Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 61: New weapons and apology

After my part-time job, I immediately headed to the Adventurer's Guild. There I went through the Freetia immigration process. In my case, though, I showed them all my summoned beasts and that was it. Apparently, you have to know what you're doing. I paid the money and got the permit. Since I made the arrangements today, my departure would be the day after tomorrow.

Before that, I still have some unfinished business to take care of...for now, I need to level up. Going to a new country means encountering strong monsters, right?

I received a message from a friend. It's Crow-san.

『The requested one-handed sword, staff and armor are ready. I'm sorry, but please come to pick them up』

Oh, they're finished? For Crow-san, I got a werewolf claw and a water-based stone that I've been saving. I gave Mew-san some piranha skins and werewolf skin, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I immediately headed to Crow-san's place.

""""Sorry to bother you""""

"Hey. You're here as soon as possible...ah, I'm sorry about yesterday...how can I say this, are you okay?"

"I know it's not Crow-san's fault and I'm fine"

"Is that so...but I didn't think you were that strong"

"Can we please stop talking about this? Lily and Ion will be offended”

Lily and the others complained when I said that.

"I'm not offended"

"It's just frustrating"

That's being offended. Lily.

"That's right...I'll just give you my finished product first"

"I'll take a look"

Werewolf Greatsword: Rarity 3 Weight 30 Durability 40, Attack power +20

Additional effect: water attribute (slight)

A greatsword made from the claw of a werewolf. A slight water attribute is added as an additional effect.

The sharpness is not very good, but it can cut well.

Water Stone Dagger: Rarity 2 Weight 5 Durability 25, Attack +7

Additional effect: Water Attribute (slight)

A dagger made of water-based stone.

A slight water attribute is added as an additional effect.

"Oh. So it has a water attribute"

"Yeah. Thanks to that, the addition of water attributes to the blacksmithing skill has been released. It was a big help.

I'm glad to hear that.

"Here's what I keep"

"I'll take a look"

Piranha Robe: Rarity 2 Weight 5 Durability 25 Defense +10

Additional effect: Fire Resistance (slight)

A rope made of werewolf skin based on piranha skin.

It has an added effect of slight fire resistance.

Werewolf Shoes: Rarity 2 Weight 5 Durability 25, Speed +5

Additional effect: Fire resistance (slight)

These shoes are made of werewolf skin and piranha skin.

Has a slight fire resistance added as an additional effect.

Camphor Tree Staff: Rarity 2 Weight 5 Durability 25 Magic Attack +15

A staff made of camphor tree.

It has a higher magic attack power than normal trees.

Camphor Tree Wooden Sword: Rarity 2 Weight 5 Durability 25

A wooden sword made of camphor tree.

The shape is that of a sword, but it is light, so it can be used with one-handed sword skills.

Oh! It's kind of nice. The shoes seem to be a bonus. They thought I needed them because I was using the kicking technique on Wolfman. I'll send a thank-you e-mail to Mew-san.

But when I looked at the weapon, I suddenly had a question.

"How are attack power, defense power, speed and magic attack power different from strength and magic power?"

"Ah, that's the question...we don't know either, so we're trying to find out, but it seems that strength and attack power are different"

Ah, it's different.

"It's just a hypothesis, but our current hypothesis is that strength, agility and various skill levels determine attack power.

Hou, that's certainly a setting that this game would do. The power of a weapon is determined by its pure strength and the speed at which it is swung.

"So magic attack power is based on magic power, dexterity and skill?"

"That's the current hypothesis. It's a mystery whether the defense power is as it is in the status or the strength is affected. The magic defense power is the current hypothesis of magic power and defense power. By the way, when I asked the administration about it, they replied that they couldn't answer my question. In other words, they want us to find the answer ourselves"


"I understand. Then I'll pay you"

"Yes. 1,000G for the large sword, 500G x 2 for the dagger, 500G x 2 for the staff, 500G for the shoes, 500G for the robe and 300G for the wooden sword, for a total of 4,300G"

That's quite a bit of money, but it's okay. If I hadn't defeated so many players yesterday, I would have been in trouble.

