Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 60: Information about every country

When Lily and Ion are released from their seiza, Mocchi-san comes to talk to me. The content is to hand over the part-time job money. When I received the money, Mocchi-san asked me.

"Takuto-kun, you've made a lot of money without even knowing it. Did you beat some bounty hunter?"

"Well, something like that"

In a way, she was right. But what should I do with all this money...as I was pondering, Mocchi-san made an unexpected suggestion.

"If you have that much money, you can move to another country"

Hmm? Wait a minute, isn't that a strange thing to say?

"Emm...there's a terribly strong monster in the Young Tree Forest..."

"Eh? Ah, yes. Are you talking about the guardian deity?"

Eh...that boss is a god?

"Did you fight him by any chance?"

"No, someone else fought and got killed, so I ran away"

"That's a good decision. The Young Tree Forest. It is called the birthplace of the trees of this world. It is forbidden by the country to defeat the guardian god that protects it"

What!? What is that setting!?

"Emm, how do I get to another country?"

Yes, that's the point.

"You can pay for a permit and take a carriage or something"

E, Eh...what's with the just buy a train ticket and get on the train mentality?

"Then, where can I get the permit?"

"You can get it from each guild. I heard that you have to be of a certain level to get it, but I think Takuto-kun and the others will be fine"

Eh...then I guess I could go to another country pretty quickly?

"By the way, how much does a permit cost?"

"The price varies depending on the country you're going to"

Seriously...I guess there are many countries. I'll ask around.

"By the way, what kind of countries are there?"

"From this town, you can go to Veinreef, the land of mines, Freetia, the land of freedom, Wantwork, the land of industry, Gones, the empire of the gods and the Reich Empire"

That's a lot of countries at once. Veinreef is English...I believe both Vein and Reef mean vein and stone.

Freetia is the tear of freedom? Is it a country that shed tears when it became free?

I think Wantwork is probably taken from an idiom meaning that I want to work in English.

Reich, I think, was German for greater nation.

I think Goness was taken from goddess? It means goddess, but is it a country that believes in goddesses? Anyway, let's ask a lot.

"What are the characteristics of each country?"

"Of course. Veinreef is a mining country, so of course the main focus is on making weapons and armor. It's called the holy land of blacksmiths''

Hou, I wonder if Crow-san would choose it?

"But it's also known as the blacksmith's graveyard"

I'm afraid of the setting! But why?

"Why are you saying that?"

"This country is a meritocracy, so if you're good at blacksmithing, you can rise to the top, but if you're not, you'll be destroyed by other craftsmen. The country is located in the mountains and it's cold all year round, so people leave the country because of the debt and I heard that a lot of people are dying because of the strong monsters, the mountains and the cold"

Scary scary...too real...and why? A picture of Crow-san wandering the mountains in tattered clothes passed through my mind for a moment, but...yeah. I must have imagined it. Let's forget it.

"Freetia, is the land of freedom, probably the best place for you, Takuto? After all, it's the only country that doesn't discriminate against other races and it's a country that makes friends with many different races"

Hee. That sounds like a nice country. I'm not sure if there is any discrimination. The blonde haired guy from the cooking contest battle was like that.

"Wantwork is like this because this town is also Wantwork. Of course, there are so many shops in the capital that you can't compare. If you want to make money, then Wantwork is the right choice"

That's an awful thing to say.

"There is no information about Goness and Reich"

No information?

"What do you mean?"

"Goness believes in the god of Goness. It's a country where only Goness´s citizens are allowed to enter the country. Honestly, it's a country where people say it's better to stay away from Goness"

A typical religious country...I certainly don't want to get involved.

"Reich is a military nation. It is characterized by thorough laws and military power. I think it's suitable for hard-headed people"

Yes. It's not calm. Are you trying to make me experience war in a game world? Well, I don't know what to do...from what I just heard, I guess I should go to Freetia or Wantwork. Considering Lily and the others, I think we should go to Freetia. But there's something that worries me.

"Is Mocchi-san okay?"

"It's true that losing Takuto-kun would be a huge blow. So why don't you negotiate with your older sister?"

As expected, there seems to be some ideas.

"I'll just listen to what you have to say"

"Simple story, I want you to sell me the food that Takuto-kun made. Of course, I have the transportation cost"

He~. That's very convenient. It's like courier service or trading.

"I didn't know you could do that"

"Not every country can do it. Goness and Reich can't do it"

I don't have a good image. These two countries.

"If it's Takuto-kun, you'll go for Freetia, right?"

"Yes. I want Lily and the others to have fun"

"Okay, suggestion number two. There's actually a store in Freetia that my father built. It's no longer in use, though"

I'm sorry to hear that.

"So, Takuto-kun, why don't you guys try living in that store?"


"Emm, you want me to open a store?"

"I'll leave it up to you whether you want to do that or not. I'll rent the house and land for the store to you, right? In exchange, I'll ask Takuto-kun to give me a discount on the price of his food. What do you think?"

I see...it will be helpful to have a base in a new place...I've been indebted to Mocchi-san, so I think I'll take him up on it.

"I'll accept your offer. But won't that be a negative?"

"No, not at all. There aren't many places where you can eat a three-star chef's cuisine at a reasonable price. Be-sid-es"

Mocchi-san looked around meaningfully. What is it?

"Takuto-kun, you're an adventurer. So you might be able to find something other than boar meat or Amur minnow in this shop"

All the customers in the restaurant stood up at those words. Oh, they've been listening to us, haven't they? It's true that a restaurant that serves a variety of new dishes would be very popular. Especially in this town.

"That's why. Negotiations have been concluded. Let's go to the guild immediately after cooking"


So I continued to make tsukune, excited to see new towns, a new country and a home that I hadn't seen yet.


Author note:

I'm sorry if you were expecting a fight with Gerbera Grow. Well, the Gerbera Grow is so strong that even if Takuto and his friends fight it, there is nothing they can do about it at present. As you may have noticed, there is still a hidden element to the Gerbera Grow, so stay tuned.

In the next chapter, one of the people involved in the incident in question will apologize. Even though it's about the game, I thought an apology was necessary. I hope you will pay attention to the decision of Lily and the others.

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