Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 28: Mission Hall

After meeting up with Veronica to give her things back and flirt with her a little, he set up a time they would meet later. To get to know each other better of course, no other ulterior motive nonsense like making her fall deeper in love with him. For now though, he wanted to go to the Mission Hall to pick out a mission. He wasn't strapped for points and could simply go into The Forest if he really wanted them. It was a win-win since he could improve his combat experience.

However, completing missions would help boost his reputation greatly and even paint him as a Hero. But there was no way he would get a cat out of a tree or help an old lady cross the street. Settling for the lower tier jobs was beneath him and wouldn't give him much popularity. Instead, slaying a Dragon who captured a princess or bringing an evil Necromancer to justice like his previous ancestors was more in line with what he had in mind.

Soon enough, he found himself in a separate part of the Academy, one which had both Knights and Mages. Here, thousands of students would watch the massive floating screens in the middle of the giant room. Each one had countless missions listed and at the top of said screens, were the difficulties. Ranging from easy ones like finding an old man's dog, to the harder variation involving killing a rampaging mutant Two-Headed Ogre.

The main room Kaido found himself in wasn't the only one featuring missions, but it was the most popular. Thus, he chose to stay here and observe the more difficult screens for anything that caught his eye. Next to each one was a reward which always had a certain number of points. However, the harder ones had something extra next to them. Mid-Grade Weapon with five Major Enchantments, one High-Grade Star Elixir, egg of an Ultimate Class Monster, or any other number of goodies.

Kaido looked through a good amount of missions listed, but didn't find one which really connected to him. He needed something which would garner a lot of attention and wasn't too high on the scale of difficulty. However, none fit the bill. Just as he was about to leave and go to a different section of the Mission Hall, he found something.


[ • MissionMysterious Disappeances

• Difficulty – B

• Reward – Five Hundred Points per person, One Thousand Low-Grade Mana Crystals upon completion from Employer, Five StarDust Herbs per person from Employer, One Steel Bone Fruit per person from Employer.

• Requirements – A team of eight students with at least one of them being 4th Star.

• Description – Marques Aragon has received reports of a rash of strange disappearances inside his city, Fiery Bird. A few villages in the vicinity have reported the same and prompted the Marques to look into it. However, his investigation revealed nothing and the disappearances have been increasing. Due to his failure, he has sent multiple requests to the Adventurers Guild, Mercenary Guild, and nearby Academies.

However, none have taken it thus far besides a single four man team of Bronze Ranked Adventures. But... they soon disappeared as well. ]


He didn't know why, but this mission spoke to Kaido. The rewards were decently generous for the difficulty. Especially the Steel Bone Fruit, which when consumed would increase the strength of his bones. At the same time, if he could solve this, he would gain a favor from a Marques. Even though his noble title was above this Aragon character, it was a good opportunity to boost his reputation with both commoners and the noble circle. Besides, he found the mission's description to be quite intriguing.

With that, he walked to the area where people would accept missions and started speaking to a female receptionist. In front of her, and the others, was a small computer.

"Hello Miss, I would like to apply for the Mysterious Disappeances mission. Is there a spot still available?"

"Let me check. Please hold for a moment." She tapped on the keyboard for a few moments before turning back to him, a smile on her face.

"Yes, there are two spots still available. In fact, a few members are currently in a waiting room. Would you like me to show you the way?" Kaido was pleased with this news, thinking his luck was quite good.

"Mm, lead the way." While they left, the Golden Eyeball followed behind closely. A new sound came from them, almost as if someone was… eating popcorn.


Inside one of the white waiting rooms with couches, vending machines, and board games were four male teenagers. They were standing on opposite sides, one glaring venomously at the other.

"Are you seriously bringing along useless trash like him? A 1st Star will only drag us down and might compromise the entire mission. Have you no brains?" One of the speakers was a pompous ass, clearly a nobleman by his manners and arrogant stance. Next to him was his friend who sneered.

"I suppose getting lucky and suddenly becoming a genius doesn't make you intelligent. Who would've known?"

"I know right? But it does make sense when you think about his family. Nobles might they be, however they are little more than dogs who got lucky. Must run in the family!" They both laughed annoyingly, causing Dyson to get angry and almost lash out. However, Zendrix held him back from speaking.

When hearing of his family, the regressor coldly looked at them. He didn't care they bad mouthed those bastards since they weren't close in the slightest. It was the very fact they brought them up which he hated. Thinking of them, he scoffed under his breath. They might be related by blood, but they were not family in his eyes. Especially his parents who treated him like dirt. This was the reason as to why none were with him during the first day and why he was all alone.

It was true they had gotten lucky over a thousand years ago when his great-great-grandfather seduced a noblewoman and married into the family. It had caused a big upset since not only was she already engaged to another and about to marry, but his ancestor was a commoner. However, when they had a child together the noblewoman's family decided to accept them back into the fold. Even though they had risen in recent times, they had yet to wash off this shame. But usually, others only talk about them behind their back and rarely to their front.

To Zendrix however, none of this mattered to him. He was an old man who had suffered much in his previous life. It would take much more than little taunts like this to get under his skin. Besides, when he was expelled from the Academy in the Original Timeline, his family had disowned him and made him homeless. Because of this, he despised them to his core and would not stick up for them.

