Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch68- Fooled

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The hunter-nin jumped down from the tree branch, as he took Zabuza on his shoulder, the weight of Zabuza's seemingly lifeless body a mere trifle on his shoulder. With a nod, he spoke, "Then I will take my leave. Thank you for helping Kirigakure to catch a highly dangerous missing-nin." His voice was detached, professional, as if he'd done this a thousand times before.

But before the figure could vanish into the mist, Shino's voice cut through the silence, "Sensei, isn't it standard routine for Hunter-nin to cut the head and dispose of the body?" His query, innocent yet laden with suspicion, caused a ripple of tension to pass through the group.

Kurenai's body tensed, her hand instinctively reaching for a kunai. Her eyes, sharp and focused, locked onto the masked figure. She was a seasoned shinobi, well-versed in the ways of deception and subterfuge. Shino's question had ignited a spark of doubt, a flicker of suspicion that could not be easily quenched.

Horyu felt a curse bubble up in his mind as he unsheathed Chucky, the blade reflecting his eyes that was locked on Haku. He couldn't afford to have his carefully laid plans unravel here, not when so much was at stake. But as a member of the team, he had to stand with them, to support the decisions they made, even if it meant veering off the path he had chosen.

The hunter-nin, sensing the shift in the air, paused. His voice, when he spoke, was calm, almost soothing. "I understand your concerns," he began, "but Zabuza Momochi was not just any rogue ninja. He was a Jonin of our village, a man whose body holds secrets that need to be studied and understood. We cannot simply dispose of him without analyzing those secrets for the safety and knowledge of Kirigakure."

His explanation was plausible, even reasonable, but the air of doubt lingered, thick and unyielding. Kurenai's grip on her kunai did not loosen, her eyes still fixed on the masked figure.

Horyu, standing silently with his sword at the ready, weighed his options. He could not openly speak for Zabuza, could not reveal the depth of his understanding without casting suspicion upon himself. His role was that of a Genin, a young shinobi caught in the web of greater powers. Yet, his mind raced with strategies, with plans and counterplans that danced like shadows in the mist.

The hunter-nin, perhaps sensing the group's continued skepticism, added, "I assure you, this is a matter of village security and pride. Zabuza's body will be handled with the utmost care, and all findings will be used to strengthen Kirigakure and protect against future threats. This is standard procedure for shinobi of his caliber."

Kurenai, still wary, exchanged a glance with her team. The decision lay heavily upon her shoulders, a choice between pressing the issue or allowing the hunter-nin to depart with Zabuza's body. The path they chose now could have far-reaching consequences, not just for them but for the delicate balance of power between the villages.

Before Kurenai could make her decision, the hunter-nin released a burst of chakra, chilling and oppressive. It was a silent but unmistakable warning, a display of power meant to dissuade further questioning. Shino and Hinata instinctively stepped back, the weight of the chakra pushing against them like a physical force. Kurenai, her experience as a Jonin telling her all she needed to know, realized one crucial thing: 'I cannot beat him easily.'

The hunter-nin's voice, laced with a cold authority, cut through the tension. "You are not in Konoha, so don't think I have to bow my head to you. Stop meddling in my business. I have seen your powers." His words were a clear warning, a line drawn in the mist that none dared cross.

Kurenai, her mind racing, understood the gravity of the situation. Her genjutsu, potent though it might be, would lose its edge against an opponent who was not only aware of it but also seemingly prepared to counter it. The risks of confrontation, here in the unfamiliar terrain of Wave Country, were too great. She sighed, a sound of resignation mixed with frustration. "Go," she said, her voice low and tense. She knew this might be a decision she'd regret, but the immediate safety of her team and their mission took precedence.

The hunter-nin, without another word, vanished into the mist, the weight of his presence dissipating as suddenly as it had appeared. The team was left in an uneasy silence, each member processing the encounter in their own way.

Horyu sheathed Chucky, his expression unreadable. He didn't voice his thoughts, but internally, he was analyzing every facet of what had just transpired. 'Could've been handled better,' he mused, 'but it's not over yet.'

Hinata, still slightly shaken, turned to team, seeking reassurance. "Did we... do the right thing?" Her voice was a whisper, her uncertainty clear.

Horyu glanced at her, his smirk faint but present. "In the world of shinobi, Hinata, 'right' is a matter of perspective and consequence. We did what we had to, given the situation. Don't sweat it." His words were pragmatic, devoid of judgment. Kurenai knew what they did was wrong, but what was the alternative? Her Genin and herself were already tired, and exhausted of Chakra. And the enemy, although young, was strong. Not only that, he saw their techniques, while they didn’t know the enemy at all. It was a calculated risk, but compared to the alternative, it was better than fighting.

Kurenai's gaze lingered on Horyu, her eyes narrowing in thought. "He's not dead, is he?" she murmured, her voice low enough that only Horyu could hear.

Horyu's smirk was slight but telling. "I doubt it. Because of your warning about the previous two, I opted for incapacitation over a swift kill." He shrugged nonchalantly, his tone matter-of-fact.

Kurenai exhaled a heavy sigh, her eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and understanding. She knew something was amiss with the appearance of the Hunter-nin. His timing was too impeccable, too convenient. She also understood Horyu's choice to spare Zabuza. It was her own directive to prioritize information over immediate termination that had influenced his decision. If only she had known it would unfold like this, she might have advised differently. But regret was a luxury they couldn't afford now.

Hinata and Shino rejoined them, their expressions a blend of concern and resolve. The encounter had shaken them, but it was clear they were ready to continue the mission.

"Sensei, what's our next move?" Hinata asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Kurenai took a moment to collect her thoughts. "We stick to the plan. Our priority is protecting Tazuna-san and ensuring the completion of the bridge. Let's keep moving."

The team resumed their journey, the weight of the recent encounter hanging heavily in the air. Tazuna, who had been silent throughout, finally spoke up. "I... I didn't realize what being protected by shinobi meant. I'm sorry for doubting you kids."

Shino glanced at him with a solemn expression. "Doubt is natural, Tazuna-san. Just know that we're here to see this through."

The journey to Tazuna's home was long and arduous, but uneventful. They reached the modest house by evening, the sun casting long shadows over the landscape. Tazuna's family welcomed them, their gratitude evident despite the undercurrent of fear and uncertainty that permeated the air.


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