Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch69- Water Walking

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*There will be a small training arc then final battle.


That night, as they settled in for a brief rest, Horyu found himself sitting outside, gazing at the stars. The events of the day replayed in his mind, each decision, each action scrutinized and analyzed. He knew that the choices they made in the coming days would shape the outcome of their mission and, potentially, their futures.

Kurenai joined him, her presence a silent comfort. "You did well today, Horyu," she said, her voice soft but sincere.

Horyu sighed, staring into the night sky, a canvas of stars overhead. "I could have done better," he admitted, his voice a low murmur carried away by the breeze. "I punctured his kidney, so although he won't come back at least for several weeks, he will come back. If not for his mission, for you and me." His words hung in the air, a testament to the hard truths of their shinobi world.

Kurenai, sitting beside him, nodded slowly. She knew the gravity of what had transpired. Zabuza's defeat was temporary, a respite rather than a resolution. "He'll want revenge," she said quietly, "for his pride, if nothing else."

The two sat in silence, the weight of their decisions and the battles ahead pressing down on them. Kurenai broke the silence with a firm resolve. "From tomorrow onward, we are starting a heavy training regimen. I will follow Tazuna-san to the bridge, while you will be in charge of the team." Her eyes met Horyu's, her gaze unwavering. "I will give you the training plan. We have a few weeks, and you have to train hard."

Horyu's response was a curt nod. He understood the necessity of their preparation, the need to sharpen their skills for the challenges ahead. Kurenai's trust in his abilities was evident, a responsibility he didn't take lightly.

The following morning arrived with a sense of urgency. Tazuna's family watched with a mix of awe and anxiety as the team prepared for their rigorous training. Kurenai outlined the plan, a series of drills and exercises designed to push them to their limits.

As Kurenai left with Tazuna for the bridge, Horyu turned to Hinata and Shino, his expression serious. "Listen up," he began, his voice carrying a commanding tone. "The next few weeks will be tough, but necessary. We're not just training for ourselves; we're training to protect others. Remember that."

Hinata nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. Shino, ever stoic, simply replied, "Understood."

He then added, "You both completed tree-walking training, right?" Hinata nodded, having practiced alongside Horyu and under her family's tutelage. Shino too affirmed, indicating his clan had imparted the same training. "Good," Horyu nodded approvingly. "Then let's take it up a notch." He led them to a nearby river, where the water's gentle flow mirrored the day's calmness. "The third, and final Chakra Control exercise is Water Walking. It's tougher than tree walking. On a tree, the Chakra required under your feet remains constant. On water, it's different. The surface moves, the Chakra needed changes. This makes the practice much harder."

Hinata and Shino eyed the water, understanding the challenge that lay before them. Horyu's demeanor was serious, his expectations clear. "We'll start with the basics. Focus your Chakra to the soles of your feet. Feel the water's flow, its rhythm. Your Chakra needs to match that, to adapt constantly."

The two nodded, stepping tentatively onto the river's surface. Hinata wobbled, her concentration evident as she tried to balance. Shino was more composed, but the shifting water tested even his stoic resolve. Horyu watched, his eyes sharp, noting every misstep, every correction they made.

He too climbed onto the water and started to practice. Although he was there to teach them, he wasn't necessarily better. In fact, he was arguably worse. While he managed to stay atop the water, his ankles dipped with every shift beneath his feet. To enhance their training, Horyu initiated a conversation. If their focus broke simply by talking, it meant they wouldn't be able to fight while maintaining Chakra control, which defeated the entire purpose of the training.

"Hinata, any questions?" he asked, his tone casual but with an underlying sharpness. Hinata, caught off guard by his sudden query, nearly toppled into the water but quickly stabilized herself. After regaining her balance, she asked, "Why did you say this was the final Chakra Control training? It can't be the limit since, as Genin, we are able to train it. There must be a level above this."

Horyu grinned, a hint of appreciation in his voice. "Quite astute, Hinata. There are indeed levels above what we will reach once we master Water Walking. But such control is beyond the basics and requires more than simple exercises. Most jutsu don't need that extreme level of control, and honestly, most shinobi never reach the point where they can practice such advanced techniques. So, they focus their efforts elsewhere."

Shino, his gaze fixed on the gently flowing water beneath him, then asked, "Then this is not the last training?"

Horyu nodded, his feet making minute adjustments to stay atop the water. "True, my words weren't entirely accurate. This is the last basic training that we, or rather I, will get freely. Beyond this, it gets more complex, more demanding. I assume as we rank up, we'll learn more advanced methods, but they're not the kind of skills you pick up from books. Saying 'I read a lot' won't cut it."

Shino frowned, the question lingering in the air between them. "You are an Uchiha, right? One of the noblest clans in the village. Why do you say you won't easily get it? Your words imply we can when you can't."

Sighing, Horyu stabilized himself on the water's surface, his gaze fixed on the river's gentle flow. "You two are heirs of your clans, destined to assume leading roles someday. You'll get techniques and training even if you don't seek them out," he began, his tone matter-of-fact. "I'm not comparing our circumstances. I'm stating the obvious. I, on the other hand, am an orphan. Without proving my worth, nobody will give me anything. That's the cold truth of this world. Until a few months back, no one in our class would even talk to me. You remember, don't you?"

His voice grew colder, a hard edge creeping into his words. While Hinata would talk to him, she was the only one. Shino, despite never insulting him, never made an effort to befriend him either. But Horyu understood this was Shino's character, not a personal slight. After all, unlike others, Shino never insulted him.

"Anyway, without constantly proving myself and standing out, I can't access better techniques. And if I can't get better techniques, I can't improve. See the conundrum?" Horyu's voice carried a mix of resignation and determination.

Hinata shifted uncomfortably, her gaze sympathetic. "But Horyu, you've already proven so much. Surely the village..."

Horyu cut her off with a sharp wave of his hand. "The village sees results, Hinata, not potential. I've yet to show them what I can truly do. And until I do, I'm on my own." His voice was hard, a reflection of the harsh lessons he'd learned growing up alone.

They practiced in silence for a while, the only sounds the gentle lapping of water against their feet and the distant call of birds. Horyu's focus was absolute, his mind working through the nuances of Chakra control. Hinata and Shino, inspired by his intensity, followed suit, pushing themselves harder.

After several minutes, Horyu broke the silence. "Let's take a break," he said, stepping back onto the riverbank. Hinata and Shino joined him, their expressions a mix of fatigue and satisfaction.


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