Exploiting Hollywood 1980.

Chapter 218 6 Chaos Like a Dreaming Bird Singing in the Sky

Chapter 218

"On the south bank of the great river it is raining lightly, and the grass grows tall,

The six dynasties disappeared like a dream, and only the crows were still singing.

The willow tree in the smoke outside the castle, the most emotionless,

Still growing merrily on the three-mile dike"

"The ancient poems of Huaguo paid attention to the eyes of the poem. Only one word in a poem is the most important. If you master the eyes of the poem, you can master the emotional tone of the whole poem.

Can anyone tell me which word is the eye in this poem?Hannah, you said, very good, this is the crow (crow). In ancient China, crows represented ominous events. As long as there are crows, tragedies will happen.

This poem is about the fact that the capital of the southern imperial court has become a colony of crows, symbolizing the destruction of the dynasty.Dear students, you can compare it with Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear, which tells the story of a great king who destroyed a great dynasty due to his indolence in his later years.

In King Lear, Act II, Shakespeare uses the imagery of the cuckoo bird as a metaphor for the ungrateful Goneril.The same is true for the imagery of crows in oriental poetry. Everyone must know this kind of literary technique. "

The Ancient Huaguo Poetry Analysis class was nearing the end of the term, and more than half of the arty students at the beginning had left, and the rest were literary youths and aspiring writers.

The Sinologist teacher analyzed the poems in the Three Hundred Tang Poems in English, one set of one set, but Ronald did not believe in these outrageous analyzes. He may have recited the Three Hundred Tang Poems in his previous life. This poem "Taicheng City" by Wei Zhuang "He still remembered that the second sentence was clearly about the six dynasties dreaming like a bird singing in vain, but the professor regarded it as a crow's crow.

Recalling the bell after class, Ronald rushed forward and asked the teacher for leave to attend the Golden Globe Awards dinner at the end of next month.

"Ronald, I don't care what ceremony you attend, my grading standard treats all students equally, Hannah went to Harvard-Yenching Institute as a research assistant, and she had to write a comparison between ancient poems of the Tang Dynasty and Shakespeare's sonnets I'll give her an A only if I study. If you want to go to Los Angeles, you have to hand in a final essay."

Seeing that the professor was not accommodating, Ronald became impatient, "What if I find something wrong with your lecture?"

"That's fine, Ronald. I welcome challenges to my academic theories, and I'll give you a good grade if you can find my faults and make sense of it. You won't come to this Courses are also available."

This is what you said.After class, Ronald went to the library to borrow [-] Tang poems.

The river is raining, the river is full of grass, and the six dynasties are like a dream.

The most ruthless is Taicheng willow, which is still a ten-mile dike in a smoke cage.

Ronald flipped through the traditional Chinese version of "Three Hundred Tang Poems" he found from the library, feeling out of breath.How did it work? Not only did the character for bird be written as Wu, but also this poem called Taicheng was written as a map of Jinling.

"How is this possible? Ping Ping Zhe Zhe, here should obviously be the word for bird with a zip sound." Ronald complained in Chinese.

"Hey, do you also know Tang poetry from China?" The overseas Chinese student in the master's class I saw last time was also in the library, holding a "Dialogue between Truffaut and Hitchcock" in his hand.

"Ah, it's you." Ronald recognized the boy whose English is not very good, "I'm taking a Tang poetry analysis course, and I'm looking for a good version of [-] Tang poems. The version here is so bad that it's all misprinted. gone."

The boy took it and took a look, "It's really wrong. When we were young, we all recited the bird's song. You can go to my place and have a look. My girlfriend Jiahui has a Zhonghua Book Company's version, which is a very authoritative version."

"Well, thank you, my name is Ronald Lee."

"Actually, my surname is also Li, my name is Li Ang, you can call me Ang Lee"

Li Ang's girlfriend, Jiahui, was cooking. Seeing that Li Ang brought his friends home, she quickly asked Ronald to have dinner together.Ronald was also very happy to have a meal of Chinese cuisine, and Jiahui's spoken English was much better than Li Ang's, so he acted as an interpreter for the two of them and chatted about movies.

"I heard that you have a club that shows movies, can you introduce me to join?" Li Ang asked about Ronald's small club that showed pirated movies.

"According to the rules, you have to bring a copy to the screening. I also borrowed the 'Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears' from the Sowell Union, and they let me join.

"I can ask the people in the office to borrow Director Hu's 'Spiritual Rain in the Empty Mountains', a new film from last year with English subtitles just added."

"You borrowed the copy. I'll introduce you to Spike, who is also in the master's class. He will organize the screening. By the way, his surname is also Li."

Ronald's "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears", after the screening in small clubs, the response was mediocre.Everyone commented that the aesthetics of the film are very classic, but the audio-visual language is a bit outdated, and the values ​​are also very traditional. It is a melodrama.

Ronald said that the film had broken the audience at Souville, and no one believed it.Perhaps the movie involved some plots of single mothers and unmarried pregnancy, which was unprecedented on Sowell's screen. The audience had never seen such a plot that reflected reality, so word of mouth broke the record.

This is also due to the fact that the general secretary is a movie fan. It is said that he shed tears after watching it and personally gave instructions to pass the screening.

Sometimes the box office of a movie depends not only on the performance of the artists, but also on the progress of social thoughts.

A certain aspect of the movie that is not valued by the artists suddenly fits the public's perception, and there are many examples of the box office taking off for a while. This is commonly known as luck.

