Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 22. The garbage of the Seibel family

Jeremy Seibel's face was a mask of deep despair. He could not understand what sins he had committed in his previous life, that now he was being chased everywhere by failures.

This afternoon, the Baron unexpectedly summoned him to his office for an «important conversation.» As if he was going to be tortured, the guy could barely move his legs, not understanding how he got into all this.

Once upon a time, his life was completely different. Rufus went to part-time jobs, he had friends, he was an ordinary university student. After all, he was making plans for his future life. But now… It all collapsed overnight. There was no trace of his past reality. Now anyone could spit in his face and get nothing for it.

After all, he is the despicable youngest son of the baron.

In the past, an ordinary guy named Rufus, and now the main disgrace of the noble Seibel family, let out a stingy male tear. He had only been in this world for a few months, but his psyche was already malfunctioning.

And most importantly, he could not understand what he had done to deserve all this. Or rather… What does he have to do with all this?! «I haven't even read this book, but only glanced at the description out of the corner of my eye. How do I know what she's talking about and what's going to happen here…?»

«In any case, I always knew that books are evil,» the student concluded, «At least I could become an emperor. Why do I need this miserable life without any prospects?!..»

The only thing that stopped the guy from taking the decisive step to end his life was the fear of death. Yes, he was afraid to close his eyes and never wake up again. After all, no one gave him any guarantees that after that he would be able to return to his world.

Deep down, Jeremy couldn't help but think that such a miserable existence was better than none at all.

Taking a deep breath, Jeremy resigned himself to the idea that he would have to play the role of a weak link for the rest of his life. He thought that the life of his «sister in misfortune», whom he met not so long ago, turned out better in this world than his own. At least, despite the fact that her new family disliked her, she had money. While the guy himself had to humiliate himself and report to his father for every coin spent.

Every meeting with the head of the family foreshadowed another «hemorrhoid».

On his way to the baron's office, Jeremy bumped into his older brother, who was just coming out. He had six of them in total, and the guy didn't have the best relationship with each of them.

Baron Seibel was married several times, and almost all of his sons were from different women. At least they were noble ladies. And Jeremy… The youngest of the baron's sons was the son of an ordinary maid.

The baron's short-term affair with the maid ended with her abandoning a newborn child and running away. The Baron miraculously recognized Jeremy as his son and gave him his last name. But the rest of his life turned into a complete nightmare. Who would seriously respect a servant's son?

And now. When they met by chance on the threshold of the office, Dietrich Seibel's mouth twisted in contempt. This guy was ten years older than Jeremy and was the main contender for the title of the next head of the family.

— Are you completely blind? Can't you tell the road apart?

Jeremy immediately bowed his head in front of him.

— I'm sorry, brother… It was an accident.

Unlike him, Dietrich had a position in the house. Therefore, Jeremy simply had to endure insults and reproaches. The guy didn't want to get himself into trouble. If Dietrich had called the servants to beat him with batons, no one would have sided with him. Even my father.

— That's right. And why are you so dumb?

Jeremy pursed his lips.

Every time he had to humiliate himself in front of these assholes, he felt like something inside him was dying. Rufus from his previous life was not so soft-hearted as to allow himself to be trampled into the mud so easily.

But… In this world, neither his physical strength nor his intelligence were worth anything. Everything was decided only by the origin, and the guy was not lucky with this in particular. Having been born a useless trash, he had to carry this stigma on himself for the rest of his days.

For the first time in this world, Jeremy did not yet know all the «rules», and therefore dared to answer his older brother in a rather rude way. Of course, he did not expect that the guards would attack him and beat him with batons for this. After that, no one even provided him with medical care. Therefore, still clearly remembering that pain, Jeremy obediently remained silent.

«Actually, I'm still scared… Every day, being in this damned world, I'm even afraid to close my eyes.» — a mute cry of the soul that he could not express to anyone.

— Brother, I was inattentive. I promise it won't happen again.

Dietrich chuckled.

— hm. Well okay. So be it, I'll let you go today.

Jeremy stared at him in disbelief.

«Your father has a surprise for you,» he smiled, «that's why you're here, isn't it?»

The guy didn't like the look on his older brother's face. It seemed that nothing good could be expected from this.

— Go ahead. Don't keep your father waiting.

Dietrich giggled softly and patted him on the shoulder. As Jeremy watched his brother leave, he felt a growing unease inside him.

He reached for the door handle with a trembling hand. Taking a deep breath, Jeremy said weakly:

— Father, I'm here…

— Come in.

The response was immediate.

On unsteady legs, the guy went into the office, where the baron was facing the window. Contemplating his figure thoughtfully, Jeremy slowly came closer.

— Father, did you want to see me?

— yes. I have some good news.

— what?

«I've finally found a bride for you.

Jeremy swallowed a lump in his throat.

— The bride?..

Instead of answering, the baron threw an invitation to an event in front of him. The guy immediately grabbed it and began to read it.

«With great difficulty, but I managed to include our family in this list,» Rowan Seibel continued, «Next week you will go to the northern territory to select suitors.

It seemed that the worst case scenario was hard to imagine. Jeremy felt the ground literally falling away from under his feet.

«no… Is this a joke?!»

Of course, he knew that the Baron didn't care about him. But so much so? Did he really get rid of his own son without hesitation?!..

It was an invitation to the selection of suitors for the ice witch. The most powerful witch on the continent.

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