Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 212: Damsel in distress

Things went… much better than Adam expected. After finding Jafar and company, the Lizardman didn't take too long to call for the rest of his subordinates and start building the base.

As it turned out, Jafar wasn't as prideful as Adam thought he was, since the guy was able to put aside his personal pride to help his people. He would definitely make a good leader for Cassifon if he managed to get out of Providence alive.

Thus, Adam decided not to be a complete ass and just have them work for him, that was going way too far since they were even being nice to him, so he helped them construct the whole base and also took the time to give them all advice.

That was the props of mastering 8 different Sovereign Concepts. A Sovereign Concept enveloped the understandings of many lower classed concepts, so since Adam mastered some of the most common seen concepts, that is Water, Fire and Wind, he could give guidance to most people around here.

And even for those with slightly more exotic concepts, the people here were almost all at a very low degree of understanding so using his own Concepts as a reference to guide them was easy for Adam.

Anyway, a few days had passed since Adam met Jafar, and all the Lizardkin who entered Providence and were still alive had joined them. There were several tens of thousands of them, so a considerable number, but Adam had managed to interrogate them all, and he had killed about 100 of them who were spies for demons.

It took less time than he thought it would, thanks to his mastery of the Spirit Concept. Just like his cultivation, understanding a Concept was easier in the beginning, but would get harder and harder as time passed.

Something else that he had noticed earlier was that there seemed to be stages, or levels of understanding for his Concepts, setting pretty clear thresholds. For now, he had picked up the 10% and 50% thresholds.

He had felt the difficulty spiking up at those values. His Water and Fire Concepts were the most advanced, both at 51% of understanding, and his Sword Concept came second with 50%.

Something else he noticed was the power brought by the Concept, understanding 10% of the Water Concept allowed him to use C Skills freely, and understanding 50% now allowed him to lessen the cost of B Skills by 50%…

Anyway, Adam's Spirit Concept was now at 40%, so detecting the lies of a large group of Gold Ranks had become rather easy for him.

Something else he noticed was that the influence of the system in this sub dimension seemed to have become much lesser in comparison to Epoch. For example, messaging others through the system was now impossible, and the Lizardkin people seemed to know in beforehand since they took those devices beforehand.

Adam would have liked to know too, since he would have been able to contact his guild mates and find them right away, but unfortunately he wasn't told about this…

Other than that, it was time for Adam to finally put in some real work. The base they were building was almost finished, and the Lizardkin people had even given him a good surprise, or rather Jafar did, as he had started understanding the Advanced Concept of Camouflage.

Even though he didn't like receiving orders from Adam, since it was for his people's well-being he used his skills to hide the base better so that it would be much harder for the demons to find it.

Back to the subject, while they were finishing the base, some other Lizardkin had been out exploring, and they finally came back with some results. Some great results, to be honest, since they were coming back with a bunch of northmen, not of Adam's guild though.

After listening to their report alongside Jafar, who was here only because he didn't want to lose all his influence in front of his subordinates, Adam understood the situation.

Those Northmen were men under Helena. At first, they had been hiding like everyone else, but after more than a week of hiding and still no demon searching for them, they decided to crawl out of their hiding and find a way to escape.

As they did so, they unfortunately stumbled upon the lair of a Sage Beast. The monster wasn't a nice once either as it killed a rather large part of their group before they were able to escape from it.

But only a few days later, that is today, the Sage Beast came back to find them and attacked. The two Northmen that were found by the Lizardkin patrol were fleeing from that monster, who was apparently fighting against Helena right now.

When the two reached this part of the tale, Adam grabbed them with a grave face and slashed open the void, exiting the room, leaving three dumbfounded Lizardkin behind. Couldn't he leave like a normal person?

Up above the base, with the two Northmen in each hand, Adam asked "Where is the princess?" He couldn't have her die, he promised the brother of the Emperor he would protect her.

The two seemed to be anxious too as they pointed at the direction they escaped from, but then spoke no more. This was because Adam directly began flying in that direction at top speed.

Adam's flying speed was terrifyingly fast, faster than even many Heroes. Those two Gold Ranks obviously weren't prepared for this, and they traveled several times faster than they ever had before.

One moment, they were still pointing in the direction they last saw the princess, and the next they were above a Sage Beast and the princess, still fighting. Adam could fly at more than 30km per second, which was much faster than the speed of sound.

Below them, the princess was quite gravely injured from her fight with the ape, which was a Sage Beast. It was actually her first time seriously fighting against a Sage Rank monster, and only now did she understand how much her training partners were holding back.

They had been fighting for only several minutes, and she already knew by now it was playing with her. It had already grabbed her several times, but instead of ripping her apart with it's terrifying strength it would just smash her against a nearby tree and continue punching her.

Normally, she would have long fled, but her men were behind, and she wasn't one to flee, or she wouldn't ever enter Roskhalla. She would even fight to her death if it meant saving her comrades and honoring her country's traditions.

However, the ape in front of her was growing tired of her. It could see she was reaching her limits, and knew playtime was over.

But as it prepared to deal the last strike, it suddenly heard an explosion above it, shocking it. Not only it had heard it, but the princess, as well as everyone else in the vicinity, had heard that explosion.

The sound actually came from Adam, who had been traveling at such speeds that the air around him had bent, folded and finally exploded. He could have erased the air resistance and arrive silently, but that wasn't his intention.

Adam threw the two Northmen towards the ones lingering around, hoping the princess who kill the monster, before he himself looked at the ape and said with a commanding voice "You will stand down."

His voice was chillingly cold, although it wasn't directed at them Helena and her men felt shivers when they heard his voice. As for the ape, who was the target of the voice, it felt even worse.

Adam had just used a derivation of his [Barbarous Roar], this time filled with his killing intent, his Concept of Slaughter as well as his Concept of Spirit. Obviously, it dealt a heavy impact on the ape's mind.

But the ape was Level 150, so it was able to wake up from the daze it was in. However, as it did so it understood it had fallen upon a tough bone, and if it didn't react quickly, it would die.

So without any hesitation it moved as quick as the wind and tried to grab Helena. It knew that the human above was trying to save the girl, so it's only hope was to take the girl hostage.

Unfortunately, this was the wrong reaction.

The ape barely got to move when a bolt of lightning fell on it's head.

Critical hit! -40.000.000 HP!

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