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Ch142- The World Shall Not Know The Pain

Oonoki’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully, his voice emerging low and wearied yet laced with an inherent strength that had defined his leadership over the years, "If Madara is back and as cunning as the legends state, he will undoubtedly strike when we least expect it, where we least expect it."

Kai shook his head with a resolved calmness, his voice steady, yet imbued with a subtle urgency, "No. As he is now, he knows he cannot beat me. He will try to find a way to reach Tailed Beasts I secured and attack others. But while he does so, other Akatsuki Members will create distractions. Expect guerilla warfare."

Kurotsuchi, trying to wrap her mind around the complexity of the situation, quizzed, "So, we're not just up against Madara, but potentially every calamity Akatsuki decides to unleash?"

Kai nodded affirmatively. His thoughts skimming the surface of the countless strategies that could potentially unfurl in the looming chaos. His focus was as sharp as a honed blade, considering every possible scenario and countermeasure. "Correct. Our enemy is shrewd and versatile. We need to prepare on multiple fronts."

A heavy sigh from Oonoki permeated the room, a reflective sadness clouding his age-lined eyes. "Stone Village has seen much, withstood much...," he began, letting the words linger momentarily before continuing, "We are resilient, yet Akatsuki, especially under Madara’s tactical machinations, poses a threat unlike any other. Our village is sturdy, but the people...” His voice dipped into a contemplative hush.

Kai swiftly rose from his seated position, emanating an aura of purpose and intent. "You know how to summon me if the need arises. I have to leave now." The words were simple and direct, reflecting his intentions.

However, as he prepared to teleport, Kurotsuchi’s voice, laced with a hint of uncertainty, interrupted his departure. "Kai... can I come with you? Before the battle, I want to gain some experience."

His gaze instinctively locked onto Oonoki, who offered a sheepish grin in response, as if silently vouching for the younger Tsuchikage. Kai then turned back to Kurotsuchi. With a mere nod, he acquiesced to her request. In the blink of an eye, both were enveloped by a swirling vortex, disappearing from Stone Village.

In the very heart of Konoha, the village concealed beneath the shelter of towering trees and nestled amidst its protective walls, a tension hung heavy in the air. The vibrant life of the village seemed to have come to a standstill. The once bustling marketplaces, filled with the cacophonous chatter of villagers, had gone eerily silent. Birds that usually sang the tales of the morning sun had muted their melodies, sensing the impending storm.

Tsunade stood rooted, her gaze firmly fixed upon the vast expanse of the sky above. Every muscle in her body was tensed, every nerve coiled, ready to spring into action. With her battle-ready stance, one could feel the weight of the responsibility she carried for the village, a duty that was not just her own but had been passed down through generations of Hokage before her.

Adjacent to her stood Mikoto, her raven-black hair gently fluttering in the sporadic gusts of wind. While her eyes mirrored Tsunade's determination, a hint of anxiety was evident. Samui and Mito, though relatively younger and perhaps less experienced in the grand tapestry of wars, were no less determined. Their eyes sparkled with a mix of anticipation and resolution, a silent vow that they would protect their home, no matter the cost.

The newly crowned Hokage, Kakashi, stood a little distance away. The telltale signs of his Sharingan, no longer concealed behind a mask or headband, bore witness to the tales of battles fought and comrades lost. Sasuke and Naruto, the village's prodigies and direct proteges of Kai, stood side by side, their mutual rivalry momentarily forgotten in the face of the imminent threat. They exchanged a glance, an unspoken promise of teamwork, an understanding that this was no time for personal differences.

Suddenly, a familiar, yet always unexpected surge of energy disrupted the dense atmosphere. As the swirling vortex settled, Kai's figure emerged, and an immediate, palpable sense of relief washed over the group. His sudden appearance was like the arrival of reinforcements in a besieged fortress, a reminder that they were not alone in this battle.

Kakashi nodded at Kai, acknowledging his presence, while Naruto's face lit up, albeit momentarily, "Kai-sensei!" His voice betrayed his relief, which was echoed by Sasuke's curt nod.

Kai's sharp gaze immediately darted upwards, locking onto a familiar, menacing figure that floated above Konoha. It was Pain, the very adversary he'd encountered deep within the Akatsuki cave. Even from a distance, Kai could feel the intense force of the Rinnegan eyes staring back at him. Despite the barrier that Kai, with Mito's help, had constructed around the village, the loud booms from Pain's attacks still resonated within, thus explaining the village's anxious mood.

Without a word, Kai lifted his hand in a commanding gesture. In response, Pain, despite his attempts to resist, started to gravitate towards Kai, drawn by an unseen magnetic force. The struggle was evident in Pain's body language; his hands flailed, and his feet kicked out in an attempt to break free from the inexorable pull. Yet, every effort was in vain, and soon, he was hovering directly before Kai.

Naruto and Sasuke watched with wide eyes, awed by Kai's sheer dominance over an opponent as formidable as Pain. Kakashi's Sharingan eyes, intense and observant, didn't miss a single detail of the unfolding confrontation, silently gauging the depth of Kai's strength.

With a swift motion, Kai reached out, touching Pain's forehead. The impact was immediate. The dark, sinister chakra rods that once coursed through Pain's body began to disintegrate, disappearing into thin air. His once fierce gaze dimmed, and his body went limp, collapsing onto the ground below.

Mikoto and Tsunade exchanged glances, both taken aback by the sheer ease with which Kai subdued Pain. Samui and Mito, too, seemed to momentarily forget their battle stances, staring at the fallen Akatsuki leader in shock.

Kai then turned back to the group, his expression calm and unreadable. "He won't be a problem anymore," he simply stated.

Naruto, unable to contain his curiosity, piped up, "How did you do that, Kai-sensei?"

Kai looked at the assembled shinobi, each face a testament to their dedication to Konoha and its people.  "That is for another day," he began, addressing Naruto's burning question about the method he'd used against Pain. "Let's move. There's much we need to address."


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