Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch107- Already on the Move

The next instant found Kai in the Sand Village, the familiar dry breeze brushing against him. Even here, in this land of heat and grit, the specter of Akatsuki loomed. As with the others, the Kazekage too had to be informed, allies rallied, and preparations made. The battle against shadows had begun.

Upon entering the Kazekage's room, Kai's gaze met that of young Gaara, now garbed in the official hat and robe of his position. The sight of Gaara, once a feared Jinchuriki known for his bloodlust, now holding a position of leadership, was a surprising development for Kai.

Gaara's aqua eyes, however, displayed a similar moment of recognition and surprise. The last time the two had met, the circumstances were dire. It was Kai who had unveiled Orochimaru's ploy, one that would have cost the Sand Village gravely in both resources and lives. Because of Kai's timely intervention, the Sand and Konoha villages were not only saved from a potentially devastating confrontation but also solidified a lasting alliance.

With a nod, Gaara rose from his seat, acknowledging Kai's presence with a gesture of respect. "Kai," Gaara greeted, his voice composed but carrying an undertone of appreciation. "It's been a long time."

Kai returned the nod. "Kazekage," he acknowledged. His eyes, ever observant, took in the details of the room and its occupants.

"Your presence here... it suggests something significant is at hand." Gaara’s eyes were keen, accustomed to reading the desert winds and understanding the hidden messages they carried.

Kai inclined his head slightly, signaling agreement. "The Akatsuki are mobilizing."

Gaara shifted slightly, leaning back in his chair, his aqua eyes locking onto Kai's. "Hokage-sama mentioned the Akatsuki to me, but why are they of such concern now?"

Kai's stance, though relaxed, held a gravity that resonated with the weight of his words. "They're after the tailed beasts, and since you host one, it's only a matter of time before they target you." His voice was steady, each word articulated with precision.

The Kazekage’s eyes narrowed, processing the implications. "And their motive?"

Kai paused for a moment, as if searching for the best way to explain the magnitude of the situation. "Madara Uchiha is the puppet master controlling the strings of the Akatsuki. His goal is to gather all the tailed beasts to recreate the Ten-Tails and execute the 'Eye of the Moon' plan. If successful, he intends to put the entire world under a massive genjutsu."

Gaara's expression was unreadable, but the slight furrow of his brow betrayed his concern. "So, what's the next move?"

"I am gathering the Kage for a summit. It's imperative we strategize and join forces against this looming threat," Kai responded, his voice carrying the weight of the imminent danger.

Gaara studied Kai for a moment, undoubtedly reminiscing about their past encounters. The subtle respect he held for Kai was evident in his demeanor. "Your insights have proven invaluable before. If you believe this is the best course, then the Sand Village will support this alliance."

Kai gave one of his signature nods, acknowledging Gaara's commitment. "Thank you, Kazekage. The unity of the villages will be our strongest asset against Madara and the Akatsuki."

A brief silence ensued, the gravity of the situation hanging heavily in the room. Gaara broke the quiet, "We've faced dark times before, but with allies like you, the light always finds a way."

Kai gave a slight tilt of his head, a gesture of appreciation. Without a word, he turned and began to exit the chamber.

Kai's next destination was Takigakure, a village often overlooked by most of the major shinobi nations due to its relatively smaller scale. Many would dismiss the idea of paying such a place a visit, but not Kai. His intelligence reports had hinted at the presence of a Jinchuriki there. This information alone made the journey worth it.

The landscape of Takigakure came into view, its cascading waterfalls and lush green surroundings an ironic contrast to the imminent threat the village faced. The typically serene setting was now marred by a palpable tension.

Before even seeking an audience with the village's leadership, Kai's sharp senses picked up on the fact that something was amiss. He saw the villagers in hushed conversations, their faces reflecting worry and apprehension. There was a sense of gloom that hadn't been present in his previous visits.

Upon his arrival in Takigakure, Kai immediately sensed the pervasive atmosphere of worry and apprehension. The cascading waterfalls, once symbolic of the village's serenity, now seemed to mirror the collective anxiety of its inhabitants. Villagers gathered in small clusters, speaking in hushed tones. Their conversations, though muted, carried a weight of concern that was hard to ignore.

Kai's heightened senses, a byproduct of his extensive training, allowed him to catch fragments of these conversations without being overly intrusive. It was through these snippets that he pieced together a grim picture: The Akatsuki had already struck. The village's Jinchuriki, Fu, had been captured.

A deep-seated frustration gripped Kai as he realized the implications of this revelation. Fu's capture indicated that the Akatsuki's movements were swifter than anticipated. Though Kai had already expected some losses, the swiftness of this one caught him slightly off-guard.

With a flicker of chakra, Kai used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to teleport from Takigakure to Konoha, the symbol of the village appearing briefly beneath his feet. He arrived in a room, its familiar wooden paneling indicative of Hokage's residence. Tsunade sat behind her desk, speaking with Jiraiya and a blonde teenager. Even at a glance, the features of the young man were unmistakably Uzumaki — those striking blue eyes and whisker-marked cheeks.

Kai remembered the youth. Years ago, he had crossed paths with the boy during a mission to Wave Country. The kid had bristled with anger, having witnessed Kai's decimation of Gato's men. A flash of recognition lit up in those blue eyes now, a mixture of guarded curiosity and latent animosity.

As Kai's gaze met Tsunade's, a warm light filled her amber eyes. Despite her position as Hokage and the myriad responsibilities that came with it, the gentle curve of her lips and the welcoming glow in her eyes made it evident: first and foremost, she was his wife, and the mother of their child. Her dedication to her role never overshadowed the depth of her feelings for Kai.


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