Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch51- Training With Kurenai

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The test continued, each Genin facing their respective bandit. Horyu, standing to the side, used his Observe skill to assess each opponent's strengths and crimes.

Kiba faced a bandit skilled in unarmed combat. Horyu's analysis showed:

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Assault, Kidnapping. Power: Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant.]

Kiba, with Akamaru by his side, fought valiantly. His connection with his canine companion turned the tide, overwhelming the bandit with coordinated attacks.

Hinata's opponent was a seasoned thief, quick on his feet but lacking in combat skills.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Theft, Burglary. Power: High Agility, Low Physical Strength.]

Hinata, using her gentle fist technique, disabled the bandit with precise chakra point strikes, ending the fight swiftly.

She hesitated, as she looked at the fallen bandit. She turned to look at Horyu, indecisive about killing the bandit, when she felt movement behind her. Her reflexes kicked in, allowing her to escape, but she was still hit at her side. She turned to see the bandit grinning. She heard Horyu's voice, "Kill him. He deserves it, I promise." Hinata's face hardened, and she attacked with more ferocity, swiftly ending the bandit's life.

Shikamaru's turn came next. His opponent was a large man with a brutish demeanor.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Murder, Robbery, Assault. Power: High Physical Strength, Low Intelligence.]

Shikamaru, using his shadow possession jutsu, immobilized the bandit and struck a vital point, ending the fight quickly and efficiently. "What a drag," he muttered, stepping away from the lifeless body.

Sasuke faced a bandit skilled in stealth and evasion.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Espionage, Assassination. Power: Stealth Expert.]

Sasuke's Sharingan flared to life as he engaged in a fast-paced battle. With his enhanced perception, he countered the bandit's moves, striking him down with a precise Kunai on the neck. "Pathetic," Sasuke sneered, his eyes cold.

Ino's opponent was a small, wiry woman.

Ino approached her opponent with cautious steps. Unlike others, her skill set was not geared towards direct combat. She had to rely on her mind and tactics. The wiry woman, her opponent, had a sly grin on her face, underestimating the seemingly harmless kunoichi before her.

Horyu, observing from a distance, used his Observe skill, his eyes narrowing as he read the system message.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Poisoning, Blackmail. Power: Skilled in Poison Use.]

Ino took a deep breath and activated her mind transfer jutsu. The bandit's grin turned to shock as she lost control of her body. Ino, now in control of the bandit, frantically searched her pockets, finding a vial of poison. Her heart raced as she realized the gravity of the situation.

With a decision that showed her bravery and resolve, Ino forced the bandit's body to consume the poison. Then, swiftly retreating back to her own body, she watched as the bandit convulsed on the ground, the poison taking its deadly effect.

Hinata, watching from the sidelines, murmured to Horyu, "That was... intense."

Horyu nodded, his expression unreadable. "Ino did what she had to. It was a smart move."

Sakura's turn was last. Her opponent was a burly man with a menacing look.

[System Message:

Target: Bandit - Crimes: Extortion, Assault. Power: High Physical Strength.]

Sakura hesitated, her confidence faltering in the face of her daunting opponent. But then, she remembered her training and the need to prove herself. Steeling her resolve, she charged forward, her punches fueled by determination.

The bandit laughed, underestimating the pink-haired kunoichi. But Sakura's relentless assault, combined with precise chakra control and academy three jutsu, overwhelmed him. With a final, powerful punch, Sakura knocked the bandit out, his body collapsing to the ground with a thud. Then she walked with a kunai to kill the bandit quickly.

As the final bandit fell, Ibiki and Anko nodded in approval. "You've all passed the Blood Test," Ibiki announced. "You've proven your resolve and your ability to make hard choices."

Anko, her smirk still in place, added, "But remember, the shinobi world is harsh. Today was just a taste of what's to come."

The Genin, relieved yet somber, absorbed the gravity of Ibiki's words. The test had pushed them to their limits, both physically and morally.

Horyu's system interface blinked with two notifications:

Quest: Preparation for the Blood Test

Description: Get ready for the upcoming Blood Test by ensuring your team is mentally prepared, ensuring both of your teammates participate in the test, and elevating your personal skills to their peak before the test begins.


Strengthen your team's mental readiness for the impending test.

Ensure that both of your teammates complete the Blood Test.

