Exploiting Hollywood 1980.

Chapter 217 Cashing the Rainy Check

Chapter 217 Cashing the Rainy Check
"...and another piece of roast duck, thank you." Ronald sat at the table in Mr. Chow's Chinese restaurant again.After looking at the menu and ordering, a roast duck was added at the request of Assistant Prosecutor Helen Gable.

Helen Gable sat on the seat opposite Ronald, still wearing a black coat, white shirt, and professional attire with pants.This time, though, she let her hair down, and she could tell she had carefully put on makeup before her appointment.

"Did you know? At the beginning of the month, the former lead singer of the Beatles, John Lennon, was shot and killed by one of his crazy fans shortly after he walked out of this restaurant." Helen said .

"Uh..." Ronald really didn't know, he was desperately writing the script at that time, or he heard the news in the news, and he didn't read the detailed report carefully afterwards.

"It seems that Calvin Klein's friend David Geffen just signed Lennon's contract not long ago?" Ronald inexplicably remembered the business operation, and quickly lowered his head and took a sip of water to expel this thought from his head , Today he came to ask the beautiful prosecutor to help in the case of Little Bard.

"Does this make you feel bored? I don't pay much attention to entertainment news." Helen Gable misunderstood what Ronald meant by drinking water.

"No, no, I was worried that you would feel bad if I ate at the same restaurant with you twice." Ronald quickly denied, "I wanted to change to another restaurant, but Miss Gable said on the phone that you still like it here , I didn’t expect you to love Chinese food too.”

"In fact, where you eat is not as important as who you eat with." Helen Gable said seductively with a slightly hoarse magnetic voice, sticking out her tongue and touching her lips.

Then he raised the slender champagne glass and clinked glasses with Ronald.

A red lip was imprinted on the edge of the cup, Helen smiled, took a napkin and tapped on her lips to remove the excess lipstick.

Two lawyers, Lindsay Dole and Eugene, thought of a way for Little Bard very effectively. Mrs. Davis and Aunt Karen invited the principal of Little Bard's high school to discuss together, and finally agreed with the two lawyers proposal.

However, in this method, the case of Little Bard must be sent to some judges who are willing to carry out this kind of operation.This matter is most conveniently handled only by Miss Lawyer's roommate and best friend, Helen Gable.

District attorney is an elected position, but assistant prosecutor is a professional position. In fact, like a lawyer practicing in a law firm, he also needs a lawyer's license.Helen Gable is Lindsay's classmate and a top student in law, but her father has an old relationship with the current district attorney and chose a different route from Lindsay.

Helen Gable agreed to cooperate, but demanded another date with Ronald, cashing the last rainy check.

Americans like to watch baseball. In the early days of the open-air stadium without a roof, when it was raining, the stadium would send the audience a piece of rain check (Rain Check). The check can be re-entered without having to buy a new ticket.

The last time Helen Gable was asked to help Michelle Pfeiffer issue a temporary restraining order to two vegetarian scammers, Helen was busy and left a rain check (Rain Check). Nader begged her for help again, which was tantamount to being in debt twice.

"I appreciate your help, Miss Gable..."

"NoNoNo, I'm here for an appointment today. I'm dating a handsome guy. I don't want to hear Miss Gable as a professional name, and I don't want to hear anything about work." Helen Gable raised her index finger and said to Ronald Shake it.

"Okay. Don't move, Helen." Ronald picked up the napkin with one hand, and gently wiped the beautiful prosecutor's lips carefully, helping her to wipe off the traces of lipstick left on her lips because there was no mirror.

Helen Gable enjoyed this kind of gentle treatment very much, she tilted her head cooperatively, her short hair fell from her ears and spread out in front.

Ronald raised his other hand, stroked the dark hair behind Helen's ear, and then focused on the other's eyes.For a moment, there was a deep affection between the two of them.

Ronald didn't know whether his initiative caused the opponent's misunderstanding, or Helen Gable had already taken a fancy to him.The two exchanged glances, which made Ronald very comfortable, as if this wasn't an exchange.

A thought came to my mind, if it's really with this beautiful prosecutor...it seems not bad.

"Slice of roast duck, one serving." The waiter's voice interrupted their mutual admiration.

