Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch62- Who Says Erotica is not Useful?

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Horyu stood up and paced around the room, talking to himself. "So, for men, the primary response is an erection. But there's more to it. The psychological thrill, the visual stimulation... All these factors play a role."

He then shifted his focus to women. "For women, it's more about the emotional connection. Yes, there's physical arousal, but the psychological aspect is more pronounced. The sense of intimacy, the emotional engagement... That's what makes the illusion real."

Horyu sat back down, his mind racing with possibilities. "Creating a Genjutsu that encompasses all these aspects... It's a challenge, but not an impossible one."

He chuckled darkly. "Imagine the chaos I could cause with such a technique. It's a powerful tool, but Kurenai's right. It's not something to be used lightly."

His gaze turned serious. "This knowledge gives me an edge, but it also comes with danger. I need to be careful how I use it. It's a weapon, and like all weapons, it can do harm if not handled correctly."

Horyu leaned back, closing his eyes once more. "Alright, let's run through some scenarios. How would I craft an illusion that's believable? What elements would I need to include to make it convincing?"

He delved deeper into his fictional knowledge, analyzing various scenarios and their corresponding responses. "Visual cues are important. The sight of something arousing can trigger a physical response. But it's the subtlety that matters. The illusion should be suggestive, not pornographic."

He then considered the auditory aspect. "Sounds play a crucial role too. The whisper of a voice, the subtle rustle of clothing... These details add layers to the illusion, making it more immersive."

Horyu's expression turned pensive. "And then there's touch. The sensation of being touched, even if it's just an illusion, can be incredibly powerful. The trick is to make it feel real, to mimic the sensation accurately."

He paused, his brow furrowing slightly. "But how do I replicate these sensations without actual physical contact? That's the real challenge."

He pondered, "Technically, touch is a response nerves carry to the brain. Like pain, arousal. It's not different. I can imitate it." Horyu's thoughts were analytical, dissecting the intricacies of physiological and psychological responses. He knew that in Genjutsu, the key was to manipulate perception, to make the brain believe in the authenticity of the sensory inputs it was receiving.

"Arousal, then," he mused, "is not just a physical phenomenon. It's a cocktail of sensory stimulations, emotional triggers, and psychological states." He considered the various elements: the physical responses such as increased heart rate, the rush of blood, the tingling sensations, and how these could be replicated in an illusion.

"For men, the arousal response is more visible, more... immediate," he continued. "An erection is a clear sign, but there's more to it. The tightening of muscles, the quickening pulse, the flush of skin. In women, the signs are subtler, but no less real. The lubrication, the swelling, the sensitivity. All these can be replicated in Genjutsu, but it's the mental aspect that's the real game-changer."

Horyu's mind then turned to the emotional and psychological nuances of arousal. "Emotions play a huge role. Desire, anticipation, excitement, even a sense of forbidden thrill – all can heighten the arousal experience. It's not just about the physical act; it's about the entire emotional landscape that surrounds it."

As he pondered, a system message flashed in his mind, indicating his progress in the understanding of physiological responses. His mastery over these concepts had increased significantly, a testament to his focused study and analytical mind.

He studied Erotica, Doujin, Hentai in his mind for hours, and after those hours, his understanding of Genjutsu increased tremendously. Horyu's dive into the detailed and often explicit world of erotica, doujinshi, and hentai was not just a pursuit of curiosity; it was a focused, analytical exploration of the human sensory experience in the context of arousal and sexual stimulation. This immersive study was aimed at enhancing his Genjutsu skills, particularly in creating illusions that manipulate perception of physical and emotional sensations.

[System Message: Your understanding of physiological responses in Genjutsu has increased significantly.]

Basic Senses Mastery:

Sight Mastery: 48% (up from 46%)

Hearing Mastery: 46% (up from 44%)

Taste Mastery: 39% (up from 36%)

Touch Mastery: 41% (up from 34%)

Smell Mastery: 29% (up from 26%)

Secondary Senses Mastery:

Balance and Acceleration: 19%

Pain: 33%

Temperature Awareness: 12%

Kinesthesia(The sense of muscle movement): 9%

Hunger and Thirst: 17%

Time Perception: 1%

Space Mastery: 1%

Emotions Mastery: 9% (up from 4%)

Physical Response Mastery:

Arousal: 15% (up from 1%)

Sexual Acts: 14% (up from 1%)

As Horyu emerged from his intensive study, a wry smirk played on his lips. "So, that's how it works, huh?" he mused, speaking to himself. "The body's just a bunch of wires and switches. Flip the right ones, and you can make it dance to any tune."

He leaned back, considering the practical applications of his new knowledge. "In the field, this could be a game changer. A distraction, a way to extract information, maybe even a weapon." His tone was pragmatic, devoid of any moral judgment on the use of such tactics.

Horyu then thought about the upcoming mission. "The Waves of Change, huh? Sounds like a fancy name for a messy job." He contemplated the various objectives and rewards, weighing his options. "Sparing Zabuza and Haku could be interesting... but taking them down has its perks too."

His eyes narrowed as he considered the different branching decisions and outcomes. "Helping Wave Country could build some valuable alliances... but Shisui's mission might need those resources more." Horyu's approach was coldly logical, always calculating the best course of action to advance his goals.

He stood up, pacing the room. "Each choice has its consequences. Gotta play this smart." His mind raced through scenarios, plotting strategies and anticipating challenges.

Horyu then prepared his bag for the quest, methodically selecting items for the journey. As he packed, he mused to himself, "One month away from the village. That's a long time to be on the road. Good thing I have the system's inventory for food storage. Keeps things fresh without the hassle."

He chose a variety of food, ensuring a balance of nutrition and taste. "These will come in handy if we get stuck somewhere," he thought. Placing the food items into his system inventory, he then prepared a physical bag, filling it with essentials like extra clothing, ninja tools, and medical supplies.

"I can't make it too obvious that I don't need a bag," he muttered, knowing the importance of maintaining appearances. "People get suspicious over the smallest things."

With his bag ready, Horyu settled down to meditate. His mind drifted through the various scenarios he might encounter on the mission. "Zabuza and Haku... that's going to be a tricky situation to navigate. Can't be too hasty, or too cautious."

As he meditated, his chakra flowed smoothly, his control over it becoming more refined with each passing moment. He felt the energy within him, a steady, powerful current that he could tap into at will.


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