Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 392: the rogue, the fairy and the orc

Somewhere on the 88th floor

An orc stands with his great battle-axes over the beaten body of a lean and lithe youth, heaving heavily as he stood there with a victorious pose. The orc himself looked as if he had just gone through the killing method known as one thousand cuts, thin slashes covered the muscular orc, it looked like he just went through a blender.

Under the feet of the victorious orc, lay a rogue, beaten bloody and blue, there were broken bones, ribs poking through the armour, a jaw out of place, he spat a few teeth at the feet of the orc, there was no regret in the smile he tried to flash through his broken jaw.

Ten paces away stood 5 people, one was currently naked and brewing something that was not fit for human consumption, two were whispering to each other about something, the last two stood there dumbstruck, it has been a very long time since there was a duel in this party.

"That is that, then, for the next ten years, Bai must not attempt any kind of vulgar acts with any person affiliated with this party, slaves not included" said the person who seemed to be the most authoritative figure, and right after her words were done, the naked one took her cauldron and poured it over the downed rogue, he started to sizzle and fizzle.

The orc got himself a magical heal as he proceeded to fall on his posterior, he looked satisfied enough to die without any regrets, meanwhile, the rogue was returning to look like a human instead of a battered mannequin, slowly, his bones healed and retook their natural positions, his skin and muscles cleared from all blood and scars.

The party converged on the two sitting side by side like they had not just fought a duel halfway to death. The short yet stout dwarf directed a full strength punch to the head of the orc while berating him "what's next? are you gonna challenge this goddess over here? You know the boy was just talking out of his arse, right?" he directed another punch at the orc who was still smiling silly.

"Dustan, darling, when are you going to challenge me for the rights to have personal relationships in this party?" Leader flashed such a beautiful smile full of expectations and eagerness, the big guy just chuckled at her "not in this lifetime". His answer was earnest and sincere, in the mind of the big guy, he was never going to challenge her, not even if she was a pile of dead ash.

Of all the people in the party on the elf; the sole reason for this duel, she had no words to say, she was conflicted about her own feelings, it has been a very long time since someone actually fought for her, these two had been breaking the knees of everyone who competed for her. To see them fight so wholeheartedly was almost too much for her.

"What is the meaning of this, why on earth did you to fight this duel, it was not worth it at all, it was so stupid". She asked the rogue, she knew better than to ask the orc something like that. "I just did what I wanted, and so did he, also, you should figure out who's baby you want to bear before we ascend and all that crap, seriously, think about it".

"Who would want your children, both of you can keep dreaming" the young looking Fae lashed out, to her, all this talk about family and children was pointless, she already has a big family and two kids, they are not her own but she could pamper them at will, what was the point of anything more.

Balin interfered to explain "lass, calm down, breath, this is just your misfortune, you see, the luck bank told the dimwit to get a family, preferably you, he also told this shifty asshole to do what he wants to do for once, and there you go, one is trying to make a bride out of you, the other is just being his shifty self, all evil and nothing else"

The elf looked at the two then gave each a kick before storming off to sniffle in Leader's embrace, she mumbled to herself about how long it has been since she gave away some loving beatdowns to Yunan.

"So, you actually listened to the luck bank?" asked Lucian as he squatted down besides Dustan "you know, his words are just words, he said you needed a woman like Fae to make a family, he probably meant that you just need to get closer to her, it's not you lack the women who you can actually fill with children, family to that boy is a bit more than just marriage and sex, and I agree with him, you acting a bit more open with all of us can help a long way".

The brute orc looked at the werewolf before looking back at his feet. "I am not as smart as you are, but I know what he wanted to say to me the best, this is my home, you people are my home, and if this weakling should do as he wants to, then maybe I should act more orcish, vulgarity is not a trait orcs tolerate".

"Well, be it as it may be, there is something to look forward to from all this, the punishment for infighting this time should be interesting, this is the first time that three members will be punished simultaneously, so exciting". Just as Lucian finished his words, a shiver ran down the spines of the three implicated in this duel, the elf started to actually cry her eyes out, the rogue lay limply on the ground and the orc tried to run, he did not get far.

Mary stood with her three victims whimpering and shaking, they knelt before her in complete submission, they knew all too well that they were screwed this time. She scratched her chin as she mumbled: "what would be fun to do with you lot, maybe we should try that again". Upon hearing her words, the three of them fled as fast as they could, they would not run away from death this fast, but Mary just chuckled as she watched them as frantically ran away, she whispered to Lucian beside her "this is going to be so much fun".

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