Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch100- End of Preliminaries

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100 chapters! Let's go! Thank you all for the support! Much appreciated! 


Ino, lying on the ground, felt a mix of disappointment and pride. She had lost, but she had fought well, using her skills to the best of her ability. As Ino was escorted off the stage, Horyu watched from the balcony, his expression thoughtful. 'She did her best,' he mused, 'but in the end, experience and raw power won. A valuable lesson for her. She cannot stay as she is, or she will be forgotten in the background.'

The next battle, announced with a sense of anticipation, was between Shikamaru of Team 10 and Kaede of Team Rock. The arena buzzed with murmurs as the two contestants took their positions. Shikamaru, the epitome of nonchalance, sauntered onto the stage, his hands tucked in his pockets. In contrast, Kaede, a sturdy figure with an air of confidence, stepped forward, his stance solid and his eyes focused.

As the match commenced, Kaede wasted no time in showcasing his Earth Release abilities. With a swift series of hand seals, he manipulated the arena floor, creating spikes of rock that shot towards Shikamaru. The Nara, however, appeared unbothered, casually sidestepping each spike with minimal effort.

Kaede, undeterred by Shikamaru's evasion, intensified his assault. "Earth Style: Rock Fist!" he bellowed, his fists encased in rock, augmenting his physical attacks with the weight and power of the earth. He lunged at Shikamaru, aiming to overpower him with brute force.

Shikamaru, his eyes scanning the battlefield, seemed to be in deep thought, almost as if calculating something beyond the immediate fight. He continued to evade Kaede's attacks, but it was clear he was biding his time, waiting for the right moment.

The crowd, expecting a straightforward battle, started to realize that Shikamaru was up to something more. His movements, though seemingly lazy, were precise and calculated, leading Kaede around the arena in a pattern only he seemed to understand.

Shikamaru led Kaede around the arena, a carefully orchestrated dance that drew the Rock ninja into blasting the rock spikes he had created earlier. Their chase was quick-paced, Shikamaru's movements deceptively lazy yet incredibly precise, guiding Kaede exactly where he wanted him.

Suddenly, Kaede felt a strange rigidity overtaking his body. It was too late when he realized what was happening. The shadows cast by the rocks in the air had become tools in Shikamaru's hands, connecting their shadows. "Shadow Possession Jutsu complete!" Shikamaru declared, a smirk playing on his lips as he tested the connection, watching Kaede mimic his movements.

"You can't beat me, even if you caught me," Kaede grunted, attempting to resist the control. Shikamaru's grin widened. "Can't I?" He swung his right fist at his face as fast as he could, with Kaede's mirrored action following suit. Just before Shikamaru's fist made contact with his face, he halted, but Kaede's whose fist was encased in rock and thus larger, due to its size smashed into his own face, with a sickening thud.

Kaede crumpled to the ground, knocked out by his own attack. The arena erupted into cheers and gasps, the crowd amazed by the cleverness of Shikamaru's strategy. He had used his opponent's strength against him in a display of tactical brilliance.

Shikamaru casually walked off the stage, his demeanor relaxed as if he had just been for a leisurely stroll. In the stands, Asuma exhaled a cloud of smoke, his eyes following Shikamaru with a mix of pride and amusement. "Typical Shikamaru, turning a fight into a mind game," he commented, chuckling.

Chōji, munching on his snacks, added, "But that was seriously smart."

Meanwhile, in the arena, the next match was about to commence. The screens flickered, displaying the next pair of combatants: "Rock Lee of Team Guy vs Gaara of Team Sand." Hayate called.

Horyu watched with an air of disdain as Rock Lee and Gaara prepared to battle. The whole scene irked him – Lee's concealed strength under the guise of honor and Gaara's sheer madness, all playing out like some twisted drama. To him, it was a nauseating display of hypocrisy and false heroism. Guy's proud gaze on Lee, even as the boy risked crippling himself for some convoluted notion of a ninja's way, only added to Horyu's annoyance.

The fight unfolded much as he remembered from the anime, with Lee's ferocious taijutsu initially catching Gaara off guard. But Horyu couldn't muster any real interest. Lee's passionate display, his removal of the weights, and his subsequent unleashing of the Hidden Lotus – it all felt like an overdone spectacle. 'Just get it over with,' Horyu thought, his impatience growing.

Gaara, meanwhile, responded with increasing brutality, his sand defense transforming into a tool for ruthless offense. The fight reached a crescendo, Lee pushing his body beyond its limits, but to Horyu, it was all pointless. Lee was merely dancing on the edge of self-destruction, while Gaara was a hair's breadth away from unleashing his full, deadly potential.

