Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch148- Kurama

Without waiting for any further words, Kai raised his hand in a sweeping gesture. The once tranquil meadow started to blur and distort. Naruto's surroundings shifted rapidly, the sensations jarring as he transitioned from one realm to another.

The next moment, Naruto found himself standing in front of the Nine-Tails, the monstrous fox's malevolent eyes staring down at him, amusement glinting within. As for Kai, he stepped forward, positioning himself between Naruto and the behemoth creature. His posture spoke of authority and power, making even the great beast hesitate.

Kai, a robust and enigmatic presence, stood assertively between the vibrant, flame-enshrouded Nine Tails and Naruto, the disparity in their physical sizes seemingly inconsequential given the palpable tension that hung between them. His hand, steady and resolute, moved through a sequence of intricate seals, his intentions cloaked behind a stoic facade.

Suddenly, the restrictive seal binding the Nine Tails flickered and dissipated, the intricate bonds unwinding and freeing the beast from its ethereal chains. Naruto, still reeling from the emotional journey through his parents’ memories, barely had time to process this unexpected development. His heart raced, flitting between the remnants of his poignant interactions with Kushina and Minato and the very real, imminent confrontation unravelling before his eyes.

Kai, displaying an inexplicable calm in the face of such daunting energy, spoke in a voice that was firm and unyielding, “Sort your differences and get along. I am leaving now.” His words carried a weight, an unspoken expectation, hinting at an underlying belief in Naruto’s capacity to navigate through this treacherous interaction.

As Kai pivoted, stepping away from the tense tableau, Naruto’s gaze locked with the smoldering eyes of the Nine Tails. The behemoth fox, now liberated from its confinement, smirked, its voice a grating, sinister murmur, “I like this arrangement.”

With an agility that belied its massive form, the Nine Tails leaped forward, closing the gap between them in an instant. Naruto’s instincts, honed through countless battles and confrontations, propelled him into action, his body moving with an inherent understanding of the dance of combat.

The meadow, once a realm of emotional explorations and nostalgic remembrances, transformed into an arena of clashing powers. Naruto, drawing upon the reservoir of chakra within him, deftly navigated through the Nine Tails' onslaught, his movements a fluid dance of evasion and counter-attacks.

The Nine Tails, embodying both malevolence and raw power, unleashed a torrent of energy towards Naruto, the waves of destructive force warping the tranquil scenery around them. Trees, once firmly rooted, were effortlessly uprooted, and the vibrant grasses were scorched, succumbing to the devastating energy unleashed within the meadow.

Naruto, amidst the chaos, found a semblance of focus, his mind tracing back through the echoes of his parents’ words, their love, and the unspoken understanding that reverberated through their spectral forms. Though the physical environment around him roiled with unbridled destruction, within him, a flicker of resolve ignited, steadying his spirit amidst the tempest.

Then, suddenly, Naruto remembered the vision he had seen—a vision of entrapment, of being used as a mere tool, of loneliness, hatred, and scorn. He looked at the approaching Kyubi and, in a moment of sheer vulnerability, let his chakra dissipate, opening his arms wide in a silent gesture of acceptance. His small figure stood resolute, ready to embrace the oncoming force.

Kyubi, taken aback by this unexpected turn of events, halted its attack, its fiery eyes locking onto Naruto’s. Naruto, his gaze filled with pain and understanding, spoke softly, “I am sorry. I know you have been mistreated.”

The words hung in the air, a quiet acknowledgment of the years of anger and bitterness that had festered between them. Naruto could see the confusion in Kyubi’s eyes, the wariness that came from centuries of betrayal and mistreatment. But he held his ground, his arms still open, offering a silent promise of understanding and compassion.

“I’ve seen it... I’ve seen what it feels like to be trapped, to be used,” Naruto continued, his voice steady, “I don’t want that for you, or for me. We’re both victims in this, aren’t we?”

Kyubi, still hesitant, looked deep into Naruto’s eyes, searching for any hint of deceit. But all it found was sincerity, a genuine desire to understand and connect. Slowly, the beast’s stance softened, the fiery aura around it dimming as it considered Naruto’s words.

In the midst of the upheaval, a strange calmness enveloped the meadow as Kyubi, the great Nine Tails, hesitated, its fiery gaze locked onto Naruto. The air, once charged with aggression, now bore a tinge of curiosity and bewilderment. The beast, though formidable and menacing, appeared to be caught in a moment of contemplation.

