Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 230

Citrine did not end up helping with the boss room centipedes for the next 6 hours. She thanked me every time though, so I think that’s good enough. The items in the chest were mostly farm tools. My daughter knew what they were for, even though I couldn’t tell just by some of the descriptions. She described a lot of them as basically being weapons, but only for harvesting food or making it grow. There was one item that we’re going to give to Amber since we think it will look cute on her.

(Bell of the Pasture) Wearer produces more milk when lactating.

The ability isn’t very useful, but it probably would have been handy when I didn’t have an endless supply of the stuff. It’s a leather collar with a golden bell hanging from it. Citrine said it would look best on her sister’s cow body, but I want her to wear it on her elf body so that she’ll match my new collar. We decided to just give it to her and let her choose. It is going to be her collar after all. We stop by the Armory to get new clothes so I’m not walking around naked. Citrine agreed that with max Attractiveness being naked too much might be dangerous.

When we get back to the room, we hear some arguing and open the door. “Mooooom let me go. I want to go take a bath.” The Wyverkin woman pleads as she struggles in my wife’s arms. My wife responds “Nooo, I just woke up and need cuddles. I pushed out your egg brat, so you owe me cuddles” It’s so cute watching them and Citrine watches while giggling next to me. The Ambers must have heard it because they both turn to us at the same time. My beautiful wife smiles at me and lets her daughter go saying “Wife, come cuddle me. This brat moves around too much anyway.” Her daughter quickly takes the chance and rushes out of the room. I happily scoot onto the bed next to my wife and let her wrap her comfy arms around me.

Citrine leaves with her niece, so it’s only me and the better Amber cuddling in silence.

About an hour later my wife sighs and tells me “I guess I should get up. Your boyfriend is annoying by the way, he keeps coming over to see if you’re back yet. Luckily it doesn’t seem he remembers me knocking him out.” Remembering that she called Jim that last night I ask her “Do you mean Jim? It’s okay to ignore him for a while longer. I like spending this time with you.” I see her cow tail flipping back and forth behind her butt and giggle. I add “Oh, we found an item for you. We’ll have to find Citrine since she’s holding it.” She gives me a wonderful kiss before responding “Ugh, I really do need to get back to the brothel. I’m supposed to train a new girl today. Can you help me get dressed before swapping with me?”

If the Farm and Love Roost had 7th tiers we’d be able to spend more time together. I tell her “Okay wife. Is it alright if I send a body to the brothel to learn too?” She squeezes me tighter and her tail swishes faster as she answers “Of course! I love that idea wife. I don’t think you need experience with sex, but I can teach you other stuff about working in a brothel.” I can tell she’s really excited. It won’t feel as deep as hanging out with her using this body, but I still love her and enjoy my time around her. We take more time than is usually necessary getting her dressed, and after a few more kisses I swap places using the piercing.

I used to think the swap cost a lot of mana, but I don’t really need it for other things today, and it regenerates much faster than when I first got the nipple piercing. I look around, and Amber was in Jett’s room when we swapped. I check on my rock babies who are all laid out on the bed. When I touch them this time, they all wiggle. It’s a bit surprising since they couldn’t move before, but I tell them “Good job sweeties. I’m sure you’ll be able to do even more in no time.” I’m looking forward to when they grow up. I just hope it doesn’t take them as long as regular human babies. It’s been more than a year and some of my human babies still can’t walk.

Amber told me that Jim said he would be waiting at his house when I got back, but I have to stay here in case the patrols spot a climbing zombie… Oh right, I can just have Citrine fly one of my other bodies over here when she drops Amber off at the brothel. That will free this body up to get those breast potions I need and spend some more time with Jim. Maybe I can do both at the same time if he’s willing to go to the dungeon with me.

Later in front of Jim’s house

I knock on the door while humming a tune. It’s something I hear Amber doing when she’s happy about something. I have to admit it makes me feel lighter. I’ll have to remember not to do it while I’m fighting since it’s better to be heavy. The door opens and I see him standing there, so I show him a big smile. He wraps me in a strong hug and gives me a big kiss. I’m surprised, but not because he’s gotten better at kissing… Usually he puts pretending and hiding before anything else and we’re in front of his house. Well it feels nice that he missed me so much, but I wasn’t gone that long.

He finally separates from my lips and says “I was worried about you Opal. Last thing I remember we were having sex, and then I’m waking up in my own bed alone.” I giggle and explain to him “Sorry about that. My wife didn’t know who you were and punched you. She’s really strong. I made sure you were okay and brought you home.” He seems a bit surprised, but replies “You mean your wife wasn’t made up, and she’s actually strong like you told me?” I nod and he sighs before saying “If she’s real, then is she okay with you being in my harem?” I tell him “Of course, I told you before that I wouldn’t really participate in cheating, but I don’t mind pretending with you.”