"Hehehe...", the beautiful prosecutor couldn't stop laughing, this young handsome guy fits his taste very well, and he has a sense of humor.

"Go to my place? Or take you back?" Ronald asked Helen Gable while taking out the keys and a banknote at the door of the restaurant to the doorman to pick up the car after finishing dinner for a long time.

"I have a big bathtub..." the beautiful prosecutor said beside Ronald, holding his arm.

"Hiss..." Ronald's scalp tightened, and the hot air from Helen Gable's words penetrated into his ears, and a current flowed through his whole body.

The two returned to Helen's apartment, the beauty closed the door with his foot, Ronald took advantage of the situation to hug her, staggered the angle of his nose, and kissed her gently.

"Well, you are really...a very good...kissing partner. Lindsay is at home, go to my room..." The heat of Helen's words rushed to Ronald's face, making him elated, he squatted down, and put The beautiful prosecutor picked her up and walked to the bedroom.

"Over there, over there..." Helen Gable pointed to her bedroom door, and Ronald went in the wrong direction at first.

With a bang, Helen slammed her bedroom door shut and turned on the TV to cover up.After a while, the rebroadcast of the fourth season of the CBS drama Dallas (Dallas) began. The important character JR Ewing was shot at the end of the previous season. The first episode of the new season finally revealed that the murderer was his sister.

After the characters in the play learned the truth, a low or high exclamation came out through the door.

"It started again..." In the bedroom on the other side, lawyer Lindsay Dole, who was still sorting out the documents, picked up two cotton balls and plugged his ears, one on the left and one on the right, to block the sound that was going to come into his ears .

After a long time, Helen was lying in Ronald's arms in the large bathtub in the bathroom of the apartment, "Oh, Ronnie, Ronnie, I'm a little bit reluctant to have you go today."

The sound of "Wow..." was the sound of Ronald stirring the hot water and reaching for the towel.Seeing what Helen said, Ronald was a little stunned when he picked up the dry towel, but he still helped Helen wipe his hair gently.

"I thought you felt the same as me..."

"How do you feel?" Helen turned her head and chuckled. "I am an independent urban woman. My goal is to become a female prosecutor in New York. I don't have time to waste on romance."

Seeing that Ronald didn't speak, Helen Gable looked at Ronald, surprised that he wasn't more happy, could be irresponsible, and also a little sentimental, so she told him some reasoning.

Assistant U.S. Attorney is a profession that requires all of your time in order to rise above the competition.Especially for beautiful women, they have to endure all kinds of gossip, and they must be more impeccable.

In this way, Helen Gable did not have time to develop a normal relationship at all.

A relationship requires time and energy from both parties to maintain.During Helen Gable's working hours, no man could tolerate such a girlfriend. The importance of her boyfriend would always be lower than that of her work, and she would leave her boyfriend anytime and anywhere to get busy with work.

"All I need are attractive men, you understand, Ronald."

"I understand, Helen. It's just that I may be looking forward to a real relationship between a man and a woman, rather than a simple relationship."

"Giggle...you're so cute, Ronald." Helen put on a cotton bathrobe, "How can professional men and women in big cities have such extravagant time?"

"That's right, the nature of my job is writing scripts, working with the crew, and editing. I often get busy and don't see anyone for months. Where can I find that kind of stable romantic relationship?" Ronald thought for a while, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Looking at the autobiography of Ingrid Bergman, even a peerless beauty like her, all three marriages ended in divorce. It is indeed difficult for men and women in the film and television industry to find a long-term and stable partner, especially if you are interested in the appearance of the other half And the character still has something to look forward to.

Through Helen Gable's eyes, she looked in the bathroom mirror at Ronald who was standing behind to wipe her hair, stretched her hands behind his head, and commanded, "Kiss me."

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prosecutor."

"Lindsay will take care of the rest for you. I am also contributing to the American Federation." After a long time, Helen lay on the bed in the bedroom, pulled up the quilt, and said to Ronald who was tidying his clothes.

"I'm leaving..." Ronald kissed the sleepy Helen Gable lightly, and walked out of the room.

"Ronald, just as you are done, we can talk about little Bard's trial arrangements."