Enhance your personal skills and abilities to their highest potential before the test commences.

Rewards: 750 exp, Advanced Chakra Control Scroll, 1500 Ryo]

[System Message: Quest - Ruthless Blood Test

Description: Under the new doctrine of Hokage Uchiha Shisui, face the ruthless three-stage Blood Test to prove your worth as a Shinobi. This test will challenge your moral boundaries and combat prowess.


Hunt down seemingly harmless rabbits as your first test of resolve.

Track and eliminate three vicious beasts known for their ferocity and danger.

Engage in a final confrontation with a notorious bandit, where you must make the ultimate decision to kill.

Failure to complete any stage or refusal to kill results in demotion to In-Village Unranked Shinobi, restricting you to clerical duties without permission to learn new Jutsu or undertake missions.

Rewards: 1000 exp, Intermediate Jutsu Scroll(D-Rank), 2000 Ryo]

Horyu checked the quests on his system interface, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his expression as a new notification flared up. "Congratulations, Quest completed. Rewards placed in inventory. You leveled up, new level, 8," the message read. He absorbed this information silently, his face betraying nothing of the inner triumph he felt.

As they exited the underground prison, Horyu found himself walking alongside Hinata and Shino. They moved toward Training Ground 8, where Kurenai awaited them. Officially Genin now, their next steps were to undergo further training and prepare for missions. 

They arrived at Training Ground 8, where Kurenai greeted them with a solemn nod. "You've passed a significant test today," she began, her tone serious. "But remember, being a Genin is just the start. The real challenges are yet to come."

"We're ready, Sensei," Horyu replied, his voice tinged with an edge of confidence.

Kurenai's gaze lingered on Horyu for a moment. "I hope so. Your first mission will be assigned soon. But first, we train. Your skills need honing, your teamwork needs strengthening."

Hinata fidgeted, her gaze on the ground. "Sensei, will all our missions be like the test today?"

Kurenai shook her head. "Not all. But as shinobi, you must be prepared for anything. Life or death decisions are part of the job."

Kurenai studied her newly minted team with a critical eye, gauging their potential and weaknesses. They had just undergone a grueling test that had pushed their limits, and now it was time to delve deeper into their individual capabilities. She decided to start with one-on-one sessions, aiming to understand each member's strengths and areas for improvement.

"Shino, you're first," Kurenai called out, gesturing towards a cleared area in the training ground. Shino nodded, his usual stoic expression betraying no hint of nerves.

As Shino stepped forward, Horyu leaned against a nearby tree, his arms crossed. He observed quietly, his eyes sharp. He knew Shino's capabilities revolved around his insect jutsu, but he was curious to see how Kurenai would test him.

Kurenai initiated the session with a series of evasion and attack drills, focusing on Shino's agility and precision. She then introduced dummy targets for him to incapacitate using his kikaichū. Shino performed with efficiency, his bugs swarming the targets with deadly accuracy.

"Good control," Kurenai noted. "But remember, unpredictability can be an asset. Don't be too methodical."

Shino nodded, absorbing her advice silently.

Next up was Hinata. Her gentle demeanor was in stark contrast to the ferocity she had shown during the test. Kurenai's approach with Hinata was different. She engaged her in close-quarters combat, testing her taijutsu and reaction time.

Hinata moved fluidly, her Byakugan activated, allowing her to anticipate Kurenai's strikes. Her gentle fist technique was precise, targeting Kurenai's chakra points effectively.

Kurenai paused, appraising her. "Your technique is sound, Hinata. But you need to be more assertive. Hesitation can be fatal."

Hinata's eyes flickered with determination. "I understand, Sensei."

Horyu's turn came last. He stepped forward, his expression unreadable. Kurenai regarded him intently. "I've seen your prowess in combat, Horyu. But I want to test your adaptability."

She launched into a series of unpredictable attacks, varying her style between ninjutsu and taijutsu. Horyu responded with equal unpredictability, showcasing his agility and strategic thinking. He parried and dodged, finding openings in Kurenai's offense to counterattack.

Kurenai finally stepped back, a slight smile on her lips. "Impressive, Horyu. You're quick to adapt and counter. But don't rely solely on reaction. Anticipation is key. Try to learn Uchiha Intercepting Style."

Horyu nodded, his gaze sharp. "Understood, Sensei."


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