Naruto, his heart pounding in his chest, maintained his stance, his arms open wide, a symbol of his willingness to understand, to empathize. His voice, soft yet filled with conviction, broke the silence again, "I know it's hard to believe, to trust... but I'm here, and I'm willing to listen, to share this burden."

The Nine Tails, its eyes narrowing, seemed to dissect Naruto's sincerity, the raw honesty that poured from the young ninja. It had been ages since it had encountered a human with such an open heart, free from the shackles of fear and hatred.

"You... you are different," Kyubi's voice, though still laced with a hint of suspicion, carried a note of contemplation. "Why? Why do you extend such an offer?"

Naruto, his gaze unwavering, responded, "Because I've seen it, Kyubi. I've felt the pain, the loneliness. Kai showed me what it’s like to be trapped, to be used as a tool. And I don’t want that for either of us.”

The mention of Kai seemed to stir something within Kyubi, a flicker of recognition, but it was fleeting, gone as quickly as it appeared. The beast's gaze softened ever so slightly as it took in Naruto's words, the genuine empathy that resonated within them.

A moment of silence ensued, heavy and laden with years of pain and misunderstanding. Naruto, sensing the shift in Kyubi's demeanor, took a cautious step forward, his voice gentle, "I... I want to understand, to help. You’ve been alone for so long...”

Kyubi's eyes flickered, a brief moment of vulnerability flashing across them before it was quickly masked by its usual stoicism. "And why should I believe you? Humans have betrayed me before."

"I know," Naruto admitted, his voice steady, "I can’t change the past, but I can work towards a different future. We can work towards it together."

The meadow fell silent once again, the tension slowly dissipating as Kyubi pondered Naruto's words. It was a crossroads, a pivotal moment that held the potential to change the course of their intertwined fates.

Then, tentatively, almost shyly, Naruto asked, "Do... do you have a name? Other than Kyubi?"

Kyubi seemed taken aback, its eyes widening slightly. It was a question it had not expected, a question that no human had ever bothered to ask before. For the first time in centuries, it felt seen, acknowledged as a being rather than a tool, a weapon.

His name is Kurama. He is still sceptical, but he feels Naruto might be the promised one by The Sage of Six Paths. As Naruto stood there, his arms wide open in a silent gesture of acceptance, he could sense the shift in the atmosphere. The Nine Tails, or Kurama as he learned, was contemplating his sincerity, weighing his words against centuries of betrayal.

"You say you want to understand, to help," Kurama's voice rumbled, skepticism evident, "but what proof do I have that you're different? That you're not just like the rest?"

Naruto's heart ached at the raw pain in Kurama's voice. He knew he needed to choose his words carefully, to convey the depth of his sincerity. "I can't offer proof, not in the way you might want. But I'm willing to start somewhere, to build trust between us. I've felt your pain, Kurama, and I don’t want to be another source of it."

Kurama fell silent, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized Naruto. The young ninja maintained his stance, his heart open and ready to embrace whatever decision Kurama made. He could feel the heavy weight of history between them, the years of anger and resentment. But he could also feel a flicker of hope, a tiny spark that had the potential to grow into something more.

"And what if I choose to attack you right now? To unleash my power upon you?" Kurama’s voice was harsh, but there was a hint of curiosity, a desire to understand Naruto’s resolve.

Naruto took a deep breath, steadying himself. "Then I will defend myself, but I won't hurt you, Kurama. I want to break this cycle of violence and hatred between us. I want to show you that there’s another way."

Kurama's eyes flickered, surprise evident for a brief moment before it was quickly masked by his stoicism. "You are a peculiar human, Naruto Uzumaki."

"I’ve been told," Naruto said with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. "But being peculiar isn't always a bad thing, is it?"

Kurama didn't respond, but Naruto could see the slightest upturn of his lips, a tiny indication that his words had reached the massive fox. It was a small victory, but Naruto cherished it. He knew he had a long road ahead of him, a journey filled with uncertainty and challenges. But he was ready, ready to change the course of their fates, to build a bridge of understanding and trust between them.

The meadow fell silent as Naruto and Kurama stared at each other, the tension slowly dissipating, replaced by a tentative sense of curiosity and hope. Naruto knew he had taken the first step towards a different future, a future where he and Kurama could coexist, not as enemies, but as partners.


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