Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 223

Opal, at Woodville

I crash into another large, squishy zombie. As I slowly break it down with gross bits flying everywhere, I wonder if I should have come with my Eidolon body instead. Luckily I haven’t gotten anything in my mouth and they haven’t been able to bite me yet, but I still have to be careful if I don’t want another Eidolon body. If all of my bodies get races then I can’t take advantage of some of them being raceless. I guess I just didn’t expect that they’d be fighting a horde as soon as we finally got here. My raceless bodies look kind of human, and my daughters said it would be easier for it to get along with the humans here.

After killing the bitey 7th tier, none of the other zombies have been interesting. I’ve already killed similar ones other places, so it’s hard to stay excited. It ends up taking a few hours to finish off all of the straggler zombies. Apparently this horde was bigger than usual for some reason. Maybe it’s because it was led by a 7th tier? Probably. I spot where everyone else that was fighting is gathering and start walking that way. I was the only one fighting out by myself, so it’s a little ways away.

Citrine seems to be talking to a familiar looking man, but I’m not sure where I know him from. So I walk up to them and hear my daughter ask “Where have you been all this time? We’ve been searching for you everywhere.” So he’s someone that was missing. I think about it and finally remember. Running up to the man I give him a big hug and say “Neil! I’m so glad we finally found you sweetie.” He struggles a little, but then looks at my face and his body relaxes as he returns my hug. “Mom… I made it home.” he says. Well he’s still in Woodville, but I understand what he means so I won’t correct him. Pops is going to be so happy to hear that our son is alive.

As my high-human son starts crying into my shoulder I hear someone cough behind him. He sniffles a bit, rubbing some snot on my shirt, but I don’t mind. I’d let any of my children do the same, even if I see them every day. I’d probably be crying too right now if it was my Stone Queen body here and not a raceless one. I’m still really happy to finally find my son of course. He pulls away from our hug after wiping his face and tells me “Mom, this is my friend Carrie. Carrie, this is my mom, and the woman with the wings is my big sister.” He pulls the woman from behind him to show us.

She blushes and says “I saw you two during the fighting. Neil, I thought you were just being a momma’s boy when you said she was strong. Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” She holds out her hand, and I know what to do. Reaching my own hand forward, I softly grip hers and shake it. Neil adds “Without Carrie’s help I wouldn’t be here today. She’s my best friend.” I let go of her hand after hearing that and give her a hug before saying “Thank you for taking care of my son.” I manage to hear her whisper quietly “Her hugs really do feel magical.” She clears her throat as we separate, and then slaps my son’s shoulder before saying. “Now I just have to meet that girlfriend of yours.”

Neil rubs his shoulder and responds “Don’t forget my father.” She waves her hand replying “Yeah yeah, him too.” They seem close which is nice. His girlfriend was Pepper right? I think I saw her last at Ruby’s Rest. Her search around Barrier hadn’t gotten any results so she’s been moving around a lot. I ask my son “Do you want me to tell Pepper you’re safe or do you want to surprise her?” He quickly answers “If you could tell her and my father that I’m safe it would be better. That way I can see them both sooner… How far away is this town from home?”

If I’m remembering right, he probably means Dragon Roost, but we don’t have anyone living there after it was destroyed by the slavers who took him. Citrine tells him “I can fly both of you to your father’s, but it will take a couple days. Mom, can you get Pepper to Barrier and help the people here in Woodville while I do that?” I nod and agree. I should be able to run a body to Ruby’s Rest pretty quickly, and we’ll probably get from there to Barrier before they arrive. I can let Pops know what’s going on with my bunny body so he doesn’t have to wait for the good news. Having so many bodies does have it’s advantages in situations like this.

I give my son one more hug before Citrine scoops him and his friend into her arms. I wave and wiggle as they fly off. Today has been a really good day so far. I gave birth to over 200 eggs, watched Garnet accept Glory as his mate, met an interesting new zombie, and now I got to see Neil again after so long. It’s definitely been one of my favorite days in the past month, and I haven’t even surprised my wife yet. That has to wait for tonight.

I decide to look for the woman with a mace I saw when first arriving. I think she’s probably one of the people in charge since she was pretty strong for a 6th tier.

Opal’s body in a dungeon

I finish off the strange fox-monster boss by crushing its head. Hopefully I can get the item this time. I heard this boss’s chest has a good item sometimes, so I came to Ruby’s Rest to try and get a few. Once I check the chest I’ll go look for Pepper and take her to Barrier. This is the closest body after all. Opening the red boss chest I’m happy to finally see the item I’ve been looking for. I’ll have to move another body here to run the dungeon while this one goes to Barrier with Pepper.

(Broken Fox Core) Consume for a chance to effect current racial features or learn a skill.

Apparently the skills can be really good, and the changes aren’t bad. One of Amber’s friends got some cute fluffy ears. Sapphire was actually really interested in it, so I’m collecting them for her. I might try some myself once I have another raceless body. There are only 3 left, so it’s best to wait… Maybe I can eat them with my Eidolon body that isn’t tiny. I’ll have to get permission from Citrine first of course, but other than being short, I haven’t found anything useful about the Eidolon race. Everyone loves my tiny body though, so there’s no way I’d risk changing that one. What if it started growing?

