlucky ones were even enslaved due to debts or the inability to even live independently from their titles.

Nobility no longer was the dream of the masses, strength and ability were now the factors determining the worth of any individual, money and fame came to those who worked hard, those who were innately capable were sought after, those incapable of great feats were also able to live decent lives, they did the menial labour and helped, in their own way, in stabilising the world for those who would then protect them using their outstanding gifts.

This movement was accompanied by something strange, everyone was thinking the same thing, the whole world was thinking the same way all of a sudden, taking only 6 months to revoke the era tested systems and erect a new system, entirely dependant on merit and strength. It was as if the billions that resided in Burkan suddenly decided to agree, that it was best to shape the world that way.

Yunan left his little garden in Dreamscape towards the turbulent land of dreams, where he located a small hut, he opened the door to see two major gods, they sat there meditating and syphoning the dream energy like two sinkholes, as soon as Yunan entered the hut, the two opened their eyes, they have obviously grown stronger, still they looked with fear at Yunan, who smiled at them and sat down facing the two.

"Welcome, oh lord of Dreamscape, how may we be of help today". Even if the two were major gods with vast domains and great ability, after working on the task Yunan gave them, they looked at him with fear and respect. This little mortal was too much for them to handle. Not only did he find a way to use the endless energy of dreams, but he also did not use it for his own power, they both knew that they could not resist the temptation.

The boy choose them because they were the most suitable for his purposes, Satan was the best at temptation and insinuating ideas, Shiva was the best a destroying all things, they worked together to achieve the most ambitious plan, the plan that made them sweat bullets and rivers could be used on any being capable of ambition.

The plan was ingenious and terrifying at the same time, Yunan told Shiva to destroy the mental attachment that the beings of Burkan had towards the old social system, and Satan was to plant the idea that change was not bad, then when change arrived, Shiva was to destroy the natural resistances that reject anything new, while Satan was to tempt the population with the benefits of accepting the new system, the last part was to destroy all extreme prejudice between adventure and their reliance on a single class, while Satan provided the idea that being capable of doing more, is, by definition, the best thing to seek in a merit-based world.

This attack on a whole planet actually bore fruit in less than a year, the most terrifying part of the plan is that the gods themselves were also affected by it, even they themselves could not escape being influenced by it, only Yunan who was the lord of Dreamscape was unaffected.

The two have decided to keep their task a secret because if the gods waged war against Yunan, they would be the first to fall, the ability to influence the entire world was truly horrifying. He could make himself the only worshipped god in the world with a thought, he could even make the gods his own servant with just as little effort, the fact that such an untapped treasure like this was around would cause a war in the divine realms.

"I hope you both have benefited enough from your task, there is nothing left to do at this moment, since most of the work is done, time will take care of the rest, I hope that we can work together soon" as soon as Yunan said that, the two gods bowed their heads and left to their own domains, they had so many gains to consolidate about their divinities, especially Shiva who found a new direction to advance.

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