Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch61- Let’s Start with Vanilla

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As they discussed the mission, Horyu considered the additional information he had gleaned from his system. 'Zabuza and Haku, huh? That adds another layer of complexity.' He knew the formidable duo from the anime, and their involvement would certainly spice things up.

Kurenai then proceeded with the mission briefing, her tone carrying a sense of seriousness. "This will be our first mission outside of Konoha, and it might last more than a month. Pack your bags and be prepared for everything. We will meet at the gate tomorrow to rendezvous with our client, and from there, we will set off."

The entire team nodded in acknowledgment, their determination evident in their expressions. They understood the significance of this mission and were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After the briefing, Hinata and Shino bid their farewells and left to make their preparations. Kurenai, on the other hand, approached Horyu and had something specific in mind. She looked at him and said, "Horyu, please stay."

Kurenai turned towards Horyu, a determined look in her eyes, indicating she had something specific to discuss. Horyu, sensing the gravity of her tone, followed her as she led the way to her home.

As they entered Kurenai's house, Horyu respectfully removed his shoes and waited in the living area. The atmosphere was tense, charged with the seriousness of their impending mission. Kurenai, her cheeks tinged with a slight blush, turned to Horyu.

"Horyu, there's something we need to discuss," she started, her voice carrying a hint of unease. "I've already briefed you about arousal and sexual Genjutsu methods. Given the nature of our mission, I believe these techniques could be essential."

Horyu nodded, his expression serious. "I understand, Sensei. It's a sensitive topic, but I'm aware of its potential usefulness in certain scenarios."

Kurenai took a deep breath, steadying herself. "Right. It's important you grasp the fundamental differences between men and women in this context. The human body responds differently based on gender, and Genjutsu can exploit these responses."

Horyu listened attentively. "So, the key is understanding the physiological and psychological triggers for each gender."

Kurenai nodded. "Exactly. For instance, in men, arousal typically involves a physical response, like an erection. It's a result of increased blood flow to the penis. This can be induced through visual stimulation, touch, or even certain thoughts and emotions."

Horyu processed the information, his analytical mind dissecting the details. "And in women?"

"In women, the response is often more complex," Kurenai explained. "Arousal can involve lubrication of the vagina, but it's also linked to a broader range of emotional and psychological factors. The clitoris plays a significant role, similar to the penis, in terms of nerve endings and sensitivity."

Horyu's expression remained focused, as he contemplated the applications of this knowledge in Genjutsu. "So, creating an illusion that triggers these responses would require a deep understanding of these physical and emotional aspects."

"Yes, and it's more than just creating a false sensation," Kurenai continued. "It's about weaving an illusion that's convincing enough to elicit a real physiological response. It's a delicate balance between the mental and physical aspects."

Kurenai's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as she broached the next topic. "There are also other effects happening during sexual intercourse. Usually, it's best to experience these to apply them accurately in Genjutsu, but well, you're still young, and I too have never experienced it, but learned from other sources. You can increase your knowledge about them and try on others to gauge how accurate your illusions are."

Horyu's expression remained impassive, but his eyes were keenly focused on Kurenai. "I understand. Go on, Sensei."

Kurenai took a deep breath, steadying herself. "During sexual arousal and intercourse, the body goes through a series of physiological changes. In men, aside from the erection, there's often an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and sometimes even a flush across the chest and neck. The testicles also elevate closer to the body."

Horyu nodded, mentally noting each detail. "And for women?"

"For women, again, the changes can be more subtle externally, but they're just as significant. There's often an increase in vaginal lubrication fluid overcharge, and the clitoris becomes engorged, similar to an erection in men. The breasts may swell slightly, and the nipples become erect. There's also a significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure."

Horyu's expression remained neutral, but his mind was racing with the implications of this knowledge for Genjutsu. "And what about the emotional and psychological aspects?"

Kurenai leaned back slightly, her eyes reflecting the depth of the subject. "Emotionally, arousal can range from a sense of excitement and anticipation to a more profound connection or intimacy. Psychologically, it can create a heightened sense of awareness, focus, or even a sort of tunnel vision where the individual becomes hyper-focused on the source of their arousal."

Horyu considered her words carefully. "So, crafting an effective Genjutsu in this context would require not just physical illusions but also tapping into the target's emotional and psychological state."

"Exactly," Kurenai confirmed. "It's about creating a believable scenario that encompasses all aspects of the experience. Remember, the goal is to elicit a genuine physiological response through illusion."

Horyu's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "So, the more detailed and encompassing the illusion, the more effective it would be."

Kurenai nodded. "But be cautious. Such techniques can be invasive and should only be used when absolutely necessary. They're powerful tools, but with great power comes great prurience."

Horyu's smirk returned, a hint of his usual sarcasm lacing his voice. "Understood. I'll use it judiciously, only when the mission demands it."

Kurenai gave him a stern look, ensuring her point was clear. "Remember, Horyu, we're shinobi, not manipulators for personal gain. These techniques are for the village's benefit."

Horyu stood up, ready to leave. "Thank you for the lesson, Sensei. It's given me a lot to think about."

As he walked out of Kurenai's house, his mind was already at work, contemplating the various ways he could apply this newfound knowledge in the field. 'Such techniques could turn the tide in a delicate mission,' he thought, his expression one of focused determination.

The streets of Konoha were quiet as he made his way home, the sun beginning to set, casting long shadows. Horyu's thoughts were on the upcoming mission to Wave Country, and the challenges it would bring. With his skills in Genjutsu, and now a deeper understanding of arousal and sexual manipulation, he felt prepared for whatever lay ahead.

Arriving at his home, Horyu settled into his usual spot, his mind already churning with the day's revelations. He leaned back against the wall, a smirk playing on his lips. "Time to dive into the world of erotica, huh?" he mused aloud. "Kakashi would probably faint from a nosebleed if he knew what's in my head."

He closed his eyes, accessing the vast repository of fictional knowledge stored in his mind. "Let's start with the basics, or should I say vanilla," Horyu muttered to himself. "Understanding physiological responses to arousal... This should be interesting."

His mind wandered through the myriad of erotica, hentai, and doujins he had mentally cataloged. "So, in most scenarios, the physical responses are pretty straightforward," he noted. "Increased heart rate, blood flow... The basics of arousal are universal."

He paused, his expression thoughtful. "But it's the emotional and psychological aspects that add complexity. The anticipation, the excitement... It's not just about the physical act; it's about the entire experience."

Horyu's eyes flickered open, a determined glint in them. "If I can weave these elements into my Genjutsu, the illusion will be much more convincing. It's about creating a complete narrative, not just a series of sensations."


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