Dungeons and Dalliances

4.19 – Cuddle

Natalie did get one more round of playing with Liz in the shower, but that was far as the healer let it go; they didn’t spend all night together, and all Natalie got to do that second time was touch. Natalie wondered when Liz would be open for more, and especially without the pretend-excuse of ‘testing the wand’. Though she had no intentions of pressing her.

Afterward, she made it back to her dorm in time to catch Jordan settling down for the night. Immediately on seeing Natalie, a mischievous grin crossed Jordan’s lips, and Natalie barely got the door closed and a sound barrier up before Jordan had knelt down, flipped Natalie’s skirt over her head, and had her mouth around Natalie’s cock. It was a rather pleasant welcome-back, if an impractical one, seeing how she had a few things she wanted to talk to Jordan about.

The two of them went through their usual routine of ‘energy-gathering’, with Natalie bending her best friend over the bed and coating her womb white to finish things off.

One of the best parts of sharing a room with Jordan, though, more even than the sex, was getting to snuggle up with her at the end, lights off and getting ready to sleep. Having Jordan tucked up into her was indescribably devastating to her current dilemma—her gigantic fat crush which she was trying desperately to ignore—and so Natalie had to forcibly not let herself get too caught up in the warm glow. She hadn’t made any progress on whether she thought Jordan returned her feelings, and in fact, any time she did let her thoughts wander in that direction, things just became more muddled inside her head.

Because there were contradicting signals. The way Jordan behaved sometimes certainly indicated she wanted to be more than friends—but at the same time, Jordan was a direct person, who surely would have told Natalie. More than that, Natalie felt like she ought to be more certain about Jordan’s feelings if they existed. She should be able to tell. Jordan was her best friend, wasn’t she?

So as it stood, she was conflicted. With the possibility of rejection—and making their relationship awkward—Natalie shied away from forcing the issue, at least until she had more confidence. A big part of her derided her as being a giant coward for that, and she had no defense, beyond that she had so much going on that her disgustingly huge, but risky, crush on her best friend had to take the back seat, at least for a few days or weeks until she figured things out.

“So,” Jordan said, snuggled into her, her head resting on Natalie’s shoulder as Natalie stared up at the ceiling, wondering how she’d both gotten so lucky and unlucky to be in this situation. “There’s probably a few things we should talk about before we go to bed. I meant to earlier, but you distracted me.”

“I distracted you? You were under my skirt before I could say hi.”

“Fine,” Jordan said, “your cock distracted me. Same difference.”

Natalie shook her head.

“Anyway,” Jordan said. “Sofia.”


“You never told me what happened between you two. Did you make up?”

Make up? She wouldn’t call what had happened in the locker room ‘making up’. Not to mention Natalie hadn’t done anything wrong back at the tournament. Sofia had just been acting weird because of Sammy. Her explanations were still a bit nonsensical. Jealousy was the obvious answer, but too absurd to be true.

“I mean, kind of.”

“You kind of made up?”

A flash of that event passed through Natalie’s thoughts, Sofia pinned down by her wrists, hanging there as Natalie stroked her to a twitching orgasm. Horrifyingly, Natalie felt herself stir with excitement, and she desperately fought the memory away. How in the world would she explain getting hard when Sofia was the conversation topic?

Maybe Jordan sensed her dilemma, because she laughed. “Okay, I’ll just say it. Sofia told me.”

“Told you what?”

“That you pounded her brains into jelly.”

Natalie eyes shot open, and she immediately started sputtering out a rejection. That was not what had happened.

“No, I’m kidding,” Jordan laughed. “She just said you two hooked up. I don’t know what that included, exactly. She didn’t specify.”

“We didn’t even hook up,” Natalie protested, still flushed. “We just—I just. Well.” She coughed. “Fingered her, I guess?”

“Uh huh,” Jordan said. “And that’s not hooking up?”

“Hooking up implies, I don’t know. That it was … I guess …”

Jordan, unfortunately, waiting patiently for Natalie to finish her statement. Natalie wasn’t sure where she was going with it.

