Gamer System in Uchiha World[Completed]

Ch70- New Taijutsu

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As Horyu took a break from the intense water-walking exercise, a familiar sensation flickered before his eyes: the System message. The message was clear and to the point:

[System Message: 'Chakra Control(Advanced)' skill increased to Level 2. Chakra efficiency improved.]

He was a step into the advanced Chakra Control, but a long way away from mastering the water walking. Horyu couldn't help the smirk that crept onto his face. 'One step closer,' he thought, a sense of satisfaction warming him from within. It was a small victory, but in the shinobi world, every little bit of strength counted.

Shino was the first to notice Horyu's contemplative state. "Something on your mind, Horyu?" he asked, his voice as neutral as ever, but not without a hint of curiosity.

Horyu shrugged, the smirk still playing on his lips. "Just thinking about the next steps. We've got to ramp up the intensity if we're going to be ready for what's coming." His voice was casual, but the underlying determination was clear as crystal.

Hinata nodded, her expression serious. "I know I need to improve my stamina and reaction time. The Byakugan gives me an edge, but I can't rely on it alone."

"And I," Shino added, "need to further synchronize with my kikaichū. They are my strength, and our unity is vital."

Horyu listened, his eyes flickering with approval. "Good. Self-awareness is the first step to improvement."

It was still early, and the cool air of the morning whispered promises of a strenuous day ahead. Horyu, his gaze fixed on the river they had just practiced upon, decided a change in their routine was necessary. "Let's shift gears," he announced, his tone brooking no argument. "Chakra control is crucial, but so is physical endurance. We're going to work on that now."

"Among all of us, only Hinata primarily focuses on Taijutsu. Shino has his clan jutsu, and my focus is on Genjutsu at the moment. But Taijutsu is one of the most important branches of Jutsu. It not only strengthens our bodies but also our Chakra." He looked at them, his gaze sharp. "We all have different Taijutsu styles, so let's spar and try to find each other's weaknesses. This will be more useful than simple training."

Hinata nodded, her Byakugan already active, veins bulging around her temples. "I understand. Let's do this." Her gentle demeanor was replaced by the intensity of a warrior ready for battle.

Shino, in his typical stoic manner, simply adjusted his glasses and assumed a ready stance. "Very well. Let's begin."

Horyu moved first, his body a blur as he launched towards Shino with the Uchiha Intercepting Style he had copied from Sasuke's movements. Though he had yet to create a skill in the System, his movements were precise and efficient, a testament to his keen observational skills and natural aptitude.

Shino, anticipating the attack, sidestepped with surprising agility, his body flowing like water. He countered with a series of quick, sharp strikes aimed at Horyu's vital points. But Horyu was ready; he parried and dodged, his own counters swift and calculated.

Hinata, not one to be left out, joined the fray. Her Hyuga style was fluid and graceful, a dance of palms that struck with pinpoint accuracy. She moved between Horyu and Shino, her attacks a whirlwind of motion that forced them to adapt rapidly.

Horyu was the first to strike, launching a series of fast, precise punches aimed at Shino's torso. His fists moved with a speed that belied his typically reserved demeanor, each strike a blur aimed with deadly intent.

Shino, however, was no easy target. His body swayed with an almost supernatural fluidity, dodging each punch with barely an inch to spare. He countered with his own rapid-fire jabs, each one targeting Horyu's vital points with clinical accuracy. The air around them seemed to crackle with tension, the sound of their fists slicing through the air a constant, rhythmic beat.

Hinata, watching for her opening, finally saw it when Horyu overextended a punch. She moved like water, her body flowing into the gap with the precision of a master. Her palms struck out. The Hyuga's gentle fist was a thing of beauty, a series of soft yet powerful strikes aimed at Horyu's chakra points, designed to disrupt and disable.

Horyu grunted, feeling the impact of Hinata's strikes. He hadn't expected such a swift and coordinated attack, but he wasn't about to let it stop him. Gritting his teeth, he focused his chakra to his feet, steadying himself against the disorienting effect of Hinata's attacks.

He called in his mind, 'A little longer!' His usage of the Uchiha Intercepting Style was weak, but he knew the System was about to create the skill. Once it did, he would gain insight on the basics and be able to better use it.

The air around them was charged with a tense energy as Horyu, Hinata, and Shino engaged in their intense Taijutsu spar. Horyu, driven by a blend of determination and a touch of impatience, pushed his physical limits, his fists and feet moving in a rapid, relentless assault. Each strike, though lacking the finesse of a mastered technique, was delivered with a sharp precision born of his innate analytical mind.

Shino, calm and collected, responded with a series of fluid movements that belied his usually stoic demeanor. His arms and legs moved like tendrils of smoke, weaving an intricate dance of defense and counterattack. His strikes, though less aggressive than Horyu's, were no less dangerous, targeting pressure points and weak spots with a surgeon's precision.

Hinata was a vision of focused grace. The gentle fist style was executed with a beautiful yet deadly efficiency. Each palm strike, soft yet powerful, sought to disrupt Horyu's chakra flow, to throw him off balance and open him up for more decisive blows.

The training ground echoed with the sounds of their confrontation, a symphony of grunts, thuds, and the rustle of leaves underfoot. Horyu, feeling the pressure of Hinata's chakra-targeting strikes and Shino's evasive maneuvers, gritted his teeth in frustration. 'Need to push harder,' he thought, feeling the burgeoning skill within him, just on the cusp of awakening.

His eyes narrowed, focusing on Shino's movements, predicting, analyzing. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance between them, his fist aimed squarely at Shino's midsection. But Shino, ever the tactician, had anticipated the move. He sidestepped, his hand reaching out to redirect Horyu's momentum and send him stumbling forward.

Horyu, however, was not so easily thwarted. Twisting his body, he turned the stumble into a roll, coming up behind Shino with his leg sweeping out in a low arc aimed at his ankles. Shino jumped, narrowly avoiding the sweep, but as he landed, Hinata was there. Her palms struck out in a rapid barrage, each one hitting a chakra point and causing Shino to stagger.

Horyu didn't waste the opportunity. Springing from his crouched position, he launched a flurry of punches at Shino, each one a little more accurate, a little faster than the last. He could feel the skill solidifying within him, the movements becoming more natural, more instinctive.

Shino, though caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, quickly regained his composure. His hands moved in a blur, deflecting Horyu's punches, his own strikes slipping through Horyu's defense to land impactful blows against his torso. The air around them was thick with the sound of their battle, a relentless exchange of skill and strength.

Hinata, not to be outdone, moved in to support Shino. Her Byakugan gave her a near-perfect awareness of the battlefield, allowing her to strike at Horyu from angles he wasn't expecting. Her gentle fist was a whisper of wind, a soft touch that belied the disruptive force it carried.

Horyu, now fighting on two fronts, felt a thrill of excitement. This was what he craved, the challenge, the push to exceed his limits. He ducked under a palm strike from Hinata, feeling the wind of it pass over his head, and countered with a spinning kick aimed at her side. But Hinata was already moving, flowing back like water to avoid the strike.

Then, a sweet melody reverberated in Horyu's mind, a system notification that sang of progress and power: [Due to repeated usage, the Taijutsu Uchiha Intercepting Style Acquired]. A grin spread across Horyu's face, his demeanor shifting. He became more poised, more precise. As he charged forward, he opened the system interface to glance at the description of his newly acquired skill, now at Level 1:

[Uchiha Intercepting Style (Level 1): A Taijutsu style unique to the Uchiha clan, focusing on swift, precise strikes and counters. Enhances agility and reaction speed. Increases effectiveness of dodging and countering enemy attacks.]


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