Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 222

I see my son start moving on the bed, and once he sits up and yawns I get an idea. “Morning sweetie.” I tell him and watch as he blinks and stretches before replying “Morning mom. Are you having my brothers and sisters today? Your belly has gotten really big.” I smile and answer “Yes, your sister should be here soon to pick us up soon. Can you do a favor for mommy?” he quickly hops out of bed and onto his feet saying “Of course, what do you need mom?” I wiggle and ask him “You picked Suppress for the world quest right? Could you brand mommy so I can see if it’s cute. Don’t worry, I’m immune to the stat lowering right now.”

“Sure mom, I’ve never used it before but I think I can pick how it looks the first time. Where do you want it?” I’m happy that he trusts me so much. I think other people would probably make sure I was okay with it first. If he can choose I’ll have to think about it. I’m not exactly sure what he’s going to pick, so I don’t know where it would look best. I tell him “You choose sweetie, mommy trusts your judgment.” He circles around me a few times with his hand on his chin before finally touching my upper arm. I feel a slight burning sensation that quickly goes away.

After looking at it in the mirror I give him a big hug and say “Didn’t you say you could pick it the first time? Won’t you be stuck with it from now on?” He laughs and responds “I don’t want any slaves mom, so it’s fine to make it just for you.” I give him a kiss on the cheek and then admire it in the mirror again. It’s a big heart symbol with “#1 Mom” written in the center. It’s not cute or sexy, but I won’t be removing it any time soon. He’s such a good boy.

As I’m wiggling in front of the mirror he asks “So we’ll be leaving? Do I have time to say goodbye to Glory?” He looks a little nervous. He must really like the girl. I tell him “Of course. You also have wings so once you get higher tier you’ll be able to come back any time you want.” He looks happy hearing that and quickly gets dressed before running out the door. He left before I could tell him he could even stay if he wanted, but the words didn’t want to leave my mouth. These feelings are so conflicting sometimes.

There’s a knock on the door, and since I’m the only one here, I go to open it. “Oh wow mom, you’ve really been busy. You look great.” Citrine says with a big smile. I wiggle and invite her in. I still need to get dressed again, and I don’t want to show her all the new fun stuff outside. She looks around and asks “Where’s Jett? Has he still not come back yet?” I shake my head. I already told her what he said before flying off. She sighs and says “He probably just needs some space. A lot happened, and he could just be out blowing off some steam. Hopefully he stays safe.” I nod and start showing her the piercings and brands I’ve gotten, along with my larger breasts. I think she could already see those though.

“Yeah, removing the Farns one is for the best. It really brings down the whole look… Wait, where’s your mark from Arhu?” She asks, and I can’t believe I forgot to tell her about that. I excitedly say “Jett can remove other peoples marks. I think it was hard for him, but he got it off. Luckily it didn’t take it off my other bodies, since the free points are really nice, but if you girls want it removed you can now.” Her mouth hangs open for a few seconds before she smacks her own forehead and says “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that… Getting rid of it will be nice but… I’ll have to think about it I suppose. Onyx is going to be thrilled.”

I agree. Her sister has always been the most vocal about hating the mark and she only has sex with her husband so it doesn’t make a lot of free points for her. I add “Since it only takes it off of one body at a time, you can have one body without it, and use the other for free points still.” She nods and replies “I’ll probably keep it on this body, I don’t really notice it with all the others I’ve gotten, but it really stands out on my other body. I’m guessing if Amber does the same she’ll keep it on her cow body. It looks pretty sexy with the rest of her look. How did you manage to get one that says number one mom?” I smile and start to tell her about her new brother as I get dressed.

“Wow. I don’t know how to describe what you’ve been going through with your new race. Except maybe that your emotions are becoming more human. You said that it’s just happening with this body?” I nod, wondering what she means by more human. Does that mean I’ll start to worry about being naked and having sex with family members now? Thinking about the past couple days I start to worry. I have been covering up so people aren’t bothered by my maxed out attractiveness, and I didn’t ask my son to get me pregnant even though he showed interest…

“Mom?” She reminds me and I finally answer “Yeah, it’s just this body. The others still feel the same. I tested having sex with them and everything.” I calm myself down. I already tested and I’m not getting squishy like a human, so I at least don’t have to worry about that. I sigh and she gives me a hug saying “It’s a good thing mom, it means you’re growing as a person. I bet Amber is going to be really happy when you tell her about it.” That makes me feel better. If it makes Amber happy then it’s a good change. Seeing my babies as cuter than they used to be and better feeling sex are just bonuses.