As the battle reached its critical moment, with Gaara ready to deliver a potentially crippling blow, Kazekage Rasa's voice cut through the tension. "Enough," he uttered softly from his seat. It was a simple command, yet it resonated with an authority that even Gaara couldn't ignore. The murderous intent in Gaara's eyes flickered and died down as he abruptly ceased his attack and walked away from the battered form of Lee.

Horyu exhaled in relief, not out of concern for Lee, but because the tiresome charade was finally over. He glanced around the arena, noting the mixed expressions of shock, relief, and in some cases, disappointment. 'What a farce,' he thought cynically.

Hayate announced the next battle with clear authority, "Hinata of Team 8 vs. Hakuha of Team Mist." The arena, still buzzing from the previous matches, quieted down as the two contestants made their way to the stage. Hinata, with her gentle yet determined demeanor, stepped forward, her Byakugan already activated. Across from her, Hakuha, a kunoichi known for her lethal combination of Mist and Genjutsu techniques, assumed a stance that spoke of her confidence and readiness.

The match began with Hakuha initiating her signature technique. A dense, obscuring mist started to spread across the arena, reducing visibility to near-zero. The audience leaned forward, trying to peer through the enveloping fog. Hakuha's strategy was clear – use the mist to disorient Hinata and then strike with precision.

However, Hinata's Byakugan rendered Hakuha's mist ineffective. The Hyūga heiress could see through the mist with absolute clarity, her eyes tracking every movement, every shift in chakra within the fog. Hinata remained calm and collected, her stance unwavering amidst the swirling mist.

Hakuha, unaware of the futility of her technique, moved stealthily through the mist, trying to close in on Hinata for a decisive strike. She combined her mist with subtle Genjutsu, creating auditory illusions to throw Hinata off balance. But Hinata, guided by her Byakugan, was not fooled.

As Hakuha lunged from the mist, aiming a silent strike at Hinata, the Hyūga heiress countered with swift precision. Hinata's palm struck forward, her Gentle Fist technique targeting Hakuha's chakra points. Hakuha's movement faltered, her strike missing its mark as Hinata's chakra disrupted her flow.

Hakuha, realizing her usual tactics were ineffective, switched to a more direct approach. She formed hand seals rapidly, launching water needles from the mist, aiming them at Hinata with deadly accuracy. But Hinata, her Byakugan foreseeing each trajectory, evaded with graceful movements, her training in the Hyūga taijutsu evident in her fluidity.

The crowd watched in silent awe as Hinata danced through the mist, her movements a blend of elegance and lethal efficiency. Hakuha, growing increasingly frustrated, intensified her attacks, the mist swirling more aggressively around them.

Hinata, however, remained undeterred. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, centering herself, then reopened them, her Byakugan glowing more intensely. With a deep breath, she launched into a series of swift, controlled attacks.

Using her Byakugan to guide her, Hinata struck at Hakuha's chakra points, each hit precise and debilitating. Hakuha tried to counter, but her movements were growing sluggish, her chakra pathways getting blocked by Hinata's relentless assault.

Finally, with a swift rotation, Hinata unleashed her Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms. The audience gasped as Hinata's hands moved in a blur, striking Hakuha with pinpoint accuracy. Hakuha, overwhelmed, could no longer maintain her techniques. The mist dissipated, revealing Hinata standing resolute, her eyes calm but fierce.

Hakuha, now visibly weakened and unable to continue, conceded defeat. Hayate, impressed by the display of skill, announced, "Winner: Hinata of Team 8!" The arena erupted into cheers, particularly loud from Team 8's balcony, where Horyu and Shino applauded Hinata's victory.

Horyu, watching from above, nodded in approval. 'Hinata's growth is remarkable,' he thought. 'Her mastery of the Byakugan and her improved confidence have made her a formidable opponent.' His gaze shifted to Hakuha, who, despite her defeat, had shown impressive skills. 'A worthy adversary,' he mused. 'Her skills are nothing to scoff at. Too bad, the match was against Hinata.'

As Hinata returned to her team, she was greeted with smiles and congratulations. Kurenai beamed with pride. "Well done, Hinata. Your control and focus were exemplary," she praised.

Hinata, her cheeks flushed with a mix of exertion and modesty, thanked her sensei. "Thank you, Kurenai-sensei. I just did what I had to do," she said humbly.

Shino, usually reserved, added in his monotone voice, "Your application of the Byakugan was efficient. A good demonstration of your clan's techniques."

Horyu, his arms crossed, gave Hinata a small smile. "Nice job, Hinata. Your training is paying off," he said, acknowledging her progress and strength.

Hinata's eyes lit up at the praise from her teammates, especially Horyu. She nodded, a newfound confidence in her posture. "Thank you, everyone."

The next four battles unfolded in a blur, each showcasing a different set of skills and tactics.

