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Ch150- Naruto vs Sasuke

The surroundings were surreal, an endless expanse of white, as if they were standing in the very fabric of existence itself. Sasuke and Naruto stood there, side by side, both looking somewhat dazed from the sudden change in scenery. Kai, however, remained unfazed, his eyes keen as they shifted between his two students.

"Train your new powers. Let me see your new strengths," Kai instructed, his tone firm yet encouraging. It was clear he expected much from them, his gaze holding a challenge they couldn’t ignore.

Sasuke, still feeling the aftershocks of the transformation within his Sharingan, took a deep breath, grounding himself. He could feel the new power coursing through him, a gentle hum in the back of his mind that beckoned him to tap into it. He looked over at Naruto, finding a mirror of his own determination in the blonde's eyes.

Naruto, on the other hand, had just forged a bond with Kurama, the Nine-Tails Fox residing within him. The air around him crackled with energy, a clear indication of the newfound power he had gained. He was eager, ready to show Kai what he was capable of.

Without a word, Sasuke activated his Sharingan, the intricate pattern of lotus petals blooming in his eyes. The power was different, it didn’t rage or burn, it flowed like a steady stream, warm and full of strength. Kai noticed the change immediately, a subtle nod of approval escaping him.

Naruto, not to be outdone, tapped into Kurama’s chakra, his body enveloped in a cloak of golden chakra.

The transformation that enveloped Naruto was nothing short of mesmerizing. His body was encased in a radiant golden chakra, shimmering and pulsating with every beat of his heart. The energy surrounding him was ethereal, delicate glowing motifs resembling lotus petals danced around him, a clear influence of the Lotus Seal that had been bestowed upon him.

His physical form appeared more refined and graceful, mirroring the newfound harmony between him and Kurama. Naruto’s eyes transformed, adopting the characteristic slitted pupils of Kurama, yet they radiated a warm, gentle light, a stark contrast to the fierce and aggressive demeanor typically associated with the chakra of the Nine-Tails Fox.

The chakra cloak that enveloped him was no longer a manifestation of physical armor, but rather, it took on the appearance of a luminous, translucent shroud, illuminating his presence in the surreal dimension. It was clear that this transformation was not a show of dominion over Kurama, but rather a testament to their bond, trust, and mutual empathy.

Kai observed the transformation silently, his sharp eyes catching every nuance of the change. He could see the raw power that Naruto now wielded, but it was the harmony and control that he displayed that truly caught Kai’s attention.

Sasuke, standing beside Naruto, could feel the surge of power emanating from him, and it ignited his own determination. His Sharingan, now transformed, was a reflection of his inner change, and he was eager to show Kai the extent of his new abilities.

“Very well,” Kai spoke, his voice firm, “Show me what you’ve learned. Spar with each other, but remember, this is not a battle to defeat, but a chance to learn and grow.”

Sasuke nodded, his eyes locked onto Naruto as he prepared to engage. Naruto, his body still radiating the golden chakra, felt a surge of excitement. This was his chance to test his new powers, and he was not going to hold back.

The two of them lunged forward, their movements swift and precise. Sasuke’s Sharingan allowed him to anticipate Naruto’s moves, but Naruto’s speed and power were unlike anything Sasuke had encountered before. They were evenly matched, their powers clashing and creating shockwaves that rippled through the dimension.

Kai watched them intently, his eyes missing nothing. He could see the potential in both of them, and he knew that this spar would push them to their limits.

As they continued to exchange blows, it became clear that they were both tapping into powers they had never accessed before. The dimension itself seemed to react to their clash, the air vibrating with the intensity of their battle.

The white expanse of the surreal dimension seemed to pulse with energy as Naruto and Sasuke clashed, their newfound powers at full display.

Naruto, encased in his shimmering golden chakra cloak, moved with blinding speed, leaving trails of light as he darted towards Sasuke. This was his Luminescent Assault, a move that granted him speed and power beyond comprehension. Sasuke, however, was ready. His eyes, now a swirling vortex of intricate patterns, caught every detail of Naruto's movements, anticipating his every step.

Just as Naruto was about to strike, Sasuke activated his Elysian Flames, enveloping himself in a cocoon of silvery brilliance. The flames, purifying and bright, clashed with Naruto’s radiant assault, creating a spectacle of light and energy. Sasuke’s flames didn’t harm Naruto, but they stopped him in his tracks, giving Sasuke the moment he needed to counter.

Sasuke lunged forward, his Susanoo materializing around him. The radiant spectrum of colors shimmered in the dimension's light, its wings flapping as he soared towards Naruto. The Lotus Blade, ready in his hand, aimed to disarm rather than harm.

Naruto, however, was not to be outdone. He tapped into Kurama’s Benediction, his eyes gaining a depth of wisdom and understanding beyond his years. He could see the intention behind Sasuke’s attack, the need to test rather than to hurt. With a swift movement, he summoned his Ethereal Chains, aiming to bind the Lotus Blade and halt Sasuke’s advance.

The chains, delicate yet strong, wrapped around the blade, stopping it in its tracks. Naruto’s cloak resonated, Harmonic Resonance at play as he manipulated the very fabric of the dimension to create a barrier between him and Sasuke. The environment itself seemed to bend to his will, aiding him in his defense.

Sasuke, feeling the resistance, smirked. He could feel Naruto’s power, the strength of his resolve. He deactivated his Susanoo, dispelling the Elysian Flames as he prepared for another round. This was a dance of powers, a test of their strength and resolve.


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