-POV Jenny, Guard of Woodville-

“Fall back to the second position!” I yell to everyone around me. The zombies broke through the gate and there isn’t enough time. I spot a shadow dashing towards the mage to my right and barely get my mace up in time. “Damn it, get back Charlie.” I tell my friend. This thing is too fast to deal with in an open area like this. I’ll have to hold it back so they can all get in a better position. I ask myself for the 5th time in the last 30 minutes, how do the zombies already have 7th tiers? I had to watch it tear through 4 guards before I could even get close. Karn was a perv, but he didn’t deserve to go out like that.

I feel something in my arm break from the hit and quickly use a healing skill as it dashes back into the weaker zombies. A searing beam strafes just over my head, cutting a large area of zombies in half. Unfortunately it missed the 7th tier again and I watch as it stands up straight. The fucking thing ducked. I yell again “I said back to the second position!” I have to hold it back, and I don’t want to die, but if they can’t manage to hit the thing we’re all going to end up dead anyway. I glance back to see everyone retreating finally.

In just that glance it had enough time to run forward and hit me in the chest. I feel the air leave my lunges without permission as my back slams against one of our ballista turrets. I gasp for air, but my chest won’t let me. I look down and see my armor is dented against me. Starting to panic, I grab for the straps to remove it. “Jukekeke” I hear a strange laugh from in front of me and see the damn 7th tier slowly walking towards me. Great, just what I needed when I can’t breathe, a sadistic zombie. I wince as I give up on getting the straps off and just rip the whole chest piece off instead. Fuck it hurts… Am I going to die?

There’s a loud bang and a huge explosion of dust in front of me just as I’m able to take a breath. I cough, having inhaled dirt. I can’t see anything. The dirt kicked up by the explosion is too thick. “Oh that’s neat. This one has name.” I hear someone say from somewhere in the dust in front of me. My ears are still ringing a little from the pain of that last hit, so it’s hard to tell who it is. I try to stand. I have to help whichever of my friends was dumb enough to sacrifice themselves for nothing. “Hey Goohatt… Goohatool? Since you have a name do you talk?” the voice asks.

The dust starts to clear and I see two vague figures. It looks like one is standing still while the other is thrashing around. God I hope it’s not too late. How can they sound so calm and thrash around like that? I finally stand after a few seconds of pain and walk forward… I have to.. hold it off. I hear a flapping sound from above and the dust and dirt blow away revealing a tall woman holding the 7th tier zombie by it’s neck “I guess not.” she says. The vicious 7th tier snaps it teeth at the woman in vain and she says “Hey! No biting.” Before her fist glows red and slaps the terrifying monster’s head right off its shoulders.

I’m shocked by the sight and hardly register someone with familiar black wings landing next to me as she tosses the lifeless body to the side. “It was Jenny right? Where are the other 7th tier zombies?” The tall woman turns to me with haunting eyes and I turn away. Now I’m looking at the person who asked me the question, finally coming to my senses. It’s the angel who visited us before… was her name Citrine? I try to talk, but end up coughing up some blood. That hit must have fucked up my insides. The winged woman puts a hand on my chest and I feel better almost immediately. My voice is still hoarse, but I manage to finally answer “There aren’t any more 7th tiers. There was only the one.”

She turns to the other woman and yells “That was it mom. Go ahead and start taking out the little ones.” I hear a bang, and when I turn to where the scary woman was, she’s gone. I hear a splat and turn my head slightly to see a pale figure land on one of the large 6th tiers. It’s fat body bursting from some great force applied by the woman. I feel arms wrap around me, and hear a sweet voice say in my ear “Let’s get you back to your defense line.” Before I realize what’s happening I’m flying through the air, and just as fast as it started, I’m placed back onto my feet next to the mage I blocked a hit for earlier.

“Jenny! Are you okay, did you get bit?” I hear from the friends around me, but it all still feels surreal. I feel more healing enter me and I snap out of it before yelling “Focus on the line! Archers fire on the fodder!” I don’t have time for confusion, the angel healed me so I have to do my job. Without the 7th tier it’s only a matter of time before we clear everything up. I just need to keep anyone else from getting bit. I’ll have to thank the woman for saving my life.

-POV End-

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