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Ch149- Sasuke’s Mangekyo

Kai’s exit from Naruto’s mindscape was swift, akin to the seamless transition between scenes in a play. His attention was quickly pulled to Hinata and Kurotsuchi, his latest students, gauging their progress. Yet before he could fully immerse himself in their training, an ominous chakra, cold and despairing, tugged at his senses.

Without hesitation, he materialized beside Sasuke. The Uchiha's face was twisted, a mask of anguish that Kai hadn’t seen for a long time. Without a word, he reached out, placing a hand on Sasuke's forehead, his ability allowing him to delve deep into the troubled mindscape of his student.

He was immediately thrust into a world painted with the dark hues of Sasuke's memories. It was the time of the Uchiha Massacre. Itachi was there, his face devoid of its usual warmth, engaged in a deadly dance with the clan elders, each movement a testament to his skill. Shadows flitted in the background, the masked members of Akatsuki, aiding the clan elders from the shadows.

The air was thick with the coppery scent of blood, the haunting screams echoing like a chilling symphony. Streets once filled with laughter and camaraderie now bore witness to the macabre scene of death and betrayal.

Amongst the chaos, Kai spotted Sasuke, a much younger version, his face pale and eyes wide with shock. His parents, Mikoto and Fugaku, were by his side, trying to make a desperate escape. But even as they made their way through the maze of their once cherished home, Danzo and his men appeared, cold and methodical, cutting down anyone that crossed their path.

Fugaku, the proud leader of the Uchiha, fought valiantly, his Sharingan blazing with determination. But injuries mounted, and with every slash, every strike, his strength waned. Mikoto, fierce in her maternal instinct, defended her son, her face etched with despair and fear.

Moments seemed like hours as Kai witnessed the heart-wrenching scene unfold. Fugaku’s last stand, Mikoto’s protective embrace, and the traumatized gaze of young Sasuke as he watched his world crumble. As Fugaku’s strength faltered, he fell, leaving Sasuke and Mikoto to flee into the night, their world shattered.

Pulling himself from the harrowing vision, Kai looked at Sasuke, understanding the deep-seated pain that lingered in those eyes. The weight of memories that threatened to crush the Uchiha's spirit was evident.

Sasuke’s voice, though shaky, finally broke the silence, "Why? Why does it keep haunting me?"

Kai, masking his emotions as always, responded in his usual succinct manner, "Memories are tricky. They latch on, especially the painful ones."

Sasuke’s glare met Kai’s steady gaze. "You saw it, didn’t you? The betrayal... my clan, my family."

Kai nodded, "Yes, I did."

Kai held Sasuke's shoulder forcefully, his grip firm but controlled as he sensed the surge of hatred emanating from the young Uchiha. "I told you before, Sasuke, hatred is not the source of the Sharingan's power. Love is. Hatred is just the other side of love, and it fuels your powers down the wrong path."

Sasuke, his emotions raw and turbulent, raised his head to lock eyes with his teacher. "I can't control this feeling," he hissed, his voice laden with pain and resentment.

Without missing a beat, Kai waved his hand, and the scenery within Sasuke's mindscape began to shift. The dark hues of past trauma and betrayal faded, giving way to warmer, softer tones. Images of Mikoto, radiant and loving, holding her and Kai's child, Sasuke's sibling, filled the space around them. Sasuke's teammates, Jugo, Haku, and Karin, appeared next, their faces alight with camaraderie and trust. Scenes of the people they had helped over the years, their gratitude evident in their bright smiles, played out like a montage of their journey together.

As the memories continued to unfold, the tight coil of hatred within Sasuke began to loosen, gradually melting away under the weight of these powerful reminders of love and connection. Kai, noticing the shift, allowed himself a moment of silent triumph, though his attention quickly shifted back to the task at hand.

His eyes, sharp and perceptive, focused on a faint wisp of dark chakra that lingered in the background, almost indistinguishable from the surrounding landscape. "Black Zetsu," he muttered under his breath, his instincts telling him that this dark presence was the catalyst for Sasuke's current state.

As Kai focused his energy, the dark chakra began to dissipate, retreating from the mindscape as swiftly as it had appeared. Although hatred dissipated, the spike in Sasuke's Chakra didn't disappear. Instead, Sasuke’s Sharingan changed, taking on a unique form. The transformation was immediate and stunning. Sasuke’s eyes, once swirling with a storm of anger and pain, now held a pattern that was intricate and captivating.

The Mangekyo Sharingan, usually a symbol of ultimate power fueled by hatred, took on a different persona. Lotus petals, woven intricately around the pupil, danced gracefully, exuding both elegance and strength. These petals, while delicate in appearance, held a formidable presence, spiraling outward in an enchanting display. The lines of the pattern were sharp and flowed without interruption, each element merging into the next in a seamless dance of harmony.

A gradient of red painted the petals, starting deep and rich at the base, transforming into a softer, more radiant hue at the tips. It was a subtle transition, yet it spoke volumes. This was the color of warmth, of compassion – elements uncharacteristic of the Mangekyo Sharingan but fitting for the change that had taken place within Sasuke.

When the Sharingan activated, it did not blaze with fury or emit an ominous aura. Instead, it glowed gently, a testament to the shift from hatred to love, from isolation to connection. It was a power, strong and undeniable, but it was born not from the depths of anger, but from the well of emotions tied to people, to bonds formed and nurtured.

Sasuke, feeling the change within, opened his eyes to find Kai standing before him, his expression unreadable as always. Yet, there was a glint in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the transformation that had just occurred.

"Why?" Sasuke’s voice was a whisper, laden with confusion and a hint of awe.

"Your eyes reflect your heart," Kai responded, his voice steady. "The hatred was consuming you, but you’ve found strength elsewhere – in bonds, in love. Your Sharingan has responded to that change."

Sasuke’s gaze dropped, contemplation etching his features. His hand rose unconsciously to his eye, fingertips brushing against the skin as if he could feel the transformation that had taken place.

"This is not weakness, Sasuke," Kai continued, his tone leaving no room for argument. "It’s a different kind of strength. It’s up to you how you wield it."

Silence fell between them, heavy and contemplative. Sasuke was digesting the words, the reality of the situation sinking in. His Sharingan, once a symbol of his pain and anger, was now something entirely different. It was a physical manifestation of his journey, of the shifts within him.

Kai then nodded, approving the change he had seen. "The timing is perfect. Seems like Naruto is done too." With a swift, precise movement of his hand, he initiated a teleportation, enveloping Sasuke, Naruto, and himself in a swirl of energy. In an instant, they were in another dimension, a place that seemed detached from time and space.

Sasuke's Mangekyo



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