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Ch106- Then I Have A Chance

Upon leaving the Mist Village, Kai's next destination was clear. Without hesitation, he invoked the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, transporting himself directly into the Raikage's chamber. His abrupt entrance was not out of ignorance but a testament to the unresolved tension between them.

A's left stump gave a discernible twitch at Kai's appearance, a clear reminder of the consequences of trying to force Samui back into service. The memory of that confrontation was as fresh in A's mind as the day it happened. Almost instantly, Cloud Anbu materialized, forming a protective circle around their leader.

Kai's steps were deliberate and poised as he moved to sit opposite A. Meeting the Raikage's intense gaze, Kai calmly stated, "This isn't a battle call. Dismiss your guards."

A studied Kai for a brief moment, his brow furrowed in skepticism. With a brief nod, he waved off the Anbu, the palpable tension remaining even as they vanished from sight.

"Akatsuki is our topic," Kai initiated, his voice bearing a touch of impatience.

A exhaled, drumming his fingers on the desk. "Akatsuki?" He echoed, his voice dripping with skepticism.

Delivering the information with the same unwavering demeanor he maintained in Mei's chamber, Kai relayed his discoveries about the Akatsuki, their ambitions, and the looming threat of Uchiha Madara. Each word was infused with gravity and precision, leaving no room for doubt or debate.

A's expression grew taut as he absorbed the intel, his eyes reflecting the burden of leadership. He wasn't quick to trust Kai, their shared history a testament to that, but he couldn't dismiss the potential gravity of the situation either.

"And you expect me to believe this?" A inquired, his voice challenging.

"Whether you choose to accept it is up to you," Kai stated succinctly, narrowing his gaze. "The Cloud houses two Jinchuriki; one is your kin. The Akatsuki will inevitably target you. You can either act now, joining the Kage summit, or wait. Wait until both your Jinchuriki are stripped from you and desperation drives you to my doorstep."

A's hand clenched, knuckles whitening. There was a tense silence, punctuated by A's visible internal struggle. Finally, with a begrudging nod, the Raikage conceded, "Fine. I'll attend."

Without another word or gesture, Kai's form shimmered and vanished, taking him directly outside Tsuchikage Ōnoki's chamber in the Stone Village.

In a flash, Kai found himself outside Tsuchikage Oonoki's chamber. His relationship with the wizened old leader was unlike Raikage. Oonoki had always admired Kai's prowess, often attempting to entice him to join the Stone Village with promises of riches, forbidden jutsus, and even women. However, Kai had never been swayed. But unlike other Kages, Oonoki's approach was rooted in genuine respect rather than manipulation.

Hearing a muffled voice inviting him in, Kai gently pushed the door open. Inside, the room was bathed in soft lighting, enhancing the ambiance of warmth and familiarity. Ōnoki, seated behind a massive desk, looked up and greeted him with a faint, knowing smile.

"Here I was, hoping rumors of your death might be true. Would've saved me trouble," Ōnoki remarked, his eyebrows raised in a mix of humor and mischief.

Kai raised a brow, settling into the chair opposite the Tsuchikage. "Considering burying another generation while you hide behind your desk?"

Oonoki feigned a hurt look. "That was a bit sharp, wasn't it?"

Raising an eyebrow, Kai replied dryly, "You started by musing over my potential death. I'd say my retort was warranted."

Oonoki chuckled, the room filling with a brief, companionable silence before Kai leaned forward slightly, placing a scroll on the desk.

"I assume you're not here for pleasantries," Oonoki remarked, his gaze darting to the scroll.

Kai nodded in agreement, fingers tapping the scroll's surface. "Akatsuki," he started, his voice taking on a more serious tone.

Oonoki's eyes sharpened. "The rogue ninjas? They've been a nuisance, but what's changed?"

Kai's fingers drummed lightly on the scroll's surface, drawing the Tsuchikage's full attention. "The scope of Akatsuki's ambitions far exceeds what you might have surmised," Kai began, his voice taking on a gravely serious tone.

Oonoki shifted in his seat, his keen eyes locked onto Kai's. "What are we talking about?"

Kai paused for a brief second, ensuring he had the elder's full attention. "They aim to gather all the Tailed Beasts," he declared.

Oonoki's eyebrows shot up. "All of them? That's ambitious... even for rogues."

Kai nodded slightly. "It's more than ambition. Their endgame is to recreate the Ten Tails and harness the power of the Eye of the Moon."

The Tsuchikage's face paled noticeably. "The Ten Tails? The original beast of legend? And the Eye of the Moon... you're suggesting they want to control everyone's mind?"

Kai's only response was a single, affirmative nod.

Silence stretched between the two, broken only by Oonoki's muttered curses. "Damn rogue ninjas, playing with forces they don't understand..."

Kai shifted the scroll, revealing a set of intricate seals. "This contains intel on their plans and movements."

Oonoki's sharp gaze fell on the scroll, fingers itching to take it. "And how do you propose we handle this, Kai? You must have a strategy."

Kai leaned back, letting his silence convey the weight of his thoughts. "There's another piece to this puzzle—Uchiha Madara."

At the mention of the name, an involuntary shiver traveled down Oonoki's spine. He had faced the man decades ago, a battle that haunted him to this day. "Madara? He's behind this?"

Kai inclined his head subtly. "His machinations are at play. It's unclear how deeply he's involved, but knowing his history and ambitions, I believe he's the puppet master."

Oonoki frowned deeply. "Then we're not just dealing with a band of rogue ninjas... we're dealing with one of the most powerful shinobi to have ever lived."

"Indeed," Kai said. "I propose a Kage summit. The Akatsuki's reach is broad, and no village is safe. A united front is our best chance."

Oonoki leaned back in his chair, the soft illumination of the room casting a warm glow on the myriad of wrinkles that crisscrossed his aged face. His sharp eyes, though old, held the wisdom of countless battles and the burden of leadership. He looked intently at the young man across the desk, who sat so casually, yet emanated a raw, impenetrable power.

The silence in the room was palpable, occasionally punctuated by the flicker of a candle or the rustling of a parchment. Then, Oonoki's voice, aged but strong, broke the quiet.

"How strong are you now?"

Kai met the Tsuchikage's gaze, the intensity in the room undiminished. Instead of answering directly, he posed a question in return, "How strong was Madara?"

Oonoki looked away for a moment, memories of his encounters with the legendary Uchiha weighing on him. With a sigh, he finally admitted, "Ten of me couldn't beat him."

Kai's eyes seemed to delve into some distant thought, gauging and measuring himself. "Then I may have a chance."

Oonoki's eyes widened, astonishment evident. The implication was crystal clear; Kai was suggesting he might be ten times stronger than the Tsuchikage. The sheer audacity of the claim would've been laughable had it been anyone other than Kai. Oonoki glanced again at the young shinobi, seeing not the age but the power and resolve that seemed to emanate from him.

The realization dawned upon the Tsuchikage that every time he'd encountered Kai, the latter's strength had noticeably increased. But now, as he tried to sense Kai's chakra and gauge his true capabilities, it felt like staring into an abyss. Endless. Unfathomable. There was no measure, only an overpowering presence.

Kai's voice, calm and even, cut through Oonoki's thoughts. "The summit needs to happen soon. Preparations, strategies, and contingencies have to be mapped out. Time is of the essence."

Oonoki nodded, still processing the revelation of Kai's potential strength. "We'll coordinate with the other Kage. We can't afford to be divided against a threat of this magnitude."

Kai gave a subtle nod of agreement, then, without any preamble, his form shimmered momentarily and vanished, leaving Oonoki in the quiet warmth of his chamber, deep in thought.


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