Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 213: Luck

The top of the ape's head was charred black by the unexpected strike. Adam couldn't move as fast as lightning, but his strongest one on one lightning skill, Smite, definitely could.

And the ape, who was taken by surprise, was far from being able to react to such a strike, and so it was struck down by the lightning.

Not only it hurt it a lot, but it also paralysed it, turning it's thoughts fuzzy and putting it in a daze because it struck it's head, sending electricity to it's brain.

The Ape was only Level 150, and was quite old. It wasn't very powerful. Even Helena was stronger than it by a small margin. However, her inexperience made her lose this fight. She was strong, and skilled, but she did not know how to fight.

Normally, Adam would have spared a Sage Beast for the final battle, but in the moment when the ape was dazed by the lightning, Adam got access to some of it's emotions and thoughts thanks to its mental defences being reduced to close to 0 by the lightning in it's brain.

And what he saw was rage, destruction, treachery and all kinds of negative feelings. Adam wanted allies to fight alongside him to kill Tazolos and get out of this realm, so he sparred all the Sage Beasts he fought until today.

But this ape was evil, and he didn't want to be backstabbed so he wouldn't spare such a problematic monster. Moreover, it was reaching the end of it's lifespan and was one of the weakest Sages Adam had seen so it wouldn't even be of much help.

As the ape regained some of it's bearings, it felt a terrible danger coming from the left side of it's head, but it barely got the time to register the information when a spear of ice penetrated from the left side of it's head, piercing through it's thick skull, it's brain, and quickly flying out of the other side of it's head, stabbing a hole in it's head.

Critical Hit! -130.000.000 HP!

The ape couldn't even release one final roar as it died, it's brain obliterated in less than a tenth of a second. It's twenty meters tall body fell to the ground, half of it's head gone.

The first strike had taken 40% of it's health, and the second one was strong enough to one shot it even if it was at full health.

Had it tried to fight against Adam, it would have been able to struggle a little, but it tried to go for Helena.

Something to understand about the fights of this level is that a single opportunity is enough to crush the other. Here, for example, because the ape thought it could react to any of Adam's sneak attacks, it went for Helena.

But Adam sent a lightning based skill, which were the fastest offensive skills in the world, not counting light, and it had no time to react. Then, because it was stunned by the first attack, Adam was able to launch his other attack, which was slower, and kill it in one shot.

Had it defended itself, it wouldn't have been stunned by the first attack, and would have been able to put up some defences against the second attack.

Of course, it would have still lost, but the defeat wouldn't have been as humiliating and overwhelming.

As his body passively absorbed the Aura in the surroundings, Adam flew down from the sky and landed next to the ape's body. He stored it into his Blood Tower as the body of a Sage Beast was quite valuable, and even if he didn't sell it he could eat from it, it's meat should be quite good.

Then, he turned to look at Helena, who unconsciously straightened up, and said "That was disappointing, but to be expected."

Helena lowered her head in shame, had it been before she wouldn't have cared much about his opinion, but only after seeing how easily he killed the monster she struggled so much against did she understand why Adam was who he was.

But Adam wasn't finished, and he said "Still, what you did was honourable. I accept to take you as my third disciple."

Helena clenched her fist as excitement took her over. She bowed and said "I definitely won't shame you, Master!"

Adam nodded and said "Before anything, you should lead your men to my base, there they will be protected. Once there, speak to Jafar, and follow what he did, he will explain to you."

Helena nodded and quickly gathered her men who were still escaping, unaware the monster had been killed. Meanwhile, Adam headed in another direction.

When he flew over to save the girl and her men he had spotted what seemed to be this ape's cave. He intended to go there and take it's resources, since it wouldn't need them anymore.

Following the traces of the ape, which wasn't difficult since all he had to do was to follow the fallen trees and the holes in the ground, he indeed reached the cave he had seen earlier.

He remained cautious though as he entered the cave. Although he had killed the ape, maybe there were more of them inside, and they could even be stronger.

But in the following minutes Adam understood that the ape was most probably a loner as he arrived in it's living abode and found no traces of anyone else.

The place was quite beautiful, there was an unusually big sakura like tree in the middle of a pond, with fruits hanging from the branches and sprouting out of the pink flower.

From where he was Adam could feel the fruits were overflowing with Aura, eating them would definitely help with his cultivation. But he set those aside for now as he proceeded to scan the rest of the cave with his sight.

On a side, Adam could see what seemed to be a bed, but it was roughly made and was made of stones, so it probably wasn't very comfortable laying on that.

And on another side, Adam could see what he had come here for, materials. Various ores could be seen, as well as precious plants. All the items in the pile were releasing Aura to their surroundings, but also absorbing some at the same time.

But only when he saw this pile did he start to understand the real value of the fruits hanging on the tree. Even gathered together, all those materials were far from comparing to even a single one of those fruits, in term of Aura.

Adam first moved toward the pile of materials and took everything inside the Blood Tower, before he moved toward the tree.

It was easy for Adam to walk on the water now, and as he arrived beneath the huge tree he extended his hand toward one of the fruits. A suction force appeared from within his hand and one of the fruits was plucked off the tree, flying toward his hand.

Adam then inspected the fruit which was now in his hand.

[Sapling Rose Tree Fruit]

Requirement: At least 10 000 in every Attribute.

Effect: +1000 to all attributes, grants XP. After the fruit has been plucked, the longer it is exposed to the outside world, the weaker the effects become. After having eaten 12 fruits, the fruits will no longer give any attributes.

When he saw that, Adam couldn't help but get excited. First, the fruit's effects were really good, and Adam could see a dozen of fruits hanging from the tree's branches so that would represent a great power up.

But more importantly, the tree was said to be a sapling. If the sapling could produce fruits this strong and be twenty meters tall, then the day it turned into a mature tree it would most definitely turn into something amazing.

But he had to be careful when he plucked them, as he had to use them right away. And that's exactly what Adam did as he bit into the pink fruit.

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