I had a great time chatting with Li Ang.Ronald borrowed [-] Tang poems from Jiahui's Zhonghua Book Company, and it really was "Six Dynasties Like a Dream, Birds Singing in the Sky", Ronald remembered correctly.He first copied that page of verses, and then wrote a small essay overnight.

"The combination of the word "bird" and "empty" shows that this is a way of contrast. The song of a bird is a happy and beautiful image, while the song of a bird is a bird with everything still in place, compared with the empty king city that has declined, highlighting the rise and fall of the dynasty helpless..."

In the office the next day, Professor Sinology saw the small paper that Ronald handed him, and then saw the copy in the appendix.

"Yes, your analysis can be justified, and I can give you a high score. Although you don't have to come to class, I still hope you come more. Ancient poetry has an imagination like the sea. In 28 characters, it is like a movie.

The editing is precise and the narrative is reasonable. I suspect that the thinking of Hua Guo people is naturally suitable for making movies. "

The professor of Sinology accepted Ronald's essay with satisfaction, and unexpectedly expressed a set of theories. Poetry and movies are also handled in a similar way.

Ronald nodded, and took out [-] Tang poems and flipped through them. Is it true that Tang poems are similar to movies?Don't fool me again?
Watching Ronald out of the office, the sinologist professor also nodded, "Very well, next year's lesson plan can be revised again. I have to talk to my wife of Chinese descent, this typo is too embarrassing."

As New Year's Day approaches, the weather is getting colder and colder.On New Year's Eve, the weather forecast has strong cold air and rain.Donna, who had been pestering Ronald to attend the New Year's Eve countdown in Manhattan's Times Square, and her good friend Diane Lane hesitated.

Diane Lane was wearing a newly bought white fur cape, looking left and right in the mirror, "Hey, let's wait for Oscar to wear it again, the temperature is too cold here, I'm sure I'll freeze to death just wearing a fur cape."

"I wanted to watch the new big ball fall, but I heard that it will be dressed in a new style this year." Donna also muttered.There is a countdown session in Times Square every year, and many people will go to the scene to watch a big ball on the Times Building fall to the ground as the countdown proceeds.

"Okay, don't worry, I have two Macy's vouchers for you as gifts." Ronald took out two vouchers and gave them to the two girls. They were originally Christmas presents, but they were picked up by little Bard. things were delayed.

The two girls turned on the TV and watched it. It was a black music program, which seemed to be called Soul Train.Many black stars were performing black music and dancing, and the two girls chirped and commented.

American life is now completely inseparable from television.The two who couldn't go to the New Year's Eve performance live will definitely watch the TV broadcast and count down to the New Year's Eve with tens of millions of viewers. In fact, it may be more comfortable to watch the TV broadcast when the New Year's Eve is very cold.

The new season of the TV series "Big Brothers" was postponed for two months due to the strike. In the last episode of the last season, which has whetted the audience's appetite for eight months, the suspense of JR Ewing's being shot finally came to fruition.It was his sister who killed him.

This episode broke the record for TV ratings in America, with a peak rating of over 53% and an audience share of over 76%. That is to say, three of the four TVs watched this episode that day.This number of viewers even exceeded the number of voters in the general election.

Even the Queen of Britain and the former Grand Commander also asked the crew who the murderer was, and they all got no comment.In order to prevent leaks, the producers also filmed all the characters shooting shots, and no one knows how the script was written.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the actor who played JR Ewing took the opportunity to threaten to increase the price. It is said that the price has reached an unprecedented $10 per episode, which is already comparable to the salary of movie actors.

With such momentum, the old rival ABC TV station has also decided to broadcast a TV series with similar themes next year, about the grievances and grievances of Texas oil rich families, initially named "Dynasty".

The next day, Ronald took the two girls to Macy's to pick out gifts.Donna didn't choose anything else, but went to the bookstore to pick out a set of "Feynman Lectures on Physics".Having started studying calculus, she became interested in physics again.

Ronald sees ads for "fast-paced Richmond High" already in bookstores, and Simon & Schuster decides to start selling the novel in the New Year.

"Is this your adaptation of the novel? I wonder if it can be pre-ordered." Diane Lane asked.

"Yes, I have a sample from the publishing house, and I can give it to you if you want."

Looking at the difference between Donna and Diane in choosing gifts, Ronald felt that this was also a very contrasting comparison.

One likes natural science, the other likes youth novels, two people with completely different hobbies, but they are good friends.Maybe they both found different qualities in each other and became friends.

Ronald thought of the Hamilton brothers and sisters in the novel.

The contrast between Brad and Stacy is also a setting in Cameron Crowe's novel.

Whether you agree with Brad's values ​​of hard work and hard work, or Stacy's greatest value of having a boyfriend, you don't feel disgusted by the other of the siblings.

Geek Mark, a bookworm nicknamed "Mouse", is timid about men and women, and is best friends with Mike Raymond, a glib old pick-up girl.

No matter what kind of person you belong to, you will have a kind of identification with your own type of role, which will generate a sense of substitution and deepen your understanding of other types of roles.

The story behind each character is completely different from what it appears on the surface.

Behind the timidity of "mouse" Mark is his respect for his own feelings and his crush Stacy.

Behind the slick tongue of Mike, a veteran pick-up girl, is the helplessness of having to be a scalper to earn money to support himself. In the end, he managed to scrape together enough money to pay for Stacy's surgery.

Cameron Crowe is full of affection for these characters, not simply divided into good guys and bad guys, but has his own thoughts and values.His novel, which he wrote while undercover in high school for 10 months, looks like it will be a hit.

(End of this chapter)

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