Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch146- Two Spirits

Screams pierced the apocalyptic scene as villagers, caught in the cataclysmic maelstrom, were consumed by the potent energy. Naruto, his frame radiating an almost demonic aura, marched forward, the devastation in his wake a dark reflection of the desolation within him. His once bright, azure eyes were now wells of darkness, portals into the abyss that his soul had become.

He raised his arm, and in an instant, a swirling vortex of malevolent chakra manifested, decimating the structures and beings it enveloped. To Naruto, the screams, the pleas for mercy, were but distant echoes, drowned by the incessant drum of vengeance that now dictated his every move.

Buildings crumbled beneath the might of his wrath, families were torn asunder, and the vibrant life that once pulsed through the village was extinguished, replaced by the merciless cold of death and destruction. Naruto, his mind blinded by hatred, saw not the faces of those he annihilated but the mocking visages of those who had used and isolated him in the cold abyss of his prior imprisonment. Every scream was a vindication, a cathartic release of the endless suffering he'd endured.

With every life taken, every building crushed beneath his rage, a piece of Naruto's psyche was eroded away, lost in the quagmire of anger and vengeance. His perception of reality began to blur, replaced by an overwhelming urge to obliterate all that stood before him. As he progressed through the village, the destruction in his wake painted a vivid portrait of despair, capturing the essence of his inner torment.

When the last building crumbled and the final scream faded, Naruto stood in the center of a village once teeming with life, now reduced to smoldering rubble and ash. He tilted his head back, releasing a boisterous laugh that pierced the somber silence. It was a sound devoid of joy, filled with a macabre sense of liberation. His heart, bound for so long by chains of oppression and loneliness, felt free for the first time.

His gaze fixated on the horizon, intent on turning the world to cinders, but something shifted. The sensation of the ground beneath his feet, the weight of his own body – it all began to waver. Suddenly, he was no longer amidst the destruction he had wrought but back in the familiar confines of his mindscape, the massive figure of Kyubi observing him intently.

Confusion and pain wracked Naruto's mind. He fell to his knees, clutching his head as the weight of his actions and the blurred lines between reality and illusion threatened to tear him apart. The distinction between what was real and what was a mere projection became impossible to discern, and he screamed, a raw, guttural sound born from the depths of his being.

Kai, standing nearby, swiftly moved to Naruto’s side. He placed a firm hand on Naruto’s head, and an immediate sense of calm enveloped the blonde ninja. The chaotic storm within Naruto began to abate, replaced by a stillness that offered a brief respite from his recent ordeals.

“Breathe, Naruto,” Kai whispered, his voice a grounding anchor amidst the turmoil. “Find yourself again. Remember who you are.”

Naruto's panting breaths gradually slowed, and the fog clouding his mind began to clear. As clarity returned, the weight of his actions – even if they were merely a projection – pressed down on him. He looked up at Kai, eyes glistening with tears, seeking some semblance of understanding.

Kai met his gaze, his expression somber yet understanding. “Sometimes, to truly comprehend another’s pain, we must walk in their shoes. This was your journey into the depths of the Nine Tails’ psyche. You needed to feel its pain, its rage.”

Naruto swallowed hard, the realization settling in. The Kyubi watched them both, its intense eyes now showing a hint of understanding as well. This experience had been a bridge, a way to foster empathy between Naruto and the beast within him.

As the weight of the lesson settled upon Naruto's shoulders, he whispered, "Thank you, Kai," acknowledging the profound insight he had gained, even if it had come at such a harrowing cost.

Kai nodded, then said, "I want you to meet two people. I designed your Lotus Seal in a way that, from the day you got it, it was nourishing their feeble Chakra and will continue to do so. So long as you want them, they will always live within your Mindscape."

Naruto blinked, his tear-streaked face reflecting a confluence of confusion and curiosity. The remnants of the emotional tempest within him still lingered, making the sudden introduction of this new development a somewhat jarring transition. Nevertheless, he paid attention as Kai’s words etched into his consciousness, a subtle thread of hope weaving through his desolation.

Before he could formulate a question, two individuals stepped forward from behind him. Whirling around, Naruto’s eyes fell upon a blonde Shinobi and a woman with a cascade of vivid red hair, both bestowing warm, affectionate smiles upon him. An inexplicable ache materialized in his chest, a pang of longing and familiarity that he couldn’t place.

As Kai waved his hand, the surroundings within Naruto’s Mindscape subtly shifted. They were in a serene meadow now, an atmosphere of tranquility enveloping them. It was a gentle concession, providing an intimate space away from the probing eyes of the Kyubi. Before fading from sight, the red-haired woman, Kushina, and the blonde Shinobi, Minato, nodded appreciatively towards Kai. Their eyes, however, lingered on Naruto with a depth of emotion that was palpable even in their silence.

Naruto stared at them, both strangers and yet not, his heart pulsating with a strange mixture of sadness and warmth. His voice, barely more than a whisper, ventured forth into the calmness of the meadow, “Who are you?”

The red-haired woman, Kushina, approached him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "We've watched you, Naruto, always. We've seen your struggles, your pain, and your strength. We've always been here, in this place, cheering for you," she spoke softly, her voice imbued with a warmth that wrapped around him like a gentle hug.

Minato followed, placing a comforting hand on Naruto’s shoulder, "And we're incredibly proud of the person you've become, despite the immense burdens you've had to bear."

Naruto's throat tightened, the perplexity clear in his cerulean eyes, "But why? Why have you been watching me? Why does my heart hurt so much looking at you?"

Minato and Kushina exchanged a pained glance, their expressions an amalgam of love and sorrow. They stood in silence, seemingly caught in a dilemma, allowing the quietness of the meadow to envelope them.

Kai, respecting the emotional depth of the moment, remained detached, yet his presence lingered supportively nearby. He observed the interaction with a quietude, understanding that this encounter, however mystical, bore significance for Naruto’s emotional and psychological development.

Kushina stepped closer, gently lifting Naruto’s chin with a tender hand, forcing his eyes to meet hers. "Naruto," she began, the words choked with emotion, "Sometimes, the heart recognizes what the mind does not. Our connection is forged by bonds deeper than consciousness, ties that span across realms unbounded by physicality."

Naruto's eyes danced with reflected pain and longing, his voice barely audible, "Are you... my parents?"


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