Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch145- Dark Life!

Years spiraled past in the desolation, an endless chasm of anguish that swallowed all that dared venture into its depths. Naruto, once a beacon of unwavering resilience and light, now found himself submerged in an abyss of loneliness and despair. His connection to this ceaseless void was cruel, a specter of unyielding malice that seemed bent on breaking his spirit.

The first connection he felt after the eternal solitude arrived not as a savior, but as an agent of further pain and malice. A little girl, no older than when he first donned his orange jumpsuit, glanced through the darkness with eyes seething with revulsion. To her, Naruto was not a hero, not a savior, but a beast — a monster to be controlled, used, and discarded.

Her eyes, cold and unyielding, pierced through Naruto as she venomously spat, "I will use you."

And she did. His power, that intrinsic spark that had once illuminated even the darkest paths, was wrenched from him, leaving him battered, weaker, yet further inflamed with a burgeoning rage. This grotesque dance of power theft and scorn repeated time and time again, a sickening rhythm of abuse and deprivation.

As the years wore on, a kernel of hatred, once foreign to Naruto's nature, began to sprout within him. It was a dark, writhing thing, fed by each spiteful look, every vile word, and all of the relentless usurpations of his power. His once vibrant, hopeful spirit corroded under the weight of it all, morphing into a dark embodiment of the very hatred and anger that had been relentlessly thrust upon him.

His world was blackened, desolate, punctuated only by the sporadic invasions of the girl who saw him as nothing more than a well of power to be exploited. Every glance she cast his way was a scythe through his being, severing the threads of the buoyant spirit he'd once been. He became not a hero, not a person, but a vessel of malice, a mirror reflecting the hatred imposed upon him.

Soon, the confines of Naruto's psyche, once radiating unbridled energy and a seemingly immutable optimism, began to morph under the oppressive darkness that engulfed him. His worldview, once clear and anchored by ideals of friendship and perseverance, twisted into a maelstrom of doubt and rage. What was justice? A word that used to carry weight, substance, now seemed frivolous, meaningless amidst the cold abyss he now inhabited.

He had been cast into a prison carved from hatred and malice, deemed a monster with no crime to his name, no justification for this solitude that gripped him so tightly. He was perpetually drained, exploited as a mere well of chakra, yet gratitude remained agonizingly out of reach. Instead, he was bathed in relentless hatred, an isolation that scraped against his very soul. His spirit writhed, wrestling with the whys and hows of this cruel fate.

In this darkened chasm, whispers of vengeance began to curl around his thoughts, tendrils of a newfound malevolence taking root within. He had to escape this abyss, to rise from it not as a savior, but an avenger. A flame, kindled by years of misuse and degradation, began to flicker, threatening to consume all that he once was. Every ounce of mistreatment screamed to be repaid, to drown those who had wronged him in a sea of their own despair.

As these dark thoughts spiraled, Naruto could feel his very being, his essence, beginning to warp. He was becoming something else, something unrecognizable even to himself. Was this how the Nine Tails felt? An existence marred by pain, loneliness, and an endless abyss of wrath? Was this how it had fallen so far, becoming the embodiment of chaos and destruction that the world feared so much?

As Naruto was deluged by a lifetime of hatred and loneliness, a subtle but critical transformation occurred outside of the internal abyss into which he had been cast. The stark emotions, dark and twisted, rippling through him had a tangible impact, subtly eroding the sturdy seal containing the Nine Tails within him. Simultaneously, Kai, perceptively tuning into this shift, navigated his way into Naruto’s mindscape, and positioned himself deliberately opposite the colossal beast.

“Sit still,” Kai commanded succinctly, his voice a gentle ripple across the mindscape's dark waters.

The Nine Tails, with its fiercely vibrant eyes fixated on Kai, exhaled a derisive snort but restrained any outward aggression. It tentatively retracted its chakra, sensing something fundamentally different about Kai this time. Before, the creature had been skeptical, cautious. It had only ever encountered Kai's avatar in this mental realm, a mere reflection without substance. But when Kai quelled its chakra right now, the beast had tasted something unique in him – a purity of chakra that even surpassed that of the ‘Old Man’.

Meanwhile, Naruto was swept into a simultaneous, parallel experience. He found himself inhabiting the life of a girl, once the vessel for his chakra, now grown and seared by loss. Her teammate’s recent demise was a wound, fresh and bleeding, and her hatred and anguish reverberated through her being, a dark symphony to which Naruto’s consciousness was forcibly attuned. Utilizing this potent emotion, Naruto manipulated her into releasing the seal that bound him. Driven by blind hatred, she complied, and in that instant, Naruto found liberation.

But his freedom was mired in the dark undertones of vengeance. His first act was a brutal one, extinguishing the life of her captor, a death both stark and instantaneous.

Naruto then turned his gaze to the village in front of him that looked quite like Konoha. His eyes, once sparkling with unyielding hope and boundless determination, now smoldered with an unhinged, seething fury. The hatred, born from an eon of solitude and exploitation, surged through him, rendering his very soul ablaze with vengeance. He hesitated for only a second, the lingering echoes of the vibrant, optimistic boy he once was pleading for mercy, for restraint. But that voice was swiftly drowned beneath the thunderous roar of his anguish. It was time to unleash his torment upon the world!

With an enraged roar, Naruto unleashed a cataclysmic wave of chakra that razed the landscape before him, obliterating everything in its path. Trees were violently uprooted, structures eviscerated, and the ground itself was scorched by the overwhelming power emanating from his being. The village, once brimming with life and activity, was now a blazing inferno, a stark testament to the unbridled fury of the once-heroic ninja.


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