In the match between Kurotsuchi of Team Rock and Omoi from Team Cloud, the arena witnessed a clash of Earth and Lightning Styles. Kurotsuchi, showcasing her mastery over Earth Release, manipulated the terrain to her advantage, creating barriers and launching attacks from unexpected angles. Omoi, countering with his Lightning Release, electrified his sword to slice through rock formations. Despite his agility and sharp attacks, Kurotsuchi's control over the battlefield proved overwhelming. She trapped Omoi with a cleverly disguised pitfall, securing her victory.

Sakura of Team 7 faced off against Suigetsu from Team Mist in a battle of Genjutsu and Water Style. Sakura, trained by Itachi, displayed intricate and complex Genjutsu, a significant improvement from her anime counterpart. Her illusions were detailed, effectively disorienting Suigetsu initially. However, Suigetsu's adaptability and fluid combat style, alongside his ability to transform into water, eventually broke through her illusions. He delivered a decisive blow, marking his win. Horyu noted Sakura's improved abilities but recognized that her lack of combat experience was her downfall.

Tenten from Team Guy and Temari of Team Sand's match mirrored their anime encounter. Tenten's weapon mastery was evident as she launched a relentless barrage of ninja tools. However, Temari's strategic use of her giant fan to control wind proved superior. She deflected Tenten's attacks and countered with powerful gusts, rendering Tenten's arsenal ineffective. Horyu observed, noting Tenten's wasted potential in a team that didn't complement her skill set.

The match between Kiba from Team 7 and Choji of Team 10 showcased a contrast in combat styles. Kiba, with Akamaru by his side, used his swift and aggressive Fang over Fang technique, creating a whirlwind of attacks. Choji, on the other hand, relied on his clan's Secret Jutsu: Multi-Size Technique, turning his body into a giant target hard to miss but equally hard to damage. The battle was intense, with Kiba's speed against Choji's sheer strength. In a surprising turn, Choji managed to grab Kiba during one of his high-speed attacks. Using his Human Boulder Jutsu, he immobilized Kiba, securing a victory for Team 10.

Throughout these matches, Horyu watched intently, analyzing each fighter's strategy and technique. He made mental notes, preparing for potential future encounters with these ninjas.

The final battle of the preliminary round was announced: "Shino of Team 8 vs Kankuro of Team Sand." The atmosphere in the arena tensed as the two contestants stepped forward. Shino, calm and collected, faced Kankuro, who carried a sense of theatrics with his puppeteer skills.

As Hayate signaled the start of the match, Kankuro wasted no time. He swiftly summoned his puppet, Karasu, unleashing a flurry of attacks. The puppet's arms extended, shooting sharp blades and hidden projectiles towards Shino.

Shino, unfazed, released a swarm of his kikaichū beetles. The insects buzzed forward, creating a protective barrier against the incoming attacks and slowly advancing towards Kankuro. The arena echoed with the sound of clashing metal and the buzzing of the beetles.

Kankuro, realizing his direct attacks were ineffective, maneuvered his puppet for a different strategy. He pulled on the chakra strings, and Karasu's body opened, revealing a trap designed to capture Shino.

Shino, however, anticipated this move. He calmly stood his ground, allowing a few of his beetles to form a clone of himself as a decoy. As Karasu lunged to capture the clone, Shino discreetly moved to the side, his real body hidden among the swarm of his insects.

Kankuro, believing he had captured Shino, revealed a triumphant smirk. But his victory was short-lived as the clone dispersed into beetles, revealing the trick. Kankuro's eyes widened in shock, realizing he had been outmaneuvered.

Seizing the opportunity, Shino commanded his beetles to engulf the puppet. The insects crawled into every crevice, jamming the puppet's mechanisms and rendering it immobile. Kankuro, now without his primary weapon, looked visibly rattled.

Kankuro, not one to give up easily, drew a hidden kunai and charged at Shino. But Shino was prepared; he sidestepped Kankuro's desperate attack and countered with a precise strike. He tapped Kankuro's shoulder, where his beetles had already been secretly placed.

Kankuro's movements halted as he felt the insects draining his chakra. He tried to shake them off, but it was too late. Shino's beetles had done their job, effectively draining Kankuro's chakra reserves.

But at that moment, Kankuro's facade shattered as Karasu revealed himself. With a triumphant smirk, Kankuro, now in Karasu's original place, waved his hand, dislodging Karasu's limbs to unleash a flurry of poisoned blades aimed at slicing Shino into pieces. The blades pierced through Shino, but to Kankuro's shock, his target dissolved into a swarm of insects, revealing itself as a clone. The real Shino appeared beside Kankuro, pressing a kunai against his neck.

"How?" Kankuro gasped in disbelief.

Shino responded calmly, "At the beginning, I placed a queen bug on you. All male bugs can sense the presence of the queen, no matter the distance. You cannot hide from me with simple tricks."

With that, Hayate announced Shino as the winner, concluding the preliminary round.


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