Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch50- Owing Him (Killing a ShitStein Islander)

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Warning: This chapter contains graphic descriptions of violence and gore. The depicted events involve brutal actions against a character who has committed child molestation, aka a Shit Stein. If you are sensitive to such content or prefer to avoid it, please consider skipping this chapter. This chapter does not contribute significantly to the overall plot and was written for the author's personal satisfaction. Author would like state that, sorry not sorry.


First to be called was Aburame Shino. He stepped forward calmly, his expression unreadable behind his dark glasses. The bandit he faced was a hulking man, covered in scars and tattoos. Horyu, standing at a distance, used his Observe skill.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Murder, Extortion. Power: High Physical Strength, Low Intelligence.]

Shino remained stoic, releasing a swarm of his kikaichu insects. The bandit charged, swinging wildly, but Shino's insects swarmed over him, disorienting and weakening him. With precise, calculated movements, Shino struck the final blow, swiftly ending the bandit's life.

Next was Choji, who faced a lean, agile bandit. Horyu's Observe skill revealed:

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Theft, Arson. Power: Agility, Skilled in Taijutsu.]

Choji, using his clan's expansion jutsu, grew to a massive size. The bandit darted around, trying to find an opening, but Choji's sheer size and power were overwhelming. With a powerful hand, Choji crushed the bandit against the wall, his expression grim.

Sakura was called next. Her opponent was a wiry man with a sinister smile. As she stepped forward, Horyu quickly used Observe.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: [Rape, Kidnap, Hurting Children(Shitstein Island visitor), Murder, Slavery, Pimping]. Hidden Power: Genjutsu Mastery.]

Horyu's eyes widened in alarm. "Wait!" he shouted, stepping forward. Sakura turned, surprised by his outburst. "Don't fight him," Horyu commanded, his voice firm.

Sakura, confused and slightly offended, replied, "Why? I can handle this."

Horyu, glancing at the bandit, said coldly, "I want to fight him."

Sakura looked at Ibiki, her expression a mix of confusion and surprise. Ibiki, after a moment's hesitation, nodded. "Alright, kid. Show us what you've got," he said with a hint of intrigue in his voice.

Sakura stepped back, still puzzled, as Horyu advanced towards the cage. The bandit inside smirked, underestimating the young Uchiha. Horyu's expression was unreadable, his gaze fixed on his opponent.

The bandit, a hulking figure with a scarred visage, sneered at Horyu, taunting him with crude insults. "What's the matter, Uchiha boy? Afraid to face a real man?" he jeered, his voice dripping with contempt.

Horyu's response was a chilling silence. He circled the cage like a predator, his eyes never leaving the bandit. There was a methodical calmness in his movements, a stark contrast to the bandit's brash demeanor.

The spectators, including Sakura, watched in rapt attention as the standoff continued. Anko and Ibiki, observing from a distance, exchanged glances, sensing the underlying tension.

The bandit, growing impatient, lunged first, aiming a wild punch at Horyu. It was a powerful blow, but ill-considered, leaving him open for a counter-attack.

Horyu, with his enhanced agility and reflexes, easily sidestepped the attack. His movement was fluid, almost like a dance. He countered with a swift jab to the bandit's abdomen, causing him to double over in pain.

The crowd gasped as the bandit staggered, his confidence visibly shaken. Horyu's attack was precise, aimed to inflict maximum pain without causing immediate incapacitation.

The bandit, now enraged, swung wildly at Horyu, his movements fueled by fury rather than skill. Horyu deftly avoided each blow, his expression unchanged, his focus unwavering.

With each miss, the bandit's frustration grew, and his attacks became more desperate and sloppy. Horyu, on the other hand, remained calm, analyzing his opponent's movements and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

As the bandit's attacks grew increasingly desperate, Horyu's responses became more calculated and punishing. With every strike, he exacted pain, drawing out the bandit's torment. The criminal howled in agony as Horyu's fist landed squarely on his jaw, forcing him to stagger backward. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, and terror filled his widened eyes as Horyu advanced relentlessly.