"Well, we'll leave you to it"

"Ah, can you wait a moment?"

"What is it? Is this about yesterday, by any chance?"

"It's not too far off. Ruin-san has someone she wants you to meet"

From that story, it was someone who was there yesterday...it's said that everyone wasn't banned from logging in, but I can't help but wait.

"I understand"

After a few minutes of waiting, Ruin-san and a woman arrived. Looking at the woman, Lily and Ion set up their new weapons.

That woman...is the one who warned Arthur once, isn't she?

"Lily, Ion. Put down your weapons"

"But Takuto! That person!"

"I know. But if she's going to fight, she's going to attack us in the field. It won't be a fight right away, so drop your weapons"

"...I understand"

"If Takuto says so..."

Lily and Ion lowered their weapons and we came face to face with her. She was a member of the Round Table and an archer.

"First of all, thank you for agreeing to a dialogue. I'm Tristan, a member of the Round Table"

"I am Takuto, a summoner. I haven't heard any details, but I understand you have something to tell us"

"Yes. I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday... I'm so sorry!"

Then she bowed her head. It's amazing that she came to apologize for yesterday....

"You think you'll be forgiven for apologizing!"

Ion raised her voice in anger. I stopped her.

"Ion, stop"

"But, Takuto-san!"

"She came to apologize for her mistake right away. It's not easy to do that. Sincerity should be answered with sincerity"


Good girl. I don't want you guys to be obsessed with anger and become scum. I know they´re not human, but I can't help but think that.

"The hostility of those kids is damaging...but I think I understand that I've given you that much guilt...and that's why I think I need to apologize first..."

"So you've come to apologize to us?"


“I understand what you're saying. I forgive you, because I did the same thing to you. And I apologize to you as well. I'm sorry for what I did"

"You don't have to apologize. But thank you. I honestly didn't expect you to forgive me. You're not the same person you were yesterday"

"I'm having a hard time keeping my reason, you know? If Arthur and Agravaine were here, I'm sure I'd be a reincarnation of yesterday. I can't let those two and the tamers get away with this"

Arthur was the one who bullied Lily and the others and made them cry. Agravaine is probably the one who came up with the plan. I didn't think Arthur was a wise man. And the two tamers are probably the clients.

"I'm sure you're right...those guys would have had their accounts suspended or quit the game"


"Arthur and his friends were suspended?"

“Yeah. The administration approves of PK, but they couldn't overlook the fact that he attacked them, ignoring the fact that they had admitted defeat in the duel. So they warned Arthur, but he protested against it. And he didn't care"

I guess that's true. But for Lily and the others, they got away with it...in my opinion, I would have liked to have faced Arthur again and had him beaten up by Lily and the others.

Tristan-san told me that the other members had voluntarily quit the game. She said that they were afraid of seeing me again and that their fans might target them for making Lily and the others cry. In other words, they didn't even apologize and ran away completely.

Then we heard about the incident from Tristan.

It all started when I defeated the Tamers. When they returned to town after losing to me, they met Arthur and his friends by chance and told them that I had PK'd them.

"Do you think that story is true"

"As it turns out, yes, but they were the ones who challenged me. They even went to the trouble of stalking me"

"So that's what happened..."

To return to the topic at hand, Arthur, who completely believed what the tamers said, began to judge me as a villain and fell into a sense of justice to save Lily and the others from me. And Agravaine came up with that plan without paying attention to Arthur.

"So you and the others didn't know about Arthur and the others' plan?"

"Yes, that's right. I was very upset when Arthur told me on the day of the event, 『We're the Knights of Justice and we're going to execute sanctions against the villains!』 I believed him because he was so angry, but I didn't think he was this stupid. I didn't realize it was a personal vendetta...it's so bad"

It's like his sense of justice has completely spun out of control. Tristan-san continued.