“It’s Sofia,” Natalie finally said. “We didn’t hook up.”

“So, you platonically fingered her? As friends?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Sorry,” Jordan said. “As rivals. You platonically fingered her as rivals.

Natalie’s face burned. “Shut up. What do you want me to say?”

“That you ravished that poor young woman because your lusty impulses got the better of you.”


Jordan pressed her face into Natalie’s shoulder and laughed. Natalie was caught between a bout of gay panic and outrage at the accusations Jordan was throwing her way. In the end, she just lay there and pouted.

“Okay,” Jordan said. “Fine. You two didn’t hook up. But what else happened?”

“That’s between me and Sofia.”

“I told her you’d say that,” Jordan said, amused. “You really are such a gentleman. No kissing and telling.”

“I can’t believe she came to you about it.”

“Well, it involves you, so it involves me. Because she knows we’re sleeping together. Sofia takes a mature approach to relationships.” She snorted. “Okay, well, kind of. She’s also an idiot in some ways.”

Natalie ignored the ‘also’, most because her concern was growing. Sofia surely hadn’t give Jordan the full details behind that event, right? “What else did she tell you?” Natalie asked carefully.

“Oh,” Jordan said. “Some interesting things. A wager was mentioned.”

Natalie’s stomach sank. “A wager?”

“For the ownership of an innocent young woman and her dignity,” Jordan said. “I didn’t know you were thinking about getting a pet. You should really include me in those sorts of big decisions. We’re partners, aren’t we?”

“She told you,” Natalie groaned, ignoring the ridiculous way Jordan had phrased it. “Why? Why would she do that?”

“Because she’s considerate. She was worried I would mind.”

Natalie already had blanket permission from Jordan that she could be with who she wanted, but she supposed Sofia didn’t know that. Still, it was rather mortifying that Sofia had given their arrangement away. Especially because Natalie knew she was in for all sorts of teasing from Jordan, now. She groaned a second time.

Then, she quieted. She wondered if she ought to check in on that so-called ‘arrangement’. See if Jordan was still okay with it. Especially since it was Sofia—someone rather closer to Jordan than her typical fling. “And you still don’t mind, right?”

“I don’t,” Jordan said. “Sharing doesn’t bother me. You’re the possessive one.”

Natalie squeezed Jordan tighter into her. She would like to defend herself, but it was true. Jordan was hers. Natalie didn’t want to share. At least, not openly.

“You’re more than enough for me, don’t worry,” Jordan said, smiling. “Our arrangement can work one way. But I do want to bring something up.”


“What do you think of all three of us?”


“Can Sofia be our pet?”


“How you feel about group stuff, I guess?” Jordan asked. “If you want me only to yourself, that’s fine too. But what about me, you, and Sofia?”

Natalie’s brain underwent a brief meltdown. Together? In that way? Sofia being a ‘pet’ to both of them?

Natalie was possessive of Jordan, unfair as the arrangement felt, and she absolutely did not want Jordan to be with anyone else in the same way she herself slept around. She knew that was hypocritical, especially when she and Jordan weren’t even an official thing, hence why she was endlessly relieved that Jordan wasn’t bothered by the situation. But did that possessiveness of Jordan extend to Sofia? Or even anyone else Natalie was interested in, in a serious manner?

Not that she was interested in Sofia.

Natalie found that the answer came easily. It didn’t bother her. In fact, the idea of sharing Sofia with Jordan was currently causing her significant problems—both mentally, and, unfortunately, physically.

“Well, we’ve got the answer from your lower half,” Jordan said amusedly. “But what’s upper Natalie say?”

“Sofia wouldn’t be okay with it.”

“Wouldn’t she?” Jordan said. “I wouldn’t be so sure. But that’s not the question. Are you?”

“I guess, I’m not against it?”

Jordan nodded, unsurprised by the answer.

“Well, then it sounds like you just have to train your pet right,” Jordan said. “And when she’s nice and well behaved, you can bring her to me.” She patted Natalie’s stomach. “Now, get that thing under control. We really can’t go another round. How are you so insatiable?”

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