Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 29: Meeting The Team

After his short conversation with Zendrix and Dyson, Kaido spoke with the two unimportant nobles to pass the time. It was a little frustrating as they were basically morons wearing human skin, but he wanted to see if he could get any information out of them. Unfortunately, they were even more useless than he originally thought. Needing to take a breather, he excused himself and sat on one of the couches while massaging his head.

While he relaxed, he thought back to his talk with Zendrix and Dyson. It was clear how reserved they were around him, as if not wanting anything to do with him. He found it interesting how they managed to find out his true personality with barely any interaction. There was one glaring possibility which was the most likely, since their intelligence wasn't too high. The horrid skill, the one he dreaded because it was his only weakness. The Evil Revealing Eye.

The Evil Revealing Eye was one of three blessings gifted by the God of Justice and Protection, Yhalir, to his devout worshippers. It allowed the user to peer into the heart of a person and see how much evil is within them. Based on how devout they are will depend if they can manifest this to the outside for others to see as well. However, this usually requires a High Priest or above to accomplish.

Thankfully for Kaido, there was a way to tell if someone was using the Evil Revealing Eye on him. The user's eye would glow in a brilliant golden color and would alert him of it's use. It was a very uncomfortable sensation and felt as though one was staring into his soul. How did he know this? A certain maid would be able to tell, if her heart wasn't currently floating inside a jar within his room.

Another good thing for him and why he only had a single problem with it, was because it was seen as very disrespectful and rude. Using this blessing on someone basically told them 'I don't trust you'. Because of this, rarely do people use them in public without consent. In fact, The Great Empire had a Law about this, which was coincidentally pushed forward by multiple noblemen. A few of them being... more infamous than others.

The Law stated that only a judge or High Priest, in the midst of a case, may use this without another's consent. This also extended to a few other's like Executioners who needed a burst of assurance that the one they were beheading, actually deserved it.

However, although it seemed the most likely, Kaido didn't put all his faith into this theory without more evidence. But he would certainly keep his eye on them. A very close eye at that. Especially Zendrix. There was something suspicious about him, as if he were older than he actually appeared. The man tried to hide it, but nothing could escape him.

'What an odd soul you have.' Kaido's eyes flashed for a moment as he peered deeper into Zendrix and observed his soul. It seemed much stronger than a normal teenager and had a strange green layer surrounding it, acting like a protective shield and preventing him from truly observing it.

'So many secrets you have. I should have Eren and Fari look into his life before he came to the Academy.' As he leaned back into the seat and cracked his neck, he suddenly began missing his darling Yin.

Unfortunately, she wanted to take a stroll through The Forest. Apparently, through her own means without speech, she wanted to explore new sights and grow stronger. And one of the ways monsters and beasts grew, was through eating Monster Cores. When back home, he had pumped her full of Cores bought by his family which caused her to become a lazy little ball of white fur. However, as of recently, she has become very active and willing to train.

Just as Kaido closed his eyes and was about to begin messing with an idea he had regarding his future women, the door to the waiting room opened. All eyes turned to the newcomer, who emotionlessly looked back. His own gaze passed through everyone as he scanned the room, before settling on Kaido. However, he simply ignored him and went to a corner of the room, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed and head down.

'Is he following me? Could be a coincidence though.' While Kaido thought about why the silver haired bastard was here, Zendrix did the same. A shocked look was on the Regressor's face.

'Jiren?! Why is he here now? What is wrong with this Timeline?' Although surprised, Zendrix quickly got himself under control as he sighed deeply. Nothing was happening as it should.

'At least Alyx is the same as usual.' Thinking of the Paladin he had seen on the first day, a rare smile appeared on his face. Unknown to him, unspeakable feelings were starting to blossom inside him after interacting with her for over three weeks. Her pure heart and sense of justice had touched him deeply.

However, there was problem with Jiren being here. He took the spot of someone crucial to this mission, who would've guaranteed they'd return alive. Without him, Zendrix was doubtful and had the faint idea to back out now. Suddenly, his eyes widened slightly as he glanced at Kaido.

'As much as I hate to say it, I might have to rely on him. Disregarding everything awful about this piece of shit, his combat power and fighting talent is unquestionable. Even though we are at the same Rank, I doubt I could win despite my experience. And this gap will increase in time.'

As for Dyson, he was curious about the newcomer and was about to use Observation when the door opened yet again. This time, it was two people who came at once. One of them was a 5ft 8in girl who seemed to be 17 years old. She had on a dark green and combat oriented uniform, meaning she was a 3rd Star Knight at the least.

Her arms were exposed and seemed decently developed for a woman. She had long midnight black hair, currently in a ponytail. On her right palm was a nasty looking scar which went all the way to her upper forearm. Her assets were average size but her face was quite pretty and pleasing to look at. A small mole was under her left eye, heightening her charm. Attached to her waist were three weapons, one sword on her left and two daggers behind her back. Her index finger also featured a grey Spacial Ring.

The one next to her was a very large man, who seemed to be 19 years of age. Easily 6ft 8in and extremely muscular, he had a somewhat handsome face which gave him the appearance of a suitable husband. Short brown hair went down to his ears and his eyes were bright green. The uniform he was wearing was a tight white robe, which indicated his strength as a 4th Star. What made him stand out though, were the scars across his body.

They were numerous and varied in size. His left ear in particular had half of it taken off, as if someone had bit and ripped it off. On his throat was a very deep scar which certainly told a tale. It was far too clean and precise to be from a monster's jaws or claws. Like the previous girl, he too had a Spacial Ring on his finger.

His entire being radiated confidence as he stepped to the middle of the room. Kaido used his eyes and peered into him, noticing his Element and Rank. He was a 4th Star Earth Mage, or Geomancer, and a strong one at that. Definitely better than that Patrick fellow. However, Kaido believed he could kill him without too much difficulty.

The girl followed behind him, arms crossed as she seemed to care very little for everyone. Though, when her eyes fell on Kaido and Jiren, they seemed to sparkle. She swapped between the two handsome boys before focusing on Kaido, who was also looking at her with a smile.

'A 3rd Star Knight, but is proficient in the Shadow Element? Two daggers on her body and her muscles are developed, however are not large enough to hinder movement. Assassin most likely.'

Suddenly, he sighed deeply when looking at the full team. It reminded him of how he wanted Raeve here. However, she was on route to the Main Family to celebrate their grandfather's promotion to Demi-God. As for why he didn't go, he simply didn't want to. Besides, playing with his investments sounded much more fun than hanging around with stuffy old men.

"Haha! It seems everyone is here! Good! I believe introductions are in order. My name is Gareth and I am a 4th Star Geomancer, if you couldn't tell by these babies!" He took off the top half of his uniform, showing his naked upper body with a single clawed scar on his stomach. At the same time, he flexed in a few different poses.

"I know you might be jealous, but never fear! For I shall help you on your journey of attaining muscle and being your best self!"

The girl next to him palmed her forehead and glanced at Gareth with disdain. She looked embarrassed to even be near him.

"I'm Kara, 3rd Star Shadow Assassin." Her greeting was short as she picked up Gareth's uniform off the floor.

"Put it back on. Now." She coldly and harshly said as she glared at her friend. The muscular man kept flexing, constantly changing positions as he quipped back.

"Never! The world needs to know about the glory of muscles! Do not impede my great work! Back, foul WITCH!" Kara growled like a beast as she stepped towards him, forcing him back.

"That wasn't a request."

"Unhand me Kara! You cannot stop destiny!" As she fought to get it back on, as Gareth didn't want it, the others began going one after another with a tad of awkwardness due to those two.

"My name is Fredrick, House of Keergon." With one hand over his heart, he bowed lightly and spoke with the grace of a nobleman.

"3rd Star Lightning Swordsman at your service." Next, his friend went and copied his mannerism exactly.

"I am Territh, House of Hairaon. A 3rd Star Knight who specializes with spears." He seemed proud as he spoke, despite the normality of his class. Dyson watched this and thought that maybe he shouldn't be so hung up on his own. Shaking his head, he went next with a bit of nervousness.

"Uh, I'm Dyson. A… 1st Star Knight." Gareth and Kara, who had just stopped fighting with the Assassin's victory, looked towards him. Kara frowned deeply but the muscular moron laughed brightly.

"Good to have you! Don't be ashamed of your Rank brother! That's not all there is to a person." Dyson felt some confidence fill him up and thanked Gareth for his kind words. Beside him, the Regressor spoke next.

"I'm Zendrix, 3rd Star Space Swordsman. Good to meet you." With a smile, he walked up to Gareth and Kara, shaking each of their hands.

"Zendrix? The new boy wonder? Haha! You look good!" The joyful Gareth looked over his body, nodding his head as his smile grew.

"Little small, but your muscles are amazing and compact. What's your training regime?" With a sigh, Kara infused her left foot with Blue Aura and stomped on her overenthusiastic friend's foot. He yelped in mock pain as the emotionless Jiren went next.

"Jiren, 2nd Star Death Mage." His tone of voice was as if he didn't want to be here in the slightest, confusing a few as to why he took this mission.

Gareth was a bit disappointed at his short greeting, but simply sighed and moved to the last person. Instantly, his eyes widened when he took in his form. Of course, he didn't care who he was or his appearance, only the muscles under his uniform.

Kaido stepped forwards, a charming smile to his face as he shook everyone's hand.

"Kaido Vairathul, 3rd Star Elemental Mage. My Elements are… well, let's just say a lot." He chuckled and came off as if he wasn't bragging. However, both he and Zendrix knew it was the opposite.

Shaking his hand, Kara sent a flirtatious wink which didn't go unnoticed by him. Before they could speak to one another, Gareth butt in and practically threw the poor girl away.

"Dear Gods! What a great definition! Like Zendrix, you're a bit small. But so developed! What's your secret?" Kaido was a little overwhelmed as the muscle addicted fool hovered over him.

"Just a lot of training is all, ever since I was a young boy of six." Gareth smacked his shoulder roughly and laughed heartily, almost causing Kaido to fall over.

"Hahaha! The same was for me as well! In fact-" Before he could continue, a wild Kara came from behind him and smacked the back of his head with her Aura infused hand.

"Ow! What was that for?" She glared at him venomously.

"For fucking shoving me out of the way you dumb piece of shit!" Gareth gasped dramatically.

"Sticks and stone may break my bones, but your words shall never hurt me! Besides, what would your mother think?" They stared at each other for a few moments, one glaring and the other righteous.

Eventually though, Kara backed down and sat on the couch with her arms crossed. As for Gareth, he smiled fondly and chuckled before turning to the others. He clapped his hands and ignored the odd looks they were giving him.

"Alrighty then. Let's get down to business shall we? First and foremost however, who should be the leader of this team?"


"Okay then everyone! See you all in a few days!" The happy Gareth waved his hand as he and Kara left together. As for the other members of the group, they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

What they had decided as a democracy was to vote on who would be the leader. After some deliberating, they eventually chose Gareth seeing as he was the oldest, most experienced, and 'strongest' out of them all. Then, they went over the mission itself and how they would prepare for it. Bringing certain items, which ride to take, the battle formation of their team, and more.

When finished, they decided to reconvene after a few days. It was to give them time with their preparations for leaving. As for Kaido, he had a few things he needed to do before hand. First was to give orders to his Silver Wolves and Silva. While gone, he'd let them lay low until he returned. Meanwhile, he'd have them consume all their built up Cores to improve their strength. He also made a note to hunt some Medium Class creatures for them.

Then there's Yin who he had to take care of. He wasn't sure if she was coming or not, but he hoped so. For some reason however, she had been pushing herself to do some more training which he found odd. After thinking about it, the only conclusion he could come to was he himself was at fault. It made sense since she had never cared about training or growing stronger for all the years he knew her, but upon coming here something suddenly changed with her.

The last thing he needed to do was check up on his trophies. It was likely they'd miss his presence when he was gone, so he needed to comfort them. For Caerwyn, he would go on another date in the city with her disguised as a 'lunch'. Niela... he wasn't sure how to deal with. Fucking her as of now wasn't part of his plan for her.

'Oh, that could work. Meet up with her, flirt a bit, then leave once more. This time though, I'll be gone for at least a week or two. She'll be left to stew in her own juices waiting for my return.' He licked his lips as he prepared his new plan to starve the pent up wife. 

Last but not least, Veronica. She was very close to falling, but such an event required more time before he could start corrupting her. The Joint Examination would be the beginning of the end for her. When she would truly fall to the dark side. As of now though, he had an idea on where to start and made his way towards her.


Names and powers for this Mini Arc

Kaido - 3rd Star Elemental Mage

Zendrix - 3rd Star Space Swordsman

Dyson - 1st Star Knight

Fredrick - 3rd Star Lightning Swordsman

Territh - 3rd Star Knight ( Uses a spear in combat. )

Jiren- 2nd Star Death Mage ( Not far from 3rd Star and about to breakthrough )

Kara - 3rd Star Shadow Assassin ( Not far from 4th Star )

Gareth - 4th Star Geomancer ( Earth Mage )

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