Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 21. To save an innocent life

«Your Grace, you're back!»

When the carriage arrived at the mansion, the butler bowed his head in greeting to his master. The Duke de Walt came downstairs, rubbing the bridge of his nose, being a little tired after a long trip.

The evening at the imperial banquet did not go at all as he had expected.

A little late to the start due to traffic jams, the man was surprised to find that by the time he arrived, everyone was in a panic. Servants were hastily wiping blood from the parquet, and the Empress was on the verge of fainting.

As it turned out, the cause of the commotion was the Crown Princess. However, she has already managed to leave. The duke had never met her in person before, because, unlike the rest of the imperial family, the girl did not like to attend social events. Spending all her free time on the battlefield or in her domain, she was rarely found in the palace.

And yet…

According to eyewitnesses, the Crown Princess really made a terrible impression. Anyone who came face to face with her remembered this meeting for the rest of their lives. If, of course, he was still alive…

In his heart, Victor de Walt was relieved that he had managed to avoid this moment.

In general, even after the commotion that arose after her arrival was eliminated, an unpleasant aftertaste remained among the guests until the end of the evening. The nobles tried their best to keep their smiles strained, but all the conversations came down to the same thing.

As a result, the banquet ended in complete confusion. Even good music and luxurious decorations could not save the spoiled atmosphere. The Duke chatted with old acquaintances and drank some wine when the event had already come to an end.

The Emperor and Empress hastily thanked everyone for the visit and left. The rest of the guests followed them.

After spending the night in a hotel room, the Duke set off early in the morning on his way back. He was not at home for almost a day, and the head of the family asked what had happened at the residence during that time.

As they walked along the stone path to the main entrance, Victor continued to ask the butler questions:

— How are things in the house?

«Your Grace, nothing remarkable has happened during your absence,» he reported, «the young lord has not returned from class yet, and my lady… She also behaves as usual.

— Hmm?

Noticing that the butler hesitated at the last words, he clarified:

— Tell me.

The Duke's personal servant sighed. As expected, nothing would escape his discerning gaze. The butler simply did not want to disturb his master immediately after his return.

— well… My lady and her maid were out this morning. And when they returned, they locked themselves in a room for a long time.

— hm… Anything else?

— Oh, yes,» the servant recalled, «My Lady also asked for a doctor. He left just before you arrived.

«You say she called Xavier?» The Duke frowned.

— That's right…

— What's the matter? Is she unwell?

— I… I'm not sure, — the butler felt guilty that he hadn't thought to stop the doctor and ask about it: — Should I go and find out?

— It's not worth it,» he replied coldly, «I'll do it myself.

The sudden decision of the gentleman surprised the butler. For the first time in the last few years, Victor de Walt himself decided to visit Milady in her room.

Immediately after his return, the Duke went to the wing of the estate where his youngest daughter lived.


The moment there was a knock on the door, I almost had another heart attack that day. Barely able to contain the excitement in my voice, I answered weakly:

— Y-yes?

— Camille.

When I realized that it was my father, my heart sank completely.

— I'm listening to you, Father.

«I was told that you invited Xavier today,» he replied dispassionately, «Is that true?»

— Y-yes. I felt a little unwell in the morning, and I decided to check with a doctor just in case.

— I see.

I couldn't believe my ears. For the first time in seventeen years, my father decided to ask about my well-being? Did this man finally have a conscience?

But as it turned out, I jumped to conclusions too soon. After all, only a few seconds later…


— Don't call the doctor again for no reason. Xavier is a respected doctor in the empire. He doesn't care about your nonsense.

The Duke's detached tone made me lose my temper at that moment. I couldn't believe that when his own daughter is sick, that's all he cares about? That I will «burden» another person with my worries? In the end, the family doctor turned out to be even closer to him than I was.

Suppressing my inner anger, I replied with restraint:

«I understand, Father. I promise it won't happen again.»

His footsteps were getting farther away. As a result, he was talking to me outside the door and didn't even deign to enter the room. Of course, in this situation, it was only to my advantage. But at the same time… I was a little disappointed that I didn't even have to come up with any excuses to keep him out.

He really didn't care about me at all.

I smiled bitterly. After all, I should have expected it, especially considering the kind of heartless people I'm dealing with. I wouldn't be surprised if these two didn't even come to my wedding or funeral.

I don't know why I put these two events in the same sentence…

Anyway, as soon as the danger was over, I turned back to the girl on my bed. Just a couple of minutes ago, she came to her senses for a while. I was surprised that it happened so quickly after all the procedures were completed.

It seems that with such good health, I really shouldn't worry about her future.

The commoner regained consciousness for only half a minute. And during that time, she managed to utter only one word.

As soon as I saw that her eyelids were slightly open, I immediately rushed to her. It was amazing how, in an almost completely unconscious state, her golden eyes stared at me intently.

— You… Who are you…

Barely moving her lips, she couldn't even find the strength to utter a phrase. I grabbed her hand.

«It's all right,» I said convincingly, «you don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you.

She was mumbling incoherently, trying to say something. She clung to my arm.

— What's your name? Where is your family? I kept asking questions.


But before she could say a word, the commoner fainted.

«Oh, it looks like she's still too weak…»

Well, that's not surprising.

I made her comfortable and covered her with a blanket. Then, propping my chin on my fist, I involuntarily began to look at her. Just looking at her face, shining with purity and childlike spontaneity, made my heart flutter. This commoner looked more like an angel than the angel himself.

— I wonder what your name is? I muttered softly, looking at the sleeping girl.

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