After leaving the dungeon, it takes a few minutes of searching, but someone finally knows where Pepper is. “I think she said she was going to visit her mom today.” The vampire woman tells me. I thank her and start heading towards Ruby’s office. I doubt they meant Snow since she doesn’t live here. As I open the door, I hear “Don’t move it yet it’s too big… Ugh I can’t believe I let you convince me to do this. I should be out looking for my boyfriend.” Another voice answers “Everyone has needs daughter. I’m sure he’ll understand once we find him.”

I make my way around the corner and see Ruby and Pepper on the bed. Pepper sighs and says “Fine, but start slow.” My daughter is clothed on the bed, but her daughter isn’t wearing shorts and has her legs spread. Ruby is holding some kind of object that looks like a penis up to Pepper’s slit, and is probably about to push it in. It’s kind of interesting, but I interrupt them by saying “Don’t start anything right now.” I don’t know how fast Citrine will fly with people that don’t weigh much, and it would be better if we got to Barrier first. Ruby gets too excited with sex stuff, and I’m worried if they start we might end up late.

They both seem startled, and my daughter drops the penis shaped thing. Pepper blushes and tells me “Grandma, it’s not what it looks like.” I don’t know what it’s supposed to look like, so I shrug and say “You need to get dressed. We found Neil and he’ll be in Barrier in a couple days, so we’ll have to hurry.” They both freeze before my granddaughter hops to her feet still bottomless, asking “Really? Let’s go right now! Where did you find him? Is he hurt?” Ruby slaps her daughter’s butt and says “Get your shorts on girl, what will he think if you show up bare-bottom?” She then turns to me and asks “You’re taking her there right? Make sure to keep my baby safe.”

I nod and give Ruby a hug while Pepper frantically gets her shorts and shoes on. I tell my red haired daughter “That thing looks interesting, could you show me it later?” while pointing at the penis shaped thing on her bed. She chuckles before responding “I’d love to mom, but get out of here. My baby has a date with her boyfriend.”

Opal’s Bunny body

I knock on Pop’s door, but it takes a while for anyone to answer. When someone does, it’s Snow and she’s naked. “Oh mom great, you’re here. Are you willing to join a sex game we’re trying out with some friends?” I answer “Sure, but I have some news for Pops. So don’t let me forget.” She agrees before dragging me into the house. When I get to the living room, there are a few women on the floor with their butts lined up facing a naked Pops. He has a blindfold on and asks “Honey, who was it?” She puts her finger up to my lip before I can talk and answers him “Another ass for the game sweetheart. If I told you it would be cheating.”

I worry a bit until I remember that people can cheat at games too, and that’s probably what she means. “Take your shorts off and line up with us. The game this time is, my husband has to stick it in everyone and try to pick me out of the lineup, and cum in me. If he guesses right, then he gets to tie us all up and fuck us in the ass. If he loses, then he has to get the person he chose pregnant.” It sounds like a fun game, and I can actually see that Jessica has both of her bodies in the lineup. She does really like getting pregnant, and complains that Pops hasn’t accepted her invitation yet. Apparently she likes to collect different fathers for her children. Snow probably set this game up for her.

Snow giggles a bit and places me right before Jessica’s two bodies in the line up. My brown haired daughter’s eyes seem to sparkle when she sees me kneeling next to her. I smile, realizing what my job for this game is. I recognize a couple of the other women as two of Snow’s friends. “Is it time yet? I don’t know how you think you can win this one wifey. I know exactly what you feel like, inside and out.” She answers “Then maybe I just wanted to prepare a gift of anal fucking for you? Don’t get to cocky though, and get started.”

*Lewd Scene*




He pulls off his blindfold and looks down. “Dammit wife. Your mother and your sister? How is that fair?” Myself and a few other women can’t help but giggle, and Snow walks over to him while answering “Give you an easy win? No way. It’s not my fault you overestimated your skills.” He sighs and throws his hands up saying “This was a setup, but a deals a deal. Can I at least tie up my boss before getting her pregnant?” Snow points to Jessica who rolls her eyes but replies “Fine, but don’t take too long, you know I’m busy today.”

I wait until after he’s done knocking up Jessica to tell him about Neil. I wouldn’t want to deprive my daughters of the scheme they put so much work into. Once everyone else has left, Pops says “Opal, can you go too? I need some private time with my wife.” He probably wants to have anal sex with her even though he lost the game. I shake my head and respond “I can leave after I tell you what I came here for.” I really don’t want to get in their way, but If I wait any longer I’ll forget. He grumbles but says “Fine.”

I finally tell him “I found our son Neil over in Woodville. Citrine is flying him here now and he should get here in a couple days.” He stops playing with his wife’s tail and attacks me with a big hug. I can actually feel how strong he’s gotten. It’s a surprise since he’s still at half stats from Rise Up. He must be into the 7th tier now. He laughs happily and puts me down before doing the same thing to Snow. He asks in a jolly voice “Did you hear that Honey? My boy is alive.” She pats his head while smiling and being spun around. Once he settles down a bit, he announces “He’s the oldest son now, so I have to tell everyone. Honey, can you clean up the place? I don’t want him to think his dad has turned lazy.”

She agrees and he quickly runs out the door. “He’s going to tell his friends at the barracks. It’s good to see him like this. Not knowing what happened to Neil has been bothering him for a long time.” Snow tells me and I offer to help her clean up a bit. I’m not very good at it yet, but I can at least talk to her while we work.

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