Horyu's movements were methodical and precise, each blow landing with a sickening thud. The bandit's screams reverberated throughout the room as Horyu's relentless fists battered him, leaving behind deep bruises and painful welts.

As the battle raged on, Horyu's expression grew increasingly intense. His unwavering gaze remained fixed upon the bandit, while the satisfaction he derived from inflicting pain was unmistakable. It was evident that he was relishing the power he wielded over his opponent. If there was something he hated more than anything, it was shit steins like these.

Despite the bandit's feeble attempts to retaliate, his movements were sluggish and feeble. Horyu seemed to gain strength with each passing moment, and the bandit's willpower dwindled steadily.

In a desperate bid, the bandit lunged at Horyu with a knife, hoping to catch him off guard. Yet Horyu's agility and skill proved too much; he deftly parried the blade, swiftly retaliating.

The bandit's screams pierced the air as Horyu's fist connected with his chest, propelling him across the room. The bandit crashed into the wall with a sickening thud, his body collapsing to the ground.

Horyu loomed over him, his chest heaving with exertion. His gaze remained fixed upon the bandit, cold and calculating, as if he were scrutinizing a specimen.

This time, however, Horyu's expression was different. It radiated fierce determination and an unyielding desire for justice. He understood that this bandit could not be allowed die easily; he had to pay for his heinous crimes.

With a swift motion, Horyu unsheathed his blade. The bandit whimpered in fear as Horyu advanced, his eyes devoid of empathy.

Horyu's attacks took on a different tone this time. His blade was employed not just to kill but to inflict suffering. He meticulously carved into the bandit's flesh, leaving deep, jagged wounds in his wake.

The bandit's anguished screams echoed through the room as Horyu's blade sliced through his skin, leaving him writhing in pain. Yet Horyu wasn't finished; he yearned for the bandit to endure the torment he had unleashed.

With a subtle gesture, Horyu summoned a ball of fire, his mastery over the element evident. The flames danced around his fingertips as he held his hands aloft.

The bandit's terrified scream filled the room as Horyu's hands began to glow, the flames intensifying. The heat emanating from Horyu's body seared the bandit's flesh, inflicting excruciating pain.

Once more, Horyu's attacks took on a different purpose. He harnessed his control over fire to burn the bandit, intensifying his suffering. 

The bandit's agonized cries persisted as Horyu's hands closed around his throat, the flames dancing around his fingers. The searing heat seeped into the bandit's skin, causing unbearable torment.

Horyu's assaults retained their sadistic nature as he used his fire control to scorch the bandit, prolonging his agony.

The bandit, driven to desperation, resorted to Genjutsu. A wave of illusion washed over the room, eliciting gasps from the spectators. Even Anko and Ibiki were taken aback, unaware of the man's chakra capabilities.

Horyu, however, seemed unfazed. He moved with a clarity that belied the Genjutsu's effects. With a swift, decisive strike, he ended the battle, the bandit collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

In the end, it was a relief when Horyu delivered the final, fatal blow. The bandit's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, motionless. Horyu stood above him, his breathing labored. His gaze remained cold as he observed the lifeless form before him.

The spectators watched in horror as Horyu's expression grew increasingly malevolent.

Sakura stared at Horyu, her shock evident. "Did you know he could use Chakra?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief. Her eyes flickered between Horyu and the motionless body of the bandit. Her previous disdain for Horyu, influenced by Sasuke's opinion, was now muddled with a grudging respect.

Anko approached Horyu, her expression as cold as the blade he wielded. "How did you know?" she demanded, clearly perturbed by the oversight.

Horyu's gaze met hers, equally icy. "You're questioning me for your fuck-up?" he retorted sharply, his tone laced with cynicism.

Anko's jaw clenched, her anger palpable. She was about to respond when Ibiki intervened, placing a calming hand on her shoulder. "We owe you one," he said to Horyu, acknowledging the gravity of the situation they had overlooked.

Horyu nodded curtly, his expression unchanging, and walked away, leaving the scene behind.


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