Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 229

As I’m teaching my babies, there’s a knock on the door, so I get up to see who it is. “Hold on sweeties, mommy will be back soon.” I tell the rocks. Opening the front door I see Jim standing there. “Hey babe, looks like I got the right place. It’s familiar for some reason… Well that’s not important. My mate headed to the dungeon with her friends and plans on trying for the 30th floor. That means we have a few more days alone.” I’m glad he wants to spend more time with me, but I respond “I’m going to a party tonight, and I have to stay here in case someone comes by.” It would be bad if the patrols spotted another 7th tier climbing, but I wasn’t here when they came.

He sighs, his shoulders slump, and I can tell he’s disappointed. Then he smirks and says “I’ll just fill you up a few times before your party then. I don’t mind fucking you here.” I think about it for a few seconds and that should be fine. I tell him “We’ll have to do it in the living room Master. Our kids are laying on the bed right now.” Seeing him reminds me of something I was distracted from earlier today, so as I’m letting him in, I accept the random reward from the Harem quest. A round item with a short chain attached appears in my hand so I check it.

(Collar of Chains) Wearer receives better rewards from Slave and Harem Quests.

I look at it and it should look good on me, the black collar and chain match my hair really well. I guess it’s not surprising that a reward for a Harem quest has something to do with slaves and harems. Thinking about the better rewards it offers, I open the collar and snap it on my neck. “Wait for me here. I just want to check the mirror.” I tell Jim after showing him to the living room. He responds “Oh is the collar new? It looks great.” I walk into the room and say behind me “Yeah, I want to see how it looks. I’ll be right out.” Once the door closes, I stand in front of the mirror and start undressing. I got him to rip my clothes off finally, but this is the last pair and I don’t want to risk it.

The collar is nice, but the chain that hangs from it looks amazing. It’s not very long, only having a few links and stopping right where the cleavage of my breasts starts. Right, I still need to find time to get more of those potions again. Amber told me she liked the size before taking off Jett’s mark, so I’ll want to get them back to that. I tug on the chain and it feels strong and sturdy, and pulling doesn’t make the collar more uncomfortable around my neck. That’s nice, since I think Jim will want to pull on it while we have sex. I smile at myself in the mirror and wiggle. This reward ended up being great. There are still a few hours before it gets dark, so I should be able to get started on this week’s Harem quest.

About 3 hours later

Jim tugs on the chain again as I feel his cock starting to pulse inside of me. I yell “Fill me with your seed Master!” Happy that I’ll be getting another shot so soon after the last. I hear him moan, but suddenly my vision changes and I no longer feel anything inside of me. I hear a voice ask “What?” so I turn to see my wife’s cow body standing in the room with me. She has a shocked expression on her face… I quickly realize what happened and tell her “Don’t hit him, he’s the one I told you about.” She then laughs before responding “Well it was definitely surprising, now I know what you felt like during the last swap.” I stand up and give her a hug and peck on the lips before laughing myself.

“I thought I was going to do the swap and it’s not dark yet, so I was having a little fun while I waited.” I tell her and she nods before sighing and saying “I knocked the guy out before you said something, but he should be fine.” Poor Jim. I ask her “Do you mind if I swap us again real quick so I can run him home? Jett’s bed is full of my babies and the couch is pretty uncomfortable.” She answers “Go ahead wife, but hurry back. My sister and daughter were too excited and already started the orgy without us.” I tell her I’ll be quick and use the piercing to swap places again. I see my son’s living room and Jim is passed out on the couch naked. He still has some cum on his penis, so I guess he at least managed to finish.

I wipe the sticky liquid off of him so that it won’t get his clothes dirty when I dress him. I’m about to lick it off my hand, but then think better of it and wipe it onto and into my slit instead. No reason to waste potential babies. Once I have him dressed, I put him over my shoulder and quickly run him to his place, tossing him onto the bed. Amber did say they started without us, and it’s not like he’s awake to complain about me rushing. I take one last look at his sexy body and run back to Jett’s place before swapping.

“Your boyfriend got me pregnant Opal.” Amber says once I’m back. I apologize saying “Sorry wife, if I knew I would have come sooner.” She kisses my cheek and responds “I wasn’t complaining silly. I’ve been a little curious what having an egg would be like.” That’s good then, I smile back at her and give her another kiss. She really is my favorite person. My wife grabs the chain and tugs it while we kiss. Once we separate she tells me “This collar is sexy, it’s not a slave collar right?” I shake my head and tell her how I got it and it’s description. She tells me to keep wearing it since it really looks perfect on me, and we finally get to the orgy.

