Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch143- New Students

His directive was clear, and not a moment was wasted. They made their way to the Kage building, the usually bustling streets of Konoha eerily quiet. Kurotsuchi walked beside Kai, her usually poised demeanor reflecting a sense of urgency.

Inside the Kage building's meeting room, the wooden panels echoed back the sound of footsteps as everyone took their seats. The room's large table was indicative of the many discussions it had hosted in the past. Kai did not delay, diving straight into the crux of their concerns.

"The return of Madara is not something we can ignore. His re-emergence signals a changing tide," Kai warned, his tone severe but not foreboding. "Pain's recent appearance here is a clear testament to their growing impatience and a precursor of their strategy. They'll employ guerilla warfare, striking from the shadows, sowing discord."

The disconcerting news of Madara’s return seemed to hover in the room, a palpable tension that lightly rested upon the shoulders of each individual. Yet, there was a certain solace to be found in Kai’s presence, a resilient tower in the looming tempest. His formidable capabilities, proven time and again, assured them that not all hope was lost.

Their confidence was not unfounded, as Kai proceeded to delegate tasks with a precise and clear-cut methodology. His statements, though brief, held within them an unspoken promise of strategic foresight. With his words imparting a silent strength to the rest, he, alongside Sasuke, Naruto, and Kurotsuchi, left the confines of the meeting room, navigating through Konoha towards an unused Training Ground.

Arriving at their destination, the vast expanse of the Training Ground welcomed them, its silence juxtaposed by the turbulent thoughts of those who stood upon it. Kai, ever the astute observer, sensed a familiar presence, one that had lingered in the shadows far too often.

He paused, allowing the gentle breeze to whisper past them, before subtly lifting his hand. A Hyuga, materialized before them, her gentle eyes widening in sheer surprise as they adjusted to the situation unfolding around her.

With heartbeats caught in a timeless freeze, Hinata’s demeanor wavered between shock and imminent collapse. Yet, before the darkness could claim her consciousness, Kai’s fingertips gently graced her forehead.

The genjutsu enveloped her, a warm, albeit potent, embrace. Within it, years cascaded like a gentle stream, offering her endless scenarios, dialogues, and interactions, particularly with Naruto. It was a realm where she found her voice, where the words, once trapped in the silent corridors of her thoughts, flowed with an easy and unwavering confidence.

When Hinata emerged from the temporal cascade, her eyes, although still imbued with their gentle nature, bore a newfound determination. The words, unbridled and sincere, flowed from her with ease, “Thank you, Kai-sensei.”

A nod from Kai acknowledged her gratitude, his hand coming to rest upon her shoulder, infusing her with the Lotus Seal. “Train with us,” was all he said, yet the depth of those words extended far beyond their simplicity.

Looking at the exchange, Naruto's shock painted his features vividly, "Hinata? What is going on?" His voice, although laced with curiosity, held a note of soft surprise.

Hinata turned towards him, the corners of her lips pulling into a gentle, assured smile. There was a new light in her eyes, one that hadn’t been there before. "Kai-sensei helped me get past my insecurities," she spoke, the words sailing through the air with a newfound confidence.

The others, while taken aback, nodded understandingly. In their collective experiences with Kai, they had come to expect extraordinary feats from him. His capabilities, though often shrouded in an aura of enigmatic prowess, were beyond conventional wisdom and knowledge. A touch, a gesture, or a simple gaze from him often resonated with unspoken power, altering realities and dictating outcomes in ways only he comprehended.

Sasuke, however, remained unswayed by the display of sentimentality and change. With a stoic determination, he retreated to a corner, his dark eyes reflecting a well of untapped power and silent resolve. The air around him buzzed with concentrated chakra as he focused on perfecting his latest jutsu, the Kai-Rai Rasenken, a technique crafted under the discerning tutelage of Kai.

Mirroring this resolve, Naruto, after offering a few encouraging words to Hinata, also distanced himself, plunging into his own training. His fingers weaved through intricate signs, his chakra swirling around him as he tirelessly worked on refining his RasenShuriken technique.

In the meantime, Hinata and Kurotsuchi remained, awaiting Kai's further instructions. The gentle rustle of leaves in the distant forest whispered tales of the pending storm as Kai approached Kurotsuchi. His fingers gently touched her shoulder, granting her the Lotus Seal as well. The indigo glow of the seal emanated briefly from her back before it retreated under her skin, an unspoken promise of enhanced abilities and a secret conduit of communication with Kai himself.

As Kurotsuchi subtly nodded, absorbing the silent directive imparted through the seal, Kai gathered them all. He observed the diligent Uchiha and the unwavering Uzumaki, both lost in the depth of their training, before directing his attention back to the waiting Kunoichi and Hinata.

With his gaze fixed upon the horizon, where dark clouds began to accumulate, signaling an approaching tempest, he began to speak, his voice steady and assured, "The days ahead will test us in ways we have yet to experience. Madara is not our only concern. There are unseen forces, malevolent shadows that linger in the hidden recesses of our world. And they will stop at nothing to see our demise."

Hinata, her once soft gaze now alit with fierce determination, stepped forward, her voice unwavering, "We stand ready, Kai-sensei."

Kurotsuchi too, found strength in Hinata's words, and her agreement was a silent, resolute nod, her eyes reflecting an inferno of resolve that contrasted sharply with her usually calm demeanor.

Kai stood at the center of the clearing, his posture erect, projecting an aura of unwavering confidence. The wind rustled the trees, casting subtle, shifting shadows on the ground. Yet amidst the serenity of nature, Kai emanated an unmistakable authority. Hinata and Kurotsuchi, having newly received the Lotus Seal, eagerly waited for his next directive.


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