Dungeons and Dalliances

4.18 – Wand V

After a long break of simply panting into each other and basking in each other’s hot, sweaty skin contact, Liz leaned up and sat on Natalie’s lap, the toy still joining the two of them. She looked down at the mess coating their stomachs, the result of Liz’s frantic extraction of Natalie’s lower half.

“Um,” Liz said. “I kinda forgot about the clean up.”

“You really made a mess,” Natalie agreed.

“Well, no, you made the mess,” Liz said. “Just, I should’ve realized. It’s all in my sheets, too. Why do you cum so much?”

“I had a succubus riding me. That’s why.”

Liz blushed and looked away. “Sh-Shut up. Don’t say things like that.”

With a little groan from both of them, Liz finally unperched from Natalie, and they pulled the toy out of them.

“I’ll go grab a towel,” Liz said. “Hold tight.”

She did just that, and soon, Natalie was wiping her stomach down, then her cock, with Liz doing the same.

“Okay! Back to the point of all this!” Liz said, a bit louder than appropriate. Natalie could tell she’d gotten carried away—and had enjoyed the process—and it was starting to hit her. So, like usual, she corralled them back to the ‘practicality’ of the situation. “Skill testing. Remember, that’s all it was.” The words were directed entirely at herself, and Natalie couldn’t help but laugh—which Liz ignored.

Now clean, Liz plopped back down on the bed next to Natalie.

“So. The new effect.”

Admittedly, Natalie was interested herself—though she’d been far more interested in Liz than any potential bonus from the wand.

She took a look.


[Joined] - Health and mana pools can be shared between targets.


“Oh,” Liz said. “Oh, wow. Share? Like, completely?”

Natalie shook her head in incredulity. “Again, we shouldn’t be surprised, with how strong the wand’s been so far, but—yeah, wow.”

That the benefits just kept stacking up was nearly unbelievable. The wand had already been a phenomenal piece of equipment before they’d discovered [Link] and [Joined], but now, it really might be one of the best pieces of level one loot—well, ever.

Was that the future of her class? And her adventures in the dungeon? If the trend held, she was really poised to be an insanely powerful adventurer—of the sort seen once in a generation. That was hard to come to terms with.

“I guess it depends on how it’s shared?” Liz said. “Automatically and evenly? Or can we like, funnel over health and mana to each other on will? Whenever we want?”

“Either way, it’s strong.”

“I mean, yeah. But it changes how we’d use it.” She rubbed her forehead. “Seriously though. I can send you my mana? That’s so good.”

“Or me to you,” Natalie said. “I don’t make as good use of it as you do, so that extra boost would be great. Let you cast more spells. Illusions are nice, but not crucial.”

“Eh, they’re becoming more and more relevant. You’re picking it up fast. Though I’m more interested in the health aspect. Making you even a bit more tanky by giving you my health would be amazing. Not just that, but regeneration effects are twice as useful. If we link health, then put a regen spell down on both of us, it’s effectively you getting two regen effects at once.”

“Huh,” Natalie said. She hadn’t even considered it from a healing perspective—it was natural that was where Liz’s mind had gone. She disagreed that health was more relevant, though; she felt like the boosted mana pool was the bigger game-changer. She paused as the obvious question popped into her head. “Wait, can it work on more than one of us?”

“If it does, only between me and them, I’d figure,” Liz said. “Can’t link all of us, to each of us.” Liz froze as she realized exactly what ‘linking all of them together’ would mean. How that would happen. Despite being naked and still sticky from what they’d just done, she blushed furiously at the lewd imagery. Of course, that drew a laugh from Natalie, and a resulting shove from Liz. “Oh, shut up. Stop making fun of me!”

That wasn’t likely to happen. “Might be good with Ana, though,” Natalie said. “Sharing your mana pool with her? Or even doubling your health pools? The back line has the biggest risk for getting seriously hurt by a single surprise hit, so I don’t even know if I’m the primary target for the ability. Might be Ana.”

“A-Ana?” Liz shook her head rapidly. “I mean, maybe you’re right, but—“ More rapid head shaking, Liz’s black hair bouncing as she flushed furiously at the idea.

 Natalie was tempted to tease her, but decided to let up.

“I’ll stick with you,” Liz finally said firmly. “It’s a good combo between us, anyway. Tank and healer.”

“Wonder what the duration is?”

“Hopefully at least a day.”

“I think I’d prefer just a few hours. Or less.”

“Huh? Why would you—?” Liz paused as she understood the implication.

Natalie stated it out loud anyway. “So we get to use it more often,” she grinned. “Between every fight, maybe?”

Again, Liz’s face turned red. “You really are a pervert, aren’t you? Ugh, don’t talk to me.”

Natalie laughed.

“So, anyway,” Liz said. “We should get cleaned up?”

“Is that an invitation to your shower?”

“If you can keep your hands to yourself.”

“Definitely won’t.”

Liz huffed, then stood. “Well, just don’t get too carried away, then.”

“Still no promises.” Natalie’s eyes tracked Liz’s ass as she walked across the room, headed for the attached bathroom. “Actually, is there an opposite of a promise?”

Looking back and seeing Natalie blatantly ogling her, Liz flushed and covered her butt with a hand. “Seriously! It’s embarrassing. Don’t be so obvious!” She scurried off into the bathroom and out of view—as if Natalie hadn’t just been invited to join her. Natalie briefly hesitated, wondering if the teasing had changed Liz’s mind, but a second later, Liz asked, “You coming?”

“Coming? Hopefully a few more times,” Natalie said, smirking as she stood. “And you, let’s say, six or seven times, by the time I’m done with you?”

“N-Nat! Really!”

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