When I open the door, there are already loud sounds of sex, and I see bulls and cows fucking everywhere. It takes me a moment to spot Citrine, and she’s actually laying on top of the Wyverkin woman while a bull alternates which of them he’s penetrating. It looks like they’re having fun, since they’re groping each other and kissing, so I point them out to my wife and ask “Can we try that out? It looks fun.” Amber replies “I agree, lets see if we can find a free bull to help us out.”

The next morning

We finally make it back to the bed and Amber’s daughter quickly flops onto the bed before passing out. I gently lay my sleeping wife next to her, and watch them for a few minutes since they’re so beautiful. Amber fell asleep when I was carrying her here after the orgy, but her Wyverkin daughter was able to just make it. I’m sure Citrine would have carried her if she did pass out along the way. After leaving the room and quietly closing the door, Citrine asks “So are you still up for trying out the new dungeon they added?” I nod and whisper “Of course, but we have to get back here before they wake up. Amber likes seeing me in the morning.”

“That shouldn’t be hard, knowing my sister she’ll be out for at least 6 hours. The dungeon only has 10 floors so there’s not going to be a lot to see.” Citrine says, and I have to agree. Even though the sun is coming up, my wife needs a minimum of 6 hours. Something occurs to me, so I ask my daughter “Can you fly over and check on her other body before we start? She’s not used to sleeping there and I worry that she might not have been able to sleep with the pleasure from her cow body.” Citrine rubs my head and says “Sure thing mom. If she can’t sleep are you going to swap with her again?”

I nod and respond “Yeah, sorry sweetie, but if it happens I promise to check the dungeon with you after she wakes up.” This new race makes me worry more than I’m used to. What if she’s tired when a 7th tier is climbing up to the town, and she doesn’t hear the guards knocking? It’s probably silly, but now that I’ve thought of it, it’s hard not to do anything. “I understand mom, if she’s still awake and couldn’t get any sleep, I’ll have her do the swap. If not I’ll be back soon.” I thank her before she flies off, and decide to go buy some more uniforms while I’m here… I stop and sigh. I could have made myself a guard of Love Roost so I could use the Armory there.

About half an hour later Citrine swoops down in front of me next to the dungeon. “She says she slept really well last night. Apparently your rock babies on the bed were really comforting. She said it felt almost as good as sleeping with you.” my daughter informs me. I wiggle and she pokes my cheek before saying “You really do blush now, it’s just as cute as sis said it would be.” I turn away from Citrine in embarrassment and suggest “Lets just get started on the dungeon.” I hear her giggle behind me, but I can’t look at her since I know being embarrassed just makes the blushing worse.

The dungeon ends up being like the ones in Love Roost, with one large room where the monsters roam around. This time it has a kind of giant bug called -Giant Centipede- They can rear up to be almost as tall as me, but usually just wiggle around on the ground. I kind of like them, but Citrine insists on killing all of them before heading to the next floor. Well, if I ever do the dungeon alone I’ll leave them be, since they’re pretty decent at wiggling and can’t bite my skin anyway. With my daughter taking time to chop all of them up, it ends up taking us longer than expected to get to the boss.

I open the boss room door and see what’s inside. “Nope, nope. You take care of them mom. I’m staying out here.” Citrine says while crossing her arms. I’m not sure why she doesn’t want to fight the hundreds of wiggling bugs in the boss room, since she spent so much time making sure to kill them all on the way here. Oh well, since they’re so many they don’t seem to be as high level as a normal boss, it’s kind of like the normal boss room of the goblin dungeon. So I should just let them wiggle all over me until they die to my passive damage. I’d feel bad squishing them. I walk into the room and a wall of legs barrels towards me. I hear my daughter say “Nope” a few more times before slamming the door shut.

About 20 minutes later

Citrine slaps my butt and says “Thanks mom. You can open the chest.” I wiggle since it’s always nice to be appreciated. The slap on my naked butt also felt good. Unfortunately, the centipedes decided to take out their anger on my clothes since they couldn’t hurt me. I happily walk over to the chest and open it to look inside. It looks like a rod with a flat shape on the end.

(Advanced Branding Iron) Holder may use to place an Advanced Brand on target.

I show it to my daughter who looks at it and suggests “Well, we can give it to sis. She just mentioned that she was worried about losing the branding ability after New Years.” I think about it and reply “It’s probably best to give it to Onyx then, but weren’t we going to release everyone after the event was over?” I was pretty sure we already killed all the really bad slavers. My angel daughter replies with a smirk “That doesn’t mean we won’t need a prison for other bad people. Sis is already working with Jessica and Ruby to come up with basic laws.”

I remember something about laws, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any. It’s one of those vague memories I get sometimes. It’s probably better to just ask Onyx about it next time I visit if she’s one of the people making them. “Okay, can we rush through for the next runs? We wanted to see what other kinds of items are in the chests right?” I finally ask, and Citrine agrees. I wonder if she’s going to help me with the bosses next time?

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