He smiles and gives me another big hug before responding “That’s great Opal, I’m glad you have someone strong like that who loves you. Do you have time to hang out today?” I nod and say “Yes! Do you want to go to the dungeon with me?” He seems to think about it before answering “Sure, do you still need those breast potions?” I’m glad he remembers the stuff I tell him. I know a few people who are more forgetful than I am and it usually takes longer to explain stuff to them. We head to the dungeon and I want to hold hands, but I remember we should be pretending right now. He probably just forgot at his door since he was worried about me.

Once we get into the slime dungeon he seems to relax. He says “I’ll kill the slimes if you tell me about the party you went to.” I giggle and reply “Let’s just skip the little ones, they’re too slow and killing them makes a mess. We’re just here to fight the boss anyway.” He scratches his chin and responds “That makes sense, we’ll get potions faster that way. I usually play it safe by sticking to the other dungeon. It’s the one my wife taught me how to fight in, and I’m not very good at coming up with stuff on my own.” He told me before that his wife was really strong when she was alive, but he doesn’t talk about her much. Probably because she’s dead and it makes him sad.

As we’re walking, I grab and hold his hand and he asks me “By the way, what tier are you babe?” I giggle and answer “That’s a secret.” He laughs and slaps my butt. Early on he told me not to talk about stats, classes or skills, and he’s tested me before. He says it adds to the mystery and makes our relationship more interesting. It is kind of fun, even though I can tell he’s 4th tier. I have a lot of experience and have had enough sex with him. He laughs when I refuse to tell him something though, and that makes it much more fun.

When we get to the slime boss, I wiggle and probably blush because he’s pretty handsome when he tells me “Don’t worry babe, I’ll take care of this.” He uses his fists like I do, but he wears some sort of metal gloves. I guess he’d need them since he’s not as hard as me. It ends up taking him much longer than I expected, and now I understand why he sticks to the dungeon he knows. He comes to me covered in slime and says “Go ahead and open the chest babe. I wanna watch you drink the potion.” He grins at the end and I quickly open the chest. Just because I can blush now, doesn’t mean I’ll give him the satisfaction of seeing it after he teased me last time.

I pick up the potion and toss him the seed of hate. He asks what it is, so I tell him “The slimes hate me, so every time I come here the chest gives me that seed. If you eat it you’ll get 100 free points.” It has a description that he can read, but it doesn’t actually say how many points it gives. He asks “What’s your race?” I wink at him and answer “Secret.” He laughs again before looking at the seed and saying “Do you mind if I give this to Glory? Sometimes I think my daughter is disappointed in me, but I still want the best for her.” I think about it and tell him “We’re going to get one each time, so you can save half of them for her. You have to eat the rest yourself.” He nods and responds “That’s fair.”

From the look of his fight with the slime, I don’t think he’s put many free points into stats, and it’s possible he hasn’t even unlocked his third class. It makes me curious, but I won’t ask him since he likes to pretend. Well, Glory seems to like when he’s rough during sex, so she’d probably want him to eat some seeds too. It took me a few days to realize that she likes to pretend that he’s hurting her, just like he likes to pretend that his wife is still alive. I think they just got carried away the first time. She didn’t pass out again or have problems talking after that.

I drink the potion and both of us wait. I look down at my breasts while he stares at them from the side. After a few seconds he says “I think I saw it grow a little bit… we’re going to need a lot of them huh?” I nod and we make our way to restart the dungeon.

About 2 hours later

I pull the seed and potion from our 5th chest. I toss him the seed and quickly drink the potion. I’m going to need a lot of them at this rate, and he’s only gotten a little faster at killing the boss. I watch him eat the seed since it’s his turn, and am surprised when I hear a chime. Confused I check the screen.


You have already consumed this Cursed potion and your race cannot be changed


Racial modifier added

As I’m reading and feeling dumb for forgetting to check every potion, my chest starts to hurt. Luckily it’s not too bad, and I only wince a little bit. Probably. I hear Jim say “Wow, that one did a lot more than the others. I think you might be back to your previous size with that.” I look down at my bare chest and have to agree with him. I just hope the modifier doesn’t do anything bad. I check my status to see what it is.

Race: Carnal Stone Queen

I don’t know what that word means. Hopefully it’s not another word for ugly or squishy.

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