Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch101- Third Round Pairings

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The arena buzzed with excitement and murmurs of admiration for Shino's clever tactics. Horyu, observing from the balcony, nodded in approval, impressed by Shino's strategic use of his kikaichū. Hinata and Kurenai joined in the applause, their faces beaming with pride for their teammate's victory.

Looking at the winners, Shisui was satisfied. 'Seven from Konoha, two of which are Uchiha, two from Sand, and one each from Cloud, Stone, and Mist. Much better than I expected. Some matchups were favorable,' he mused internally. Addressing the crowd, he said, "Now, for the finals. As I stated earlier, they will be conducted in front of the public. Each of you represents your respective villages and clans." His gaze lingered on Sasuke and Horyu. "Show all your potential and abilities. The finals are a month from now, but don't be mistaken, this month is part of the exam too."

Sakura, puzzled, asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Shisui, his eyes shimmering with an unreadable emotion, responded cryptically, "That is for you to figure out." He then gestured towards Anko, who approached with a box. "Let's decide the matchups for the finals."

The pairings were announced:

Sasuke vs. Kurotsuchi

Gaara vs. Choji

Neji vs. Hinata

Shikamaru vs. Suigetsu

Karui vs. Shino

Temari vs. Horyu

Horyu, observing the pairings, felt a twinge of irritation. 'Temari, huh? This should be interesting,' he thought. His expression remained impassive, but internally, he was already analyzing Temari's fighting style and strategizing.

He then pondered the broader picture of the upcoming battles. 'In the next round, I will battle against the winner of the fifth battle. Shino will probably win that one. Neji will likely beat Hinata if I don't intervene. If I train her intensely for a month, I can make her win, then three of us would win our first battles. Or I can train myself to guarantee I win the whole thing.'

The question was whether to focus on his growth or aid Hinata's. 'Should I compromise by training Hinata, or solely focus on myself?' He smirked slightly, considering the challenge. 'Training Hinata would be a strategic investment. But my advancement is crucial too.'

As for the other matches, Horyu was less concerned but still observant. 'Shikamaru vs Suigetsu is full of surprises. I can't see who would win, though Suigetsu is more likely. Our emo boy, Sasuke, will probably win after an intense month-long training. So in the quarters, Sasuke will face Gaara. Winner of the third match, Hinata or Neji, will face against the winner of the fourth battle, Shikamaru or Suigetsu. And Shino against me. In the semi, who skips a match?'

His thoughts were interrupted by Kurenai's voice. "Horyu, a word?" she asked, approaching him.

He turned to face her, his expression neutral. "Sensei?"

"Hokage-sama wants you to train with Itachi again for the month to advance your Sharingan and related Genjutsu abilities," Kurenai said quietly, away from the others. Horyu raised an eyebrow, mulling over the proposition. "Hinata?" he inquired, his tone laced with a hint of concern.

Kurenai sighed, a look of resignation crossing her face. "She will be trained by her family, but since she's matched against another Konoha Genin, neither will be given preferential treatment."

Horyu clicked his tongue in mild frustration. 'That is troublesome,' he thought, his gaze drifting towards Hinata, who seemed lost in her own thoughts about the upcoming match. He gave a curt nod to Kurenai. "What about you, Sensei?"

Shaking her head, Kurenai's expression softened slightly. "Since Sakura was eliminated, I have no one to train. I'll probably be given another mission."

As Kurenai walked away, a quest notification appeared in Horyu's mind, offering him three distinct paths for the month-long preparation for the finals. Each path had its unique set of subquests and rewards, including a mysterious ??? Summon Contract. He reviewed the options carefully, his pragmatic nature assessing the best course of action.

–Path 1: Train with Uchiha Itachi

-Subquest 1: "Sharpening the Sharingan" - Achieve 30% mastery in Sharingan. Reward: Advanced Genjutsu Scroll.

-Subquest 2: "Illusionary Tactics" - Successfully execute five new Genjutsu techniques in spars. Reward: "Chakra Sensory Earrings": Enhances the ability to sense chakra fluctuations, aiding in genjutsu detection

-Subquest 3: "Mental Fortitude" - Resist Itachi's Tsukuyomi for 5 seconds. Reward: ??? Summon Contract.