"...But, you know. I can't say I had nothing to do with it. It's also true that I followed the orders of the operation. That's why I came to apologize"

"I'd like to ask you, is this apology for you personally? I'd like to know if your apology is for you personally or on behalf of all the people who were there?"

"Of course it's my personal apology. If you want to speak on behalf of the group, I think Arthur should do it"

I'm sure he does. If she had said that she came to apologize on Arthur's orders, I wouldn't have forgiven her.

"I understand. After that...what about Lily and the others?"

I asked Lily and the others. It's one thing if I forgive her, it's another if they forgive her.

"I will forgive if Takuto-san allows"

"Lily too!"

That's what Lily and the others say, but... that's not good enough.

"Lilly, Ion. That's not good enough. You'll have to decide for yourselves if you forgive her, not because I do"

That's the most important part. While Tristan-san tensed up, Lily and Ion worriedly gave their answers.

“Lily...can't forgive what older sister did. But I don't think she's a bad person for apologizing so desperately. So Lily will forgive you!"

"I didn't receive any real harm from you, but I can't forgive you for putting Takuto-san in danger. However your sincere attitude made me think that you are not a bad person. So I'll forgive you"

Both of them thought it through and came up with a good answer. I appreciate this decision. It means that they both have the strength to forgive those who have done them wrong.

"Thank you"

Tristan-san thanked them both and they smiled. Is this the end of the matter? There was one thing I had to ask.

"By the way, at first it seems that you were angry that I didn't post Lily and others on the bulletin board...that is different from the tamers´s request, isn't it?"

"You're right. Arthur and the others like your little girls. I'm sure they're not the only ones. And then when they heard about the request and that Takuto-kun did not reveal his information, they went berserk"

Eh...they did that even though they like them..what can I say...?

"""That's disgusting!"""

Lily and the others assure me. How dare they bully them and make them cry when they like them. It's just plain disgusting.

"I agree with you...he and I grew up together, but he kept telling me I was wrong and that he was right, so I ended our relationship by slapping him"

Wow, she's gone that far...I can't help but feel a little responsible. Then Tristan-san followed up.

"You don't have to worry about it, you know. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with him to begin with"

I see. No, you're probably right...if he has that personality in real life, he's pretty bad.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to voluntarily ban myself from logging in for a while. I don't think that's going to restore trust, though. Some people will think I'm running away"

That's what I was thinking earlier. Then Ruin-san spoke.

"As Tristan mentioned earlier, the members of the Round Table are getting a lot of flak on the bulletin board right now. The fans of Lily and the others are especially upset. It seems that some PK players have taken notice of this and are starting to move in"

I'm glad to hear that, but...it's not like I'm going to be killed. What I say is that I exploded my anger....

"I see. What are you going to do now?"

"I'd like to continue playing the game if I can, but I might have to suspend my account...Rather, I should do so"

Then I interrupted her.

"Are you sure about that?"


Tristan-san looks at me.

"If you ask me, it's just an escape. If you stop here, you'll always regret it. So please don't run away and continue"

"...That's harsh"

"Of course I'm going to cooperate. I don't know what to do, though"

Then Ruin-san suggested.

"Then you can post this information on the bulletin board. If there is a video that Lily and others forgive you, fans will be convinced"

Indeed. All she needs is solid evidence.

"Should I reshoot it then?

"No need to do that. I've already filmed it. The rest is up to you"

Tristan-san and I asked her to release the video. But Ruin-san knew what was going to happen and she was prepared for it. It can only be said to be a stone.

Finally, Tristan-san and I became friends. As long as we cooperate, we have to be able to get in touch.


Author note:

I hope that Tristan's serious apology was conveyed in some way. And Arthur and Agravaine have been suspended. I'm sure there will be a lot of comments about the delay, but please bear with me.

Next time, Lily and others will fight a slime. I'm sure you already know how it's going to turn out, but I hope you enjoy it.

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