But he couldn't deny their words about Dyson. Though disrespectful and harsh, it was true he would be useless for this mission. His Rank was the lowest and his combat potential was… abysmal after they sparred a few times. It was strange, as if he had never been in a fight or even a scrap in his life. In all honesty, his impression was that Dyson had grown up in a noble family and in an extremely peaceful city.

It was actually because of his low rank though that Zendrix wanted to bring him along. Since this mission was famous in the Original Timeline for a multitude of reasons. One of which, was the Star Gathering Pool. An extremely rare natural occurrence in the world and a massive treasure. Not only would this help Dyson break through to 2nd Star, he himself could use it to finally get ahead of Kaido for once.

As for helping him, Zendrix felt he might as well do so. Though, he had to keep him in the back as this mission was extremely dangerous.

"Ignore them Dyson. Chattering animals like them are a dime a dozen, so you have to develop a thick skin. Let their childish insults roll off you." Dyson rolled his eyes but thanked him nonetheless.

'Of course an old man like you is used to this. Sorry for being an actual teenager I guess.' Though he thought that, he was grateful for the advice.

Zendrix's words and mocking tone of voice had infuriated the two others, causing a few veins to bulge out of their head. They roared angrily, sending spit everywhere.

"What did you say to us you filthy dog?!"

"I'll skin you alive if you don't immediately apologize!"

However, before they could come to blows the door suddenly opened. All eyes turned to it, where two people entered. When they saw one of them, their eyes all widened simultaneously.

"My my, is this fate? To meet the both of you once more? How fortuitous!" Kaido walked to the middle of the room, hands behind his back and that same charming smile on his face.

The two nobleman were stunned, glancing at the solemn Zendrix and shocked Dyson.

'They know each other?! Fucking shit luck!'

'Mother always said to tone it down with bullying! I should have listened Momma!'

Despite the waves crashing against their heart, the two of them extended a hand towards Kaido.

"A pleasure Duke Kaido, my name is Territh from the House of Hairaon." The man himself shook his hand with a friendly smile.

"The same. And you sir?" He moved on to the other one.

"Fredrick at your service Duke Kaido, House of Keergon. Very excited to be working with you for this mission."

Although he seemed cordial on the surface and eager to meet them, Kaido couldn't give any less of a fuck. These two were from minor Houses within The Empire and were unimportant. Not to mention not very talented, despite being two years his senior. How they passed the first and second Main Test is a mystery. However, making enemies of them or disrespecting them wouldn't gain him a thing. 

He turned to the receptionist who led him here and thanked her. While the both of them talked for a few moments, Zendrix glared at Kaido's back with a solemn expression.

'Once more, the future has changed. I vividly remember this mission and he was never in it. He should be advertising for a little party he was throwing in the Second Male Dormitory. Why is this happening?' He couldn't understand the complexity of time and why the future constantly changed. At this rate, what use would his knowledge be?

But there was no point in thinking about it unless he consults a Chronomancer or perhaps a Master of Fate. One thing he must do however, is never let Kaido get the Star Gathering Pool or the other item. The one which was found in 'his' possession was especially important. If Kaido grabbed it, the consequences would be disastrous. As for Dyson next to him, he sighed and looked towards the heavens.

"What have I done so viciously in my previous life that I must be so unlucky in this one. Did I take candy from a baby? Kick a puppy?" He muttered under his breath, eliciting a strange glance from the regressor.

Meanwhile, Kaido had just sent the lady away and told her to inform the other members of the team to come here. Then, he turned towards the Protagonist duo with a grin.

"Let's talk a little huh? I'd love to get to know you a little more. After all, won't we be working along side one another?"


As a 'fateful' meeting occurred within the waiting room, the female receptionist had hurriedly arrived back at her desk. She was away longer than she should have been, but how could she miss the chance to converse with such a handsome man? Not to mention how reputable he was. A shame she wasn't able to seal the deal and ruin a bed together. However it made sense for a man of his stature.

Just as she was about to get back to work, she noticed someone come up to her. Looking up, she was briefly stunned.

'Two handsome students in a single day? Seems I'll have a good… session… later on. I wonder how should I imagine it? Spit roast on me? DP? Ooh, Mistress and her Harem? Or… Boys Love?!' The receptionist threw her dirty and perverted thoughts to the wind, her face betraying none of her intentions. She put on her most professional smile and spoke in a cheerful voice.

"How may I help you today sir?" The silver haired Jiren looked her dead in the eyes, making her a little creeped out by him.

"That man, Kaido. What mission did he choose?" His voice was emotionless and a little cold. She was surprised for a bit at his question before recovering.

"The Mysterious Disappeances one. Would you like to accept it? There's one spot left in fact." Jiren quickly nodded his head, which caused her to type on her computer for a few moments. Afterwards, she turned back to him.

"Five of the members are currently in the waiting room, including Kaido. Also, I've alerted the others to come and join. Shall I show you the way?" He shook his head.

"No, just tell me where it is and I'll find it myself." She was disappointed at not being able to see their romance with one another and sighed depressingly. After pointing the way and giving him directions, he swiftly left without another word.

Watching him leave, the receptionist muttered under her breath while she bit her lips.

"Boy's love it is. But... who should be the bottom? Kaido looks way too proud to do such a thing and just has this, dominating aura around him. Jiren on the other hand looks a bit submissive and breedable. Oh!" Suddenly coming to a realization, she took a little notepad out of her pocket and started jotting down notes 

"This is perfect material for my comic! What luck! I should view the footage inside the waiting room later to see how their romance progressed!"

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