–Path 2: Train Independently

-Subquest 1: "Self-Mastery" - Increase three physical stats by 5 points each. Reward: Exclusive Kunai Set.

-Subquest 2: "Intensive Taijutsu Training" - Master a new taijutsu style or technique. Reward: Armored Gloves.

-Subquest 3: "Innovative Combat" - Develop a unique jutsu or combat technique. Reward: ??? Summon Contract.

–Path 3: Train with Hinata and Shino

-Subquest 1: "Synergy Training" - Improve Hinata's Byakugan mastery to 35%. Reward: Enhanced Hyūga Clan Scrolls.

-Subquest 2: "Team Tactic Development" - Create and perfect a combined jutsu with Hinata and Shino. Reward: "Insect-Beast Fusion Scroll": A guide to combining insect abilities with other jutsu.

-Subquest 3: "The Mentor's Challenge" - Ensure Hinata's victory against Neji and Shino against Karui. Reward: ??? Summon Contract.

Horyu weighed the options. Training with Itachi would significantly boost his Sharingan and Genjutsu skills, but focusing on his own development could enhance his overall combat effectiveness. The third option, aiding Hinata, appealed to his strategic mind. Improving her skills could benefit their team in the long run.

He then checked the quests in detail. "As usual, I can complete them in tandem," Horyu thought, his eyes skimming through the objectives. The first subquest of Path 1 seemed straightforward enough, a challenge within his reach, and the reward was enticing. "Advanced Genjutsu Scroll... could be useful," he mused.

The second subquest under Path 1 also appeared manageable. "Five new Genjutsu techniques in spars? Easy. I can pull that off against Itachi, no sweat," he assessed, already planning the techniques he would use. The reward, 'Chakra Sensory Earrings,' would enhance his ability to detect chakra fluctuations, a useful tool in genjutsu detection.

However, his confidence waned as he read the third subquest of Path 1. "Resist Itachi's Tsukuyomi for 5 seconds?" he scoffed, a frown creasing his brow. "Get the fuck out of here, system." He cursed under his breath, frustration evident in his tone. "Itachi can stretch one second to years in Tsukuyomi. For Kakashi, it was 72 hours, for Izami, decades. And you want me to resist for 5 seconds? Even Kakashi was half-dead after a single second. If I try to resist for 5 seconds, I'd die. No doubt." He shook his head, dismissing the idea as ludicrous. "Also, where did I even hear Tsukuyomi? If I walked up to Itachi and said, 'hey, I know your hidden Mangekyo and abilities,' he would kill me without hesitation. I'm curious about whether the summon scroll is Crows or not, but I won't risk that. No need."

Turning his attention to Path 2, Horyu's expression softened slightly. "This is more like it. Subquest 1 is achievable, and I can use the free stats I've been holding onto, although the reward is somewhat lackluster." He contemplated the possibilities, weighing the benefits of each option.

"Subquest 2, again lackluster, but better. And the third... now that is interesting." He pondered the requirements, considering how he could meet them. "Since the quests are structured like this, I believe completing Subquest 2 won't count as completing Subquest 3. We'll see."

Finally, Horyu reviewed Path 3. "Subquest 1... That shouldn't be too hard. I don't know Hinata's mastery over her Byakugan, as Observe doesn't show it. Hopefully, it will reveal itself when I finish the quest." He considered the implications, planning how he could enhance Hinata's abilities. "Subquest 2 is straightforward. Aligns with the previous quest of coming up with a new way of communication among us. I'll try to finish that too." His thoughts then turned to the final subquest. "Now, that's a bit trickier. Ensuring Hinata's victory against Neji and Shino against Karui... We'll see how that goes."

As Horyu contemplated his choices, the arena began to empty, the ninjas and spectators dispersing to prepare for the month ahead.

Leaving the arena, Horyu arrived at his house, his mind already planning for the challenging month ahead. The quests were demanding, and time was short. He needed to focus and work harder than ever before.

--There will not be another training arc but time skip for a month...


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