"Uh, Lindsay..." Just in time to see the lady lawyer who was going out, Ronald greeted awkwardly, and walked towards the door while saying, "I'll discuss it with you and Lawyer Eugene tomorrow."

I am not used to changing identities at any time like these professional women.


"Bud Davis Jr. manufactures, stores, wholesales and sells pirated tapes. The value of the goods is huge. The prosecution charged three counts of piracy, illegal organization and sale of unlicensed goods, and infringement." A few days later, Helen Gable Standing in front of the examining judge, the crimes that Bard Jr. was indicted by the District Attorney's Office were read out.

"Defense attorney? Did the defendant plead guilty?" The file was sent to Judge Jefferson's court by the clerk, an old conservative white judge. "

The black lawyer Eugene spit out two words: "Plead guilty."

The old judge lowered his head, looked over his reading glasses, and looked directly at Little Bard standing in the dock.

"Defendant Bud Davis Jr., do you understand that the crimes charged imply felony convictions? You will be required to serve up to 5 years in prison, with confiscation of ill-gotten gains and fines?"

"Yes, Your Honor." Little Bard looked directly at the judge, full of remorse.

"Are you pleading guilty to the above charges?"

"A guilty plea, Your Honor."

"Very good, it saved the trial time. The court announced that the defendant pleaded guilty and was convicted. Has the prosecution and the defense reached a plea agreement?"

Both shook their heads, waiting for the judge's sentencing.

"In view of the need for the federal government of America to maintain the peace of its own country and its allies, the defendant has no criminal record, and has a good attitude of repentance, and handed over his illegal gains. I pronounce the sentence that the defendant will be sent to the Federal Marine Corps to serve overseas for 4 years, plus 4 years of reserve service after serving.

Defendants are not required to serve prison time while serving.If the defendant behaved well during his service and observed discipline, he would be discharged smoothly.The felony record can be revoked when the military is discharged, and the normal benefits of veterans such as schooling and medical treatment can be enjoyed...

Finally, I would like to appeal again that the current national security needs more American soldiers to protect it. I hope that more young people will join the army to serve the welfare of the Federation and the people. God bless America!God bless the soldiers, amen. "

"Now the accused can go away with the Marine Corps Recruiting Office."

"Huh..." Ronald, who was listening, let out a long breath.Lawyer Lindsay Dole next to him said to him, "Eugene is very good at this. Now that the Confederation has abolished conscription, the supply of soldiers has been decreasing year after year. Judge Jefferson is a well-known conservative patriot. Criminals who are serious and in good physical condition will be sent to serve in the military service."

"Don't worry, the people in the conscription office have already accommodated. Little Bard will be sent to Hawaii, or stationed in the Japanese base. After four years, he can not only revoke his felony record, but also study courses in the army by himself, and he can get a college diploma when he comes out. .”

The two walked down the steps of the courthouse. In front of them, Mrs. Davis was saying goodbye to Bard Jr., and the sergeants of the enlistment office were waiting to receive them.

"The thing about his age and high school diploma?"

"It's only a few months away from the age of 17. His father is a soldier who died in the Marine Corps. The people in the enlistment office are very talkative. The principal of the public high school is also very cooperative. It is not easy for a student to get out of Harlem."

Ronald nodded. Serving in the army is a way out for blacks, but it is generally not easy for blacks without background to serve in the army.In order to enlist in the army, many blacks would even intentionally commit a less serious felony, and then be guaranteed by the principal of their high school, sentenced by a judge, and sent to the army.

Little Bard's father was from the Marine Corps, and with the coordination of lawyer Eugene, the matter went smoothly this time.It seems that I have to pay him a handsome lawyer's fee.

"Thank you, Ronald," Little Bard was motioned by Mrs. Davis, and came over to thank Ronald.

"Serve in the Marine Corps and don't let your mother down."

"I will, please help me take care of my mother, I will repay you when I am discharged from the army, Ronald." Little Bard's experience during this period made him mature a bit, and after hugging Ronald, he and the conscription The sergeants of the office went together.

Mrs. Davis hugged Aunt Karen and cried, "That's how I sent Bud away..."

"Don't be afraid, Ronald has made arrangements this time. He won't serve in dangerous places. It's like going to community college..." Aunt Karen comforted Mrs. Davis by patting